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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. You might get it. A noon fix won't be a great ganking tool. Right now the priorities are set. New things will have to be considered at a later stage.
  2. They didn't initially and were rather hesitant about it. People nagged and nagged to get it.
  3. The whining about terrible DLC ships ruining NA started two years ago even before herc and req were a twinkle in your eye. There are concerns I have sympathy towards, but these "on principle" complainers I skim past and read the posters without tunnelvision. This is why I was pro-premium two years ago and remain pro-DLC ship today. Also a reason I support DLC ships. Some posters think eco and crafting is more important and would have those people excluded rather than providing eco bypass.
  4. But that's what we got when vets kept on going there to cherry pick newer guys. "You gather all the eggs in one basket and, well... Blow up the basket."
  5. To those who want real star map so they can navigate or get position fix using stars; How's that going to work out in our (thankfully) super-speed night?
  6. Don't tease me like that, I'm weak and can't handle it! It's just too good to be true: Daily duel patrol for whenever I have time to log in? A frikkin wet dream!
  7. Well, a group has always been able to go and start their own fun, in OW and zones alike. If you demand that groups should be able to crash and unbalance existing fights I'm going to fight you on that. Ganking will exist in patrols even if we get br limits. Limits won't apply until after initial tag timer.
  8. This is so frustrating! If we can't have anti-gank measures for long timers and growing fights; I'd rather have normal ow RoE in normal patrol zones We haven't tried BR limits in the zones, it could turn out great with little block/FF griefing. I look forward to duel patrols, but I'm greedy and want guaranteed fun more than once a week.
  9. Lel I'm going to wait to a bit after release of OW and then start sweet-talking to get Legends back on track.
  10. Aaargh! FF is "easy" because because you could have auto systems of various kinds to deal with that, well, if you want to. Blocking is more tricky, though. Maybe there would be an epidemic of groups griefing teammates to save their friends' bacon? I can be persuaded that people would do this in an attempt to avoid loss. But to get out they would have to sit out the timer and during that time others may come into the fight and make it very hard for the shenanigans to succeed. Is it more frustrating to be blocked or otherwise hindered than to get ganked by late joiners? Maybe? I'm just scared we're throwing the baby out with the bathwater because of (hopefully) occasional griefing incidents in patrol zones. Would it hurt to test BR entry limits in current patrol zones? We could quickly get an idea of how bad the potential griefing could become. It is possible the positive effects of equal sides battles far outweigh the negative griefing potential.
  11. It is possible. If we're going to introduce anti-gank stuff we need a plan to handle a group coming to an existing battle.
  12. Something like this would be great.
  13. No, you misunderstand. There will not be limits on first tag in normal patrol zones. We suggest limits when joining existing battles so they don't grow lopsided but rather somewhat equal and large. Within the first two minutes of first tag you're free to gank your heart out, even in "manufactured" patrol zones. Special duel patrol zone would ofcourse be solo content.
  14. You have set the bar in a place the buses don't go.
  15. Hm... What ship are you picturing yourself in? I don't play all the time so I've only had one brush against a herc, and that was me in a shop frigate against herc and boarding requin. Can a herc really sterncamp someone like you in a proper frigate? Say it ain't so...
  16. Hehe, I needed this. Might have to do a printout or something...
  17. We can't care for people who get mad for getting PvP on the way to a PvP zone. Maybe he wanted guaranteed doubloons for damage but you forced him to fight for it in normal OW. This is so ok, purpose completed and not defeated.
  18. What has bothered me the most is people going in dreadfleets and stomping everything. With normal OW timers dreadfleets can be avoided by keeping your eyes peeled and mindful tagging. In patrols they may descend upon a duel or small fight after five, ten or thirty minutes. People seek to avoid loss so those battles are very rarely reinforced, a common thing is for others to join the strong side to stay safe. Even if people trickle in they tend to reinforce the already stronger side, so big fights up to the BR limit haven't been very common. Patrol zones intention The zones are meant for fighters. People going in shouldn't be concerned with losing their ship, only fighting and damage done is the ideal. They should promote big fights. The zones should be a place where people don't come up on closed battles as can be the case in OW. People shouldn't expect to win but they should expect a challenging, fun and possibly big fight. Patrol zones could be an alternative to OW play which mainly revolves around "winning the war", "assymetrical warfare" and privateering. Suggestions Besides big port battles patrol zones could offer the gameplay that looks like that in the promo videos. Port battles are end-game content that not everyone can easily access or afford, but patrol zone play has a far lower threshold. We should keep long timers to avoid the "closed battle" frustration. Let there be BR entry limits to promote equal sides and thus challenge and fun for all involved. Long timers and BR entry limits should enable big fights. Growing and equal sides fights should take precedence over people's desire to play together in groups. A group coming to an open patrol zone fight should be prepared to be split in order to satisfy the BR entry limits. (This may pose a technical challenge with people clicking synchronized? We can discuss technical solutions if it comes to that.) First tag mechanics should stay as they are in OW to enable groups to start new fights in the zones. I'm very positive to special patrol zones with leaderboards. I focus on normal patrol zones because I can't arrange my life around what happens in game and when it happens. I may not be a so called casual player, but my time investment over the duration of a given week is very much casual. If 1v1 patrols pop up almost daily I would be all over that whenever I have available playtime. I want to shoot at ships as much as possible, all other concerns are completely secondary and patrol zones without ganking are a perfect match for someone like me. Comments Secondary PvP opportunities outside the zones is not a problem. A "bloodbath" along the ingress/egress of the zones is a good thing that provides PvP content to people who don't like the patrol zones ideals: Rojo and myself have diametrically opposing philosophies regarding "real PvP", but patrols could provide for both. ^So be it. Some people may get frustrated. But if you read the description of the patrol zone you should expect to lose your ship. I would be thrilled to be "griefed" in this manner as I would get back to back duels until repairs are gone. The Pvp/time ratio would be fantastic and I would get a ton of practice. You will get 1v1 fights but you may not keep control over how they happen. It's an ok idea if it happens in addition to regular and reliable patrol zones. I would get bummed to wait for a patrol zone that might not happen or happen in a place outside of my limited outpost reach. Also keep in mind some of us don't need "meaning", PvP is meaning upon itself. EXACTLY!!!
  19. It's weird for me to hear that. My inner wishes are very far from being fulfilled. Though, whatever nonsense is being thrown at me this game has that fantastic pvp that very few games can offer, so I linger on. If we get anti-gank patrol zones you would be right in saying my wishes are heard. Lobby content just got canned so that hope got squashed.
  20. I know. I have the herc but haven't used it because it would be OW hunting easy mode. Just curious how hopeless a trinco captain would have to be to lose to a herc... Or is @RedNeckMilkMan right?
  21. So you know the power of the herc without having sailed it? I'm always open for duels without having to prove something on the internet. I'd love to fight in whatever ship because I'm desperately behind on my practice.
  22. There is a contingent of forum posters that have asked that big ships would be a "clan effort" a lot like they say EvE ("the greatest sandbox on earth") is set up. I haven't heard from them lately, or maybe they're just quiet because they're happy? I feel for you if you absolutely have to sail a big tub. I'm super happy, though, because frigates are fun and I've suffered under the OW Bellona meta we've had.
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