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  1. i need to talk to you in private)))
  2. Coming next week.
  3. Whats being discussed in Russian 47 flags dropped but there were a lot less Port battles. As there is no point. Expectations that players will try to take leveled up ports for free has not delivered, as players believe (and know) that it will hurt ecosystem more. Overall Ostasia should fight Oceania on the periphery and get rewards for winning port battles without affecting invested ports. Invested ports can still be captured in theory, but people prefer war over victory. Changes needed to victory mark allocations and probably a reward/quest is needed for won port battles (ignoring potential port trading for quests) There should be an alternative to get port bonuses from leveling individual crafting skill instead of the port.
  4. Так а чего строить предположения. Факт налицо. Велосипед изобрести сложно заново. Ультима онлайн, archeage - таже проблема - после застройки нечего делать и нет смысла другим ломать. Необходима награда за само выигранное пб как таковое. Отбирать прокачанный порт - не выгодно для экосистемы. Остазия воюет с Океанией на периферии а столицы неприкосновенны. Ожидания что нации будут воевать за уже прокачанные порты чтобы получить их просто так не оправдался.
  5. resistance, hardness.. They resist cannonballs, harder to break. But when they break they splinter easier. While soft wood is easier to penetrate, but it does not break as energy just passes through.
  6. I don't know about that and are currently talking to those who sailed bigger ships When i sailed in spring the small two masted flush decked sloop, the effect of inertia felt negligible. Slight wind change of 5 degrees, or slightly wrong trim on sails, causes immediate noticeable WOOMPTH effect like pushing the brakes in the car. You slowdown and you feel it immediately. Its not stoppage, but speed drops by a good amount.
  7. Это данные по всему серверу. Не по клану. Всего на сервере выбили 47 флагов за указанное время
  8. I think you are mistaken in how you are approaching the calculations and thus you think its 16%. Its not 16%. You are just approaching it literally - thinking that muskets have 10% accuracy Basic muskets accuracy (determining the damage) is 1x. So base musket damage is multiplied by 1x. If you use a better musket with better accuracy - lets say 60% your base damage will be modified by 1+0.6 = 1.6x. So if the base number is 10 then without upgrades it will be multiplied by 1x or 1.6 depending on you upgrades. If base number is 20 then it is still multiplied by the accuracy bonus modifier. Base number depends on the amount of crew with muskets and the amount of marines (who generally shoot slightly better). We can argue about the general musket damage if it is high or low historically, but the bonuses are working properly. Increasing the base hit rate thus increasing damage.
  9. Да думаю так - забирать порты никто не хочет Надо вводить квесты на порты по стилю Хантов (типа забрать 3 порта у трех наций) и менять систему выдачи виктори марок. @qw569😳 cкорее прав что флаги есть. Желания их использовать нет. С 13 июля выпало 47 флагов. Такого количества ПБ не было
  10. ПВП игры продают эмоции. Это пвп игра с фул лутом где в отличие от вов топя игрока вы забираете все что у него было с собой порты тоже цель. Особенно если в нем есть чтото что нужно вам такова природа
  11. Количество ПБ уменьшилось потому что цель была убрать эксплойты и замедлить (уменьшить) количество портовых битв. Как только организация портовых битв стала дороже и сложнее так и сразу вскрылось реальное желание игроков заниматься ими. Так как реального реварда портовые битвы (рост территорий) пока не дают На это мы и будем смотреть в будущем.
  12. You want chaz darkfall and we all know where darkfall went. Since caves people crave for associations with groups based on trust and without punishments for breaking the trust (which people in reality can do by lets say beheading) you cant have a functioning society. PUBG yes.. society no. How do you envision punishments in such world without rules? Someone reading tribunal - but why should someone read tribunals if there are no rules? Account deletion for consistently breaking trust? - or wait its a first rule - but we cant have rules.
  13. игроку отвечали на коммент что дерево есть только в не захватываемых британских портах можно захватить St Joseph а другие порты не трогать
  14. Все правильно В абсолютных значениях более медленные корабли потеряли меньше
  15. Bonus to X is a bonus to X. Even if X is a variable. Changes in X do not affect the bonus in %. You are obviously talking about absolute speeds but it does not change the bonus % on timbers. All ships are slower because ship stats were changed - not timber % bonuses. You are attributing it to a wrong thing.
  16. You first claimed that all timbers were nerfed Now you state that not all timbers were nerfed and just ships were slowed down instead. How is reducing base speed for all ships is nerfing timber bonuses? There were several large patches and small hot fixes last 3 months. Including the one today.
  17. Joining battles is an act of aggression - so it will also turn neutral character into a combat one.
  18. All ships lost speed. Old and new. Base speeds have been dropped by 7+% to deflate speeds.
  19. 11% в патчноутах все написано про скорости
  20. You are comparing it to which data? Fir (S)/Fir (S) was 6 + 4 = 10 in total before. Now its 11 New timber stats changed several times and were always said as not final. You should be comparing it to pre-timber patches. Most did not grind when new timber hit as we said numbers will change several times and are not final
  21. teak white oak is very good All ships lost speed (to cut speed inflation from previous dozens of patches). Not only yours. All ships speed was reduced by 7.xx %.
  22. For some yes but they got a corresponding buff in something else.. and a huge buff. For speed, teak is lighter and has more hardness than oaks. TeakS/TeakS is now 6.8% speed bonus Old teak s /teak s was 4.75 Acceleration for teak teak seasoned is now 26% bonus, compared to old 4.75% I see that you dont always use facts when you post
  23. One PVP kill of a first rate will give you on average from 300к to 600k reals if you sell doubloons. I am missing something? In addition to that - if you take overall cost of seasoned woods and people build good ships from seasoned woods - the jump in cost is actually does not look so high. Tools + hours + base teak = total cost of teak S if you craft everything was 2270 if you crafted tools and 2816 if you bought them. It became 3316 for teak S. The usual overreaction forum storm is a known event and it will pass We did not lose much, just 4-5 bans who for some reason decided to attacked a peace server player @Cetric de Cornusiac FOR zero reason outside of his control (just because i responded with a joke to his post)
  24. Teak S/Teak S overall thickness is now 25% bonus - if you compare it to previous thickness bonus (9+4). Its a 12% buff to thickness. In what universe its a nerf of an existing wood. Is this new gender studies math? Dont be like modern fake media. Post facts, not bullshit.
  25. Based on your comment i am not sure if you understand what was changed with Timber. - just using your words If you grinded for Teak S or White oak S or Live Oak S you got the following It is way better than normal base woods and was made from 10 to 50 times more expensive So if you really grinded for them before - you are probably happier, stronger and richer.
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