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  1. You will see Greek theater masks on the player info screen in OW.
  2. Its going to be a huge game changer for blobs. Players will start to appreciate why you need a line . No more turning someone into a wind as well but a server needs to be tested first - wind shadow is a very complex server intensive feature.
  3. i think you are trying to twist facts the wrong way and perhaps hypocritical as there is plenty of criticism on this forum and we only ban assholes. Just check comments on the timber prices.
  4. Steam reviews work both ways.
  5. This is from old old articles of war (that had to be upheld in the navies) https://www.hmsrichmond.org/rnarticles.htm
  6. There is even a video on the internetz. They say we ban (some people on some outside of the game forums) and have DLCs and have more dlcs than before we had launched on steam. We can do whatever necessary with the game. You can do whatever necessary with valve reporting system. Valve will make the right decision.
  7. If any letter of message from any enemy or rebel, be conveyed to any officer, mariner, or soldier or other in the fleet, and the said officer, mariner, or soldier, or other as aforesaid, shall not, within twelve hours, having opportunity so to do, acquaint his superior or a commanding officer, or if any superior officer being acquainted therewith, shall not in convenient time reveal the same to the commander in chief of the squadron, every such person so offending, and being convicted thereof by the sentence of the court martial, shall be punished with death, or such other punishment as the nature and degree of the offense shall deserve, and the court martial shall impose.
  8. Yes we understand. Global is too toxic and needs to be removed. Its better to build national unity. Global for neutrals! never say never. people attacked us for 4th rates (which were always promised since 2013 and always planned) we decided that we are free from any promises then.
  9. We want the power to cost more. The 7 day timer to build a first rate is probably not needed (maybe). But a high ticket in achievable reals is a balanced solution. Reals are not hard to get. Sorry but previous price of first 104k and then 300k and then 600k and even 1.5 mln reals is a silly price for 104 gun dps. This is a final view. Its a road that we will stick to.
  10. Thanks for reminding about global chat. I forgot that we planned to removed it based on several players feedback.
  11. main post updated
  12. you are incorrect. Joining battles breaks your reputation turning you from the neutral into a normal combat player.
  13. Seasoned wood is free with some risk. Mindless Clicking buttons in crafted buildings will become MORE AND MORE AND MORE expensive over time. Cannon Crafting might have progression some day too and that will be based on testing guns in combat - because how else would you know if they are good and learn new tricks in making better cannons.
  14. 30 mln real first rate is more proper than 600k first rate. Some newcomers come, some stay, those who stay need multiple goals. 600k first rate is not a goal. Those who cannot learn to shoot guns without instructions and cant learn basic controls themselves without chewing little details for them - They are not even sent to open world thanks to new mission design and are cut off at the door. This is a harsh world. Not for everyone. Thanks for attention.
  15. Grind is good. It should be in all games with progression. Crew will have progression and player character will have some skills as well that will level up perks. Workers will be hired, and will require accommodations just like crew. The empire is on the verge of success. Soon peace and order will be restored throughout the galaxy. PS. Chance of wind shadow 33% (up from 3%)
  16. This is called an evolving game.
  17. it will work as if you are playing on the Peace server but with a risk of being attacked
  18. port battles are honorable activity and neutral reputation will not be affected by port battles.
  19. Reputation mechanics do not affect NPCs.. You are free to attack any NPC still and Patrols will still chase you even if you are neutral.
  20. Bridgetown and Saint joseph for malabar and rangoon Oranjestad and Fort Baai for African teak If these ports are not capturable and british - better report the bug by F11.
  21. It is absolutely necessary to bring proper power progression into the game. Better timber = more expensive. Simple example with teak It will continue with other mechanics.
  22. заработок тут не причем. Бочки возить не надо - надо идти в пвп. Убийство триньки в среднем дает 1323 дублона если продавать дублоны по 133, то можно торговать реже. ходовый тик больше не ходовый. Базовые ель и дуб теперь ходовые for the unseasoned timber 10 - basic timber - cheap and ok 500 - good timber - better 1000 - heavy frame timber 10000 - rare timber The best time to add a normal MMO power progression (additional power cost is exponential) was 2 years ago Second best time to add it is now.
  23. Captains Here is brief information on the next large update. DELAYED Karma/Reputation system update The goal is simple - to provide some form of neutrality and reduce amount of negative exploits that happen because of ability to join battles for other nations Implementation Positive reputation All players will start with positive reputation. They will be able to enter all ports on the map in any ship, will be able to build buildings and outposts. They will be allowed to participate in honorable activities like defend themselves from any attack, or join port battles for their nation to defend it - honorable activities. Only defensive activities or port battles are allowed for such players. In short: players who play defensively will experience gameplay similar to the Peace server. Standard (current reputation) If they attack the enemy player of another nation the reputation with that nation will drop to standard (combat rep) and the player will experience the game the way it plays now on the War server. He will be able to enter enemy ports in a trading ship, but won't be able to craft there. Negative reputation (false flag karma) If the player joins the battle for ANOTHER nation for example against another nation (under false flag) - his reputaiton against that nation drops to negative. Example: British player joins the battle on the Swedish side against Spain. His reputation against spain will drop and he will no longer be able to join Spanish side in the future, and potentially won't be able to use spanish ports in any vessel. 3 reputation levels will be shown on map. Map will have a button allowing player to reset his reputation to positive by paying a very large sum of doubloons. This feature will allow true neutral trader crafter gameplay, will bring persistence to some decisions and will reduce alts or friends abuse in battles. Battle sails and wind mechanics update Wind works on sails proportionally and is not linear. First 100m of sail area has most effect on speed. Last 100 m of sail area has least effect on speed. It works the same with damage - losing first 50% of sails will NOT lose you 50% of speed. This will make battle sails work historically allowing players to retain speed and maneuverability. It is time to make the sailing model even better by adding this into the game. Graphical update for some national towns Several national towns will receive a visual overhaul. Battle Flags. Long overdue flags will be added to the game. Discuss Chance of wind shadow just increased by 30% from 3%. Time to practice station keeping with @Charles Caldwell Update Test bed will be set up soon for testing Wind shadow experiment New penetration and gun rebalance New more realistic wind power mechanics All other things with the exception of reputation The "Missing Link" patch announcement will be provided later today or tomorrow. Reputation systems delayed in full and might only appear in a cut form after the patch, after deeper consideration of their effect on the game.
  24. Hotfix 23rd July Timber stats updated. Google doc with timber stats updated Acceleration for all ships reduced to cover for acceleration inflation Base Speed for all ships reduced by 7% across the board to cover for speed inflation. Prices for base timbers updated to better correspond to the in game economy Tuned the Home defense fleets logic so they do not venture far from assigned patrol zones (please report if you see them elsewhere again) Conquest flag now can drop from the flag carrier as loot (so you can claim a small reward in the admiralty) Solo NPCs are added to the patrol zones (this will slightly improve situation in the patrol zones on the Peace server as well as will add some targets on the War server) Reduced the time to attack to 5 seconds (experimental) - from previous 8 seconds - This is experimental - please report if it causes issues Increased the attack circle by 50m to cover potential minor desync issues Fixed the problem that did not assign the owner to the conquest flag due to certain actions in port
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