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Everything posted by admin

  1. the speed will stay - it looks ugly with faster speed I have no problem finding even fights in the open world. There are hotspots of activity which provide for non stop pvp from 1v1 to 20v20. On PvP 1 it is still Hispaniola channel and North coast of Jamaica. Perhaps there are other places as well. You can get from 2 to 5 battles per day in varied ships with varied types of enemies against you. Shorter timer solved the problem of enemies piling up on you.
  2. The problem here lies in the early access state of the game - because it is early access some decisions are harder to make because it is too early to tell. Creating events tied to your player encounters, privateers chasing you or running from you or building your trading empire (where your traders sail around the world for you transporting goods on the real map) might not work - sometimes because they could break persistence for others sailing with you or against you. You can enter the mission and disappear from the map for others (if they were chasing you), or your traders will definitely get sank just because you were offline.
  3. по толщине было много споров но от перемены мест слагаемых (и типа слагаемых) сумма не меняется. Пример 2+2+2+2 = 8 1+1+1+5 = 8 соотвественно - 8 как класс брони достаточно хорошо показывает результат получаемый даже из разных слагаемых Пример из кораблей Толщина 50см 2+ Близко поставленные шпангоуты 2 + большее количество riders 2+ дерево ель+2 = 8 Толщина 25см 1+ широко поставленные шпангоуты 1+ мало riders 1+ виргинский тяжелый дуб 5 = 8 Соотвественно класс брони как число достаточен чтобы учесть все нужные параметры и толщина не нужна как отдельная величина
  4. Нет не так. Соответсвенно 18ф лонг - 4 класс 18ф медиум - 5 класс 32ф карронада имеет 3 класс пробоя вблизи (так как это 32ф smasher и калибр соотвествует более тяжелому орудию) но дальше 500 метров не несут урона вообще
  5. по пушкам кас этого поста Система которую вы видите в ХМЛ уже давно устарела и ее в игре нет. Хмл хранит и старые данные и пока не чистился. Схема работы орудий приблизительно такая Существует класс брони - который общим параметром описывает толщину и качество дерева, расстояние между шпангоутами и прочие качества обшивки. Допустим это класс 3. Существует класс пушки - который общим параметром описывает уровень пробития данной пушкой брони. Класс учитывает скорость вылета, энергию придаваемое ядру данным орудием и прочие параметры. Допустим класс пушки 5. Существует таблица пробития классами пушек классов брони. Класс 5 пушка будет пробивать класс 5 в 90% случаев при 90 градусах попадания. При увеличении класса брони вероятность пробития уменьшается. Также существуют углы рикошета - они увеличивают или уменьшают шанс пробития и рикошета при уменьшении угла попадания. Также существует падение урона от расстояния - которое зависит от типа орудия. У карронад урон падает до 0 на 500м. У лонгов на 1.5 км. Падение урона косвенно реализует падение пробития на расстоянии (так проще в математике чтобы ничего не переделывать и не перенастраивать заново). Пример. 6ф пушка пробивает все меньший и меньший класс брони каждые 250м нанося все меньше совокупного урона. В результате падение урона на расстоянии решает туже задачу одинаковым образом что и падение пробития. Теортически можно ввести и падение пробития от расстояния - но это вызовет такие же проблемы как у Текерта с тринькой. Любое изменение цифр будет требовать нового тюнинга и корректировок баланса. Мы хотим попробовать но не знаем стоит ли.
  6. What about that "worth a buy" video reiviewer who said that teleport makes the game 10x worse? We believe that current size of the open world serves the purpose to show "the age of sail experience", but has its drawbacks. We hope we find the balance eventually.
  7. PVP EU 1 Servers are down We are investigating the issue. Apologies for the inconvenience caused by this.
  8. по телепортам обычно мнение игрока меняется со временем проведенным в игре сначала телепорт его раздражает - так как это не исторично для крафтера телепорт становится спасением и экономит время и наиграв часов 50-100 игрок уже строит игру вокруг них. Позиция по телепорту пока неоднозначная - капитан той эпохи работал за деньги. В игре не все хотят тратить часы и часы на пустое море
  9. It needs to be investigated Captain hang on please till monday. someone will contact you in private to discuss the situation. ps Family sharing is almost never used in MMOs and was exploited heavily people were creating spies, alts and other shady characters which they could delete safely hiding from punishments.
  10. please bring production and labor discussions to this topic if you have already shared your opinion here please repost it in that topic - it is very hard to track if it is everywhere http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11796-feedback-on-production-buildings
  11. Current building production numbers are designed to provide a solo player the opportunity to gather all resources required for Santisima in 7 real life days (1 week). Some buildings only require 60 hours for a 3 day production storage some buildings require 750 hours (coal). So you always have some hours left to work materials. If you continue buying materials you will get it faster. Buildings solve one problem - they provide guaranteed resources without the need to trade and bid on contracts. All the talk - "buildings consume my precious labor hours" sound strange because they don't consume much but guarantee your suplly
  12. We plan to rework resource distribution.
  13. I hope everyone understand that the current hours and production numbers are a base for further improvement - not the final state of the production. Hours will be tuned to give the players the opportunity to develop 5 same buildings and be able to gather all production using available labor hours (it is impossible with coal now). In addition to that buildings should provide good income for players who just build them to support their pvp lifestyle.
  14. Grind is a problem for some and i think it should be addressed. There is only one problem that is hard to fix - game is pvp centric and pve was added just to give some players the opportunity to experience combat without interference from others. PvE will always be less exciting. 3 things that must be done are reduction of thresholds in ranks so people can reach the favorite ship faster and just sail it. better events more content for clan and national wars But in general we are not worried about players coming and going. Its life and people stop playing all games eventually moving on to other things. We see no reason to tie people to the game by artificial chains. And online numbers are not a measure of success - overall happiness of the players is. If the player is happy and not playing the game he is still a happy player.
  15. admin

