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  1. Approximate date of June content patch deployment is 28 June There might be another hotfix next week regarding several minor issues (including flag exploits) Notes Provisions wont be added to ship blueprints based on overwhelming feedback, instead they will act an important role in crew recovery. 7 day port battle cool down is under review and might be changed as well.
  2. upgrades parameters are not final we will rebalance everything after you see and help us test officer perks
  3. captured ships won't be as good yes i feel that even after minor toughness increase it is still not enough.
  4. это уже в следующие итерации чтобы ничего не поломать лишнего возможно вместе с переработкой спаунов ресурсов чтобы сделать порты важнее
  5. I think you are mistaken. Perhaps you have not tried it the right way?
  6. but then it will be yesterday's heat map and will be mostly useless?
  7. The problem with heat maps lies with cheating. To create heat maps (kills, sinkings, locations) we will need to send the data to the client. If it is sent to the client it can be hijacked and used to provide information on your location in the OW to all players using external tools. Its a great idea but it has a lot of loopholes for exploiting.
  8. там мелочь - 2 цифры поправить
  9. Капитаны и корабелы Некоторые чертежи(рецепты) заставляют игрока делать большое количество кликов для производства большого обьема товара (например фиттинги) Текущая система не позволяет добавить в игру безконечный слайдер которым вы можете изменять количество производимого товара - но мы можем изменить рецепты Сейчас если вы делаете 1000 чего то вы вынуждены делать до 20 кликов (production runs) Что можно изