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Everything posted by admin

  1. check your settings for graphics please they were reset and might need readjustments
  2. Again i don't understand the sources of your concerns PVP Rewards for doing something (killing and assisting) were increased significantly compared to yesterday ( previous versions). Now if you focus fire and sink at least one ship you will be rewarded more than before. Not only that. you now get hefty financial rewards for pvp kills and assists which did not exist before. What do you mean by the wrong direction?
  3. its a tooltip bug. weight is proper
  4. We thought of that and have the prototype ready but it is not out for one reason. It helps majority of players BUT allows several wonderful exploits for exploiters For example you bring 20 ships into battle which do nothing and power level another guy who gets boosted XP
  5. Blueprint learning chances were increased significantly if you are (based on player feedback) 1) higher level in crafting 2) craft an exceptional ship Because blueprints won't be saved during potential resets (only crafting level) its not a problem.
  6. those rewards are much higher than they were before and those are pvp rewards You would get 2x less in PVE AND why admiralty should reward you if you let enemy go? You want free xp for just showing up maybe? You assisted on the Bellona and 2 belle poules - the rest did not sink. You got almost 1100 xp from that battle which is almost 2x more than before
  7. thats probably a bug which is caused by the cannon effect on speed fix. New speed in the ship passport provides the the theoretical speed with standard cannons - which traders don't have.
  8. it will be lowered gradually to more appropriate levels to make player production more important. regarding other concerns making things should require labor hours - because production buildings are basically money printers. Their main goal is to solve the resources shortages and scale them to player numbers. They also provide larger groups more options to specialize, while a solo player can guarantee a supply for himself without worrying about resetting contracts every day.
  9. Watch your language and you will be fine here
  10. you are not reading it correctly - you get 2 coal loads for 26. not one
  11. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7511-free-towns-regional-capitals-and-ranks-specifications it was stated on the 9th of Feb, but in fact we wanted to change it at least since Dec.
  12. It was a long overdue change that was planned long ago. But perhaps it could be changed back UNTIL the port map reset. Keep in mind that a lot of players requested it to be changed to neutral as that area had enough free towns.
  13. You don't have to build mines or plantations - just buy from the markets like before.
  14. land in battles were never mentioned - in preparation for land in battles but not actual land in battles
  15. neutral is a nation. i think you can build there
  16. good point. but i think you can build buildings in neutral towns
  17. Trading and crafting Niagara Blueprint added to the game Crafting notes were renamed to High Grade Notes New crafting note types added to the game: low grade notes, mid grade notes. New notes are made by paying copper or silver coins to the researchers (imaginary scientists) BP is renamed to Blueprint Resource store interface reworked Resource production buildings added – buildings can be built only in national towns Ship construction building added – shipyard – shipyards can be built in all towns which you can enter NPC production will stay on its current level and will be gradually decreased over time to fully player dependent economy Blueprint learning chance now depends on the quality of the ship you are making Better upgrades now can be made by using mid grade crafting notes Compass wood requirements in ship construction are changed (more wood needed) ROE and attack mechanics Battle over timer now lets you stay in battle for only 5 minutes (to solve the pre maintenance port battle bugs that did not transfer the port to the winner if someone stayed in the battle) Battle entry timers reduced to 2 minutes. This is a very important change - you will be able to pick the place of attack better and if you don't see enemy sails on the horizon you will be safer Invulnerability timer does not let you enter battles anymore XP rewards and statistics Additional trackers are added in battle UI for better debug PVP XP for kill and assist are increased 50% Reward manager was reworked completely and now allows better slicing and dicing of damage and crits allowing better and more detailed rewards and achievements in battles. Kill and Assists now grant monetary rewards which are doubled in PVP Traders now give full loot if they carried any – previously because of the bug if you captured a trader it did not award full loot. NPC Traders now can carry national resources Port battles Shallow water port towers now carry 12lb guns Assault flag now weights 100 to not allow yachts and cutters to be a flag carrier Combat Niagara is now a better ship Crew management completely reworked – remember that it is an early version and it will be improved based on the community feedback. Sail repairs now repairs masts (if you did not have broken masts before). Previously, if you repaired sails it did not recover masts HP (if you had them damaged but not destroyed). Camera bugs are fixed on Snow, Pavel, Pickle and Renommee. Friendly derelicts now cannot catch fire from friendly damage Exit timer now resets if the ship is on fire Fast explosions on snow – fixed In battle physics completely reworked and we now have better integration of Physx in game. It solved the collisions issues (and flipping) almost completely Ship heel from damage eliminated – it was unhistorical and extremely annoying. Sail furling and yard turning speed curves updated and should be more realistic now – falling first gradually then suddenly. Crucial bug with cannon influence on speeds fixed (some ships UI speed indicated previously did not take the cannon weight into account). Ships now cannot turn with 0 speed – this is extremely important and potentially game changing Frigates are now less comfortable sailers in very narrow angles to wind Bots stopped shooting chain temporarily Fires now do more damage Fires now are extinguished 10% slower Boarding changes Marines now work differently. They are not part of the crew anymore and affect your performance depending on their number. Marine upgrade now determines which % of your crew is allocated to marines. This