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Everything posted by admin

  1. трибунал нужен для поиска правил во время альфы
  2. where did it happen? Which location and how far from the port?
  3. So as a forum/game veteran why dont you create a ROE update topic and provide ideas. In a structured way just like here.
  4. If we ban on words half of forum would be banned No evidence = no action We suggest everyone to calm down and proceed (or create) to ROE topic and provide ideas on how to fix the problem by design.
  5. Did you? Your screen was with 5 danes and one pavel. And nothing else. Khorne74 and TAB screen was provided by the danes. Now. we investigated the guy who attacked the guy with several british outposts full of goods and ships is definitely not an alt (+MC rank) We have contacted the tribunal creator but he has not yet provided anything specific on Khorne74 or on that particular situation Instead he just said something strange - it must be fixed yada yada everything is on the screenshot (where we all saw 4 danes and one british pavel) Still not providing anything factual (just like you here in your statement). If he sailed through the danish fleet on video it would be easy. Words are too easy to manufacture and edit. We are taking an unbiased position here What if he attacked by mistake? What if someone asked him to attack to set up danes for tribunal? Because if he was an alt. Why did he level up and built outposts in british port, made ships, bought resources, broke up ships? All for one in game criminal act? Too time consuming
  6. We contacted the topic creator to discuss this in private as well.
  7. we will never allow purple sails and penises on flags
  8. народ - не превращайте форум в треш
  9. player Khorne74 based on the data is a valid british player with lots of assets in british ports he is definitely not an alt.
  10. Based on what Danish players provided you were attacked by a player Khorne74 - a british M&C Are you sure he did not do it by mistake? что за булшит против рублей именно такую механику когда то использовали мы активно раздавали варнинги
  11. Дания и сообщества тут не причем когда то в этом обвиняли американцев на которых жаловались пиратские группы нация не имеет значения использование альтов в механиках атаки открытого мира в столичных зонах запрещено если вы этого не делали прекрасно если ктото будет это делать еще раз капитан пострадает
  12. всем капитанам которые пытаются использовать альтов чтобы атаковать у столиц - всех наций
  13. Well for some overcoming the difficulty is the most interesting gameplay. Lets be honest - testing shown that pure sandbox is too punishing and checks and balances have to implemented. People want to feel good about themselves even in the sandbox environment.
  14. Its not misleading at all. Its about age of sail and current prototype is based on the Caribbean map. Age of sail sandbox is based on what players do with it whether you like it or not. Also Don't insult the community - you just called a bunch of grown up men kids. Some would take it as a complement though You have your own vision in your head we have ours. There are a lot of people who want krakens and magic this game is not for them. Its a realistic age of sail sandbox and we deliver what we promised - beautiful ships and excellent combat and dramatic conquest for map domination where you can even force enemy to retirement. Caribbean is just a map, it could have been another area. If people like you stop whining and start working on making the game better with us, North sea and Mediterranean could happen too tying it all together. In one of the posts you proposed to make Santisima a purely spanish ship for example. It is impossible in game because it increases the required amount of content 8x which is extremely expensive and time consuming. Most players are fine with the fact that they can sail this ship and many other vessels, they don't care what you think. We focus on making happy players happier - if player likes what he sees we will improve features for him and he will be happier. We are not interested in converting those who are unhappy with the basic things. Based on what you post here it just seems that your game of the dream is in another castle.
  15. In the next hot fix we will completely disable attack possibility in the Capital waters - they will become a safe zone.