    Huge FPS drop

    we are looking into the FPS problem most likely it is caused by transfer of some functions to GPU workarounds put graphics onto medium and increase options gradually until you get a comfortable fps in the OW alternatively lower game resolution 1 notch
  16. Yes resets could include money ships resources etc Only two things that are safe and guaranteed by us are Rank and Crafting XP Wipes if happen could be softened by compensations, but in general we never promised anything except for Rank and Crafting XP. Port ownership reset will definitely happen after land in battles and port investments happen. It is basically a promise now. Camp du roy will be reverted to free town for some time and then reverted back to neutral on the port reset or maybe earlier. Other freetowns could be affected too.
  17. Its double in pvp
  18. As we always say players should participate more in the forums and share their concerns that other parties are pushing for changes they dont like. Maintenance time based on the online count will be tested but we are not sure if it is good for patching. We will report back next week. In any case maintenance time must happen during the day preferably somewhere between 12 to 15 pm because it is best for patch deployment and allows proper testing and last min fixes if any are needed or found in the morning. (This unfortunately will mean it is done during someone's primetime).
  19. Well depends on who buys and who sells from whom. You are saying from the market perspective not from the user (buyer seller perspective) buy/sell - because market buys and market sells (from someone) both NYSE and London stock exchange and chicago mercantile exchange use bid on the left offer on the right format (as far as i remember) Bid - price at which you can sell to market Offer or ask - price at which you can buy from market Thus it is actually a proper western resource/currency and stock trading format "market buys from you" price is indicated on the left. "market sells to you" price on the right. so in the market people are saying bid/ask not buy sell.
  20. I don't understand what you are talking about Captain 2 min entry allows you to attack safer (without worry that 20 ships will enter) if you just scanned the horizon Money are not a problem. No offence but you are making up stuff now by saying that you need 1 week to prepare money and gather resources to afford 1 battle. Even 3rd rates and constitution superfrigates are free everywhere - just cap them from NPCs. And one dura 3rd rate can make you a lot of money before it sinks to a random gank. Or was it a strange metaphor which was disconnected from reality to reinforce some other point?
  21. marines upgrade color does not matter now. marines quality is all the same now. What changed is the % of crew you take off to take marines instead. look at the marines % to see if you want it upgrades range from 10 to 50% of crew. pick the one you feel comfortable with if you are into boarding. But as far as i know you - you will learn to sail with the 50% one eventually because it is really.... exceptional. If you get the hint
  22. We moved it and announced it long ago that we are moving it where have you been before to comment on the new slot? Also new time slot has the lowest player count so it is affecting lowest number of players PS new time slot is very uncomfortable for us devs during alpha as it makes patching harder. We i think even said that we will try new time slot but it it does not work we will move it back until we code in automatic maintenance (which is useless at this stage today but will be useful after release)
  23. time was moved to the slot with the lowest online. Least number of players is affected by the move.
  24. its better to increase rewards or reduce rank thresholds gradually because it will be hard to take them back from players we know grind is an issue for many and will address it - but slower than some might expect. thresholds could get adjusted next. no marines are perfect now pick the Marines upgrade not on color but on % of crew you want to allocate to marines - you were warned about it in patchnotes. In the future marines upgrade (and monkeys) will be abandoned and will be replaced by crew/marines/support people hire. You will decide if you want to hire 100 sailors or 50 sailors and 50 marines. or maybe just 50 sailors to save prize money this is a step towards this. (in locked percentages)
  25. No that's not what you said. You said increasing pvp rewards (which we did) is a wrong direction. Which sounds strange because you contradict yourself. Look at the reasoning You say - pvp rewards should be increased PvP rewards are increased You say it is a step in the wrong direction Most games reward results and most captains on the Franco/Spanish side in Trafalgar were not rewarded even though they fought bravely. We give them damage XP AND increased rewards if they manage to sink someone. You propose to reward someone for just showing up doing some random pew pew into enemy general direction. We reward for kills/assists handsomely and it is a good thing. Stay in battle and sink someone and you will learn something.
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