is done in preparation for crew and officer hiring. Please check which Marines upgrade you have before going out of to sailing - exceptional marines replace 50% of your crew with Marines. Fixed bug with incorrect musket counts in certain rare cases Brace now costs 5 preparation Preparation per round growth is increased by 5 Certain formulas are reworked for boarding and if you have decisive advantange it will be easier to win during assaults. Boarding now requires 50 preparation to initiate Boarding pulling is improved and will suffer less random interruptions. Expect other significant changes to boarding in the next 1-2 patches Other fixes Maintenance time moved 2 hours earlier required some heroic sacrifices from our QA Some graphical assets were improved for the open world. Some players might not like them but changes were needed in preparation for land in battles. To enable better variety of trees enable Render Decorators function in options Family sharing is now impossible Ship report letter is taken out from loot Battle sail mistakes fixed for Niagara Victory model upgraded More than 100 other minor bugs and problems fixed thanks to your report Several rare exploits were fixed and closed thanks to qw569 research Potential problems With better physx integration possible bugs could happen – including visual problems with turning and heel to bow on certain ship models. Some NPC bots became dumber – we are working on it Several other marvelous bugs are probably introduced Discuss
  18. Regarding this post http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11729-abuse-of-flag-mechanics-to-block-assault-on-port/ British player Neverdie gave the player heyhey money to buy the flag HeyHey owner bought the flag and deleted the player. We believe this is a community issue. Please propose the punishment for the players/steam accounts involved. Extra points for clan leaders/national leaders proposals. Thank you moderators for bringing our attention to this topic during patch crunch
  19. Ah. It was a genuine offer. If you find a way for secure trading without having assets you might make billions in real life too. And if you are willing to help we plan to open several mod positions very very soon (in fact next week) But moderators dont have access to logs. they act based on reports or based on the real time chat. Logs are for employees only because sometimes they could provide sensitive information that could be used in wars.
  20. хотели 2 недели назад потом 1 неделю назад теперь план след четверг пятница много проблем с новыми крюфокусами политика будет считаем что она реально нужна так же как и игроки
  21. We want to solve this problem and want the Nation chat to be somewhat friendly without scamming and backstabbing. We are against scamming, but want to eliminate it by design (with 0 manual input). Thanks for the proposal everyone btw. It is a hard problem to solve if people trust strangers.
  22. Let me rephrase because others might not understand what i am talking about Random guy in chat tells that he will make a Pavel for someone if that someone gives him resources The victim then gives this random guy resources without payment. Random guy dissapears and stop all contact with the victim You are suggesting us to punish the random guy just based on the trade logs. But it means a lot of honest people will suffer too. Here is a basic case Someone gives you resources for other things and does not like you. He then reports you that you are a scammer (because there is no other trade). We check the logs and see no pavel and ban you? Or even better someone says - hey resource donation here are the resources i give them for free - and then reports the person accepting a gift as scammer Because a lot of people give resources to others for multiple reasons, we cannot take a blank trade (someone gives someone else something without payment) as a proof that its a scam. Thus chat logs wont help. You are saying that you want to put punishment and investigations into the hands of volunteers? You want to give chat logs and full server logs access to volunteers? Some of which are active players and are members of clans and are at war with each other. We are being constantly accused of mod bias already. As a player i will not want some Danish volunteer to read my chat logs and trade logs! Are you really thinking it all through when you suggest that volunteers should do it? Can you imagine the outrage!!!! How can you even suggest that? There are no solutions to the case when some people part with their resources too easily. Only detailed investigations. And this can only be done by employees (unbiased). And even then it is exploitable Solution. Delete the trade feature or Dont trust strangers on the internetz and give resources only in exchange for monetary deposit or pavel 2nd rate itself. or Hire 10 men to work on logs and start charging subscription
  23. You just dont understand. Logs show the deals yes. But someone have to do manual work. Our principle that all problems must be cut off by design. Manual work costs a lot of money and time. False reports also increase the manual work for checking if the report is true or not. All reports can be forged (photoshopped chat etc) further increasing manual work. Great systems are automatic and it is our main principle of work. Good products do not require constant manual human maintenance and cut cheating potential by design. So for me if player to player trade allows scamming and players forget basic life principles of not trusting strangers on the internet - it is better to just switch off trade as it was done initially (if all trade had to go through the market eliminating ALL scamming completely). Like right now. I am reading this instead of working on the game, while 95% of players wait for me to handle the issue that they dont care about at all, because they only trade with friends and need epic events, officers more ships etc. I am focused on problems of 95% of players during the development. remember it is alpha and game is in development. some things are not working or do not exist (like service professionals reading logs for example)
  24. политический функционал не является приоритетом - мало того если вы его напишите и запрограммируете мы посмотрим код и может успеем вставить. если не запрограммируете то пока ждите ждите пока мы закодим другие приоритеты за которые голосовали игроки а это здания офицеры и экипажи политика там где то в низу списка была. В следующие голосования по приоритетам в ваших силах продавить политику на позицию номер 1
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