  16. As a suggestion to Danish fleets - you should avoid capitals and must avoid mechanics creating battles in the Capital zones. Capital zones are clearly indicated by the protected by Kingston mark. If you are not british - sail out and blockade there. You are not allowed to attack in those waters and you must never abuse mechanics to do it. Its unfortunate there is no evidence but i am sure next time british will be more careful and shoot this on video or make more screenshots SO DONT DO IT - It will be painful we promise. Датским Капитанам В текущих правилах столичные воды не предназначены для атак противников Использование твинков для атаки флотов запрещены и приведут к неприятным последствиям как для альта (так и для непонимающих риска участников боя)
  17. Using alts to pull people into battle is frown upon here and is not allowed. The problem is this post only gives written evidence. Even name of the alt is not provided (maybe i missed it?) If we start banning people without proof it will be a disaster. Please provide more evidence.
  18. Lets put the pirate discussion aside for a second. Because if pirates become outlaws and are limited by certain rules they will just reroll to other nations. Assuming there are no pirates at all, your concerns will still remain. Currently it is a Grand Wargame with no limitations - pure sandbox. The problem with sandboxes is that there are only one Hero, the rest eventually become his vassals until he dies (leaves the game bored). Then his empire is broken into pieces by others. You are experiencing the rise of the large empire, which depend only on player desire and willingness to fight. Of course there might be some mechanics that are not working properly or are not finished (port battles BR and quick wins etc) but even if they are fixed the problem with sandbox will still remain - there will be a group of people who will want to rule the world (in our case Caribbean) and will use their resources to dominate others. People will join this group because they want to be a hero as well. PS. regarding frigates. frigates are awesome in small group pvp and i know a lot of people who sail them exclusively. They don't care about SOLs.
  19. Heresy Great and beautiful vessels will continue to be added to the game. You claimed somewhere that we do it for marketing. The answer is - NO. We are doing it for the ships. This game is for those who love age of sail ships. Most likely a Venetian ship and Christian could win the votes and will be added to the game.
  20. I dont understand how this pic is self explained I see 5 danish ships and 1 british on a screenshot. This cannot count as evidence. We dont see an alt attacking We dont see proof that this is an alt Remember that some times new players attack enemies because they see strong forces of their nation around, hoping all surrounding ships will join (after reading stories of admiraly Byng and fighting instructions that prohibited running from enemy)
  21. It takes time to build a reputation. It takes one post to ruin it This post is a great example how you can quickly ruin your reputation as a forum member (all forum members are kind of members of the development team). I will keep this post open for everyone to see Now the response to all other players Sir Khan's comments show complete lack of understanding of everything related to games. Games are constructed worlds built around rules. As Sid Meier said - games are interesting because of constraints. Every game put limitations or rationing of some form for multiple reason. "Player driven" does not mean "like in real world". Player driven does not mean it should not have constraints Economy is already player driven because if you see a Trincomalee: it is built by players for players using resources transported or created by players. We are pretty open and play the game just like you. We see no need in creative salty metaphors. Sir Khan posting rights are removed for cooling down because you can critique the game and our actions but trolling/attacking devs is not allowed here. Lord van pelt is put on the premod queue too for attacking/trolling all citizens east of Czech republic! Also: Mods and Devs are not biased but posts by clan members affect opinions about the clan itself and might affect access to early testing of ships and features.
  22. You are FTS right? Now imagine that developers transferred FTS creator status to a random guy who wrote something like this in a PM to me and all mods "I am the guy from FTS, our Creator have not logged in 10 days - please transfer creator rights to this person" This would be a disaster if any dev would do it. What if their desire is not genuine? If someone wanted to steal a big clan name for example? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_(security) People who want to kick members as officers should wait for this feature or ask creator to log in and kick undesired members. Simple and easy. We are here to protect you not to fail you. Lord Vicious should calm down and if he ever claims we are lying again he will be removed from forum and the game. This is against the rules
  23. Some random guy writes me on forum in PM and asks me to remove a creator and place him instead. Are you nuts? no in case you don't understand.. NO
  24. all games have npc economy balancers even eve. Players just don't see them.
  25. what people also forget is that economy part of the game is 1 year younger compared to combat. most importantly because its Early access - and the search continues - economy might even get cut out of the final game. No need to keep things that suck if they suck for everyone.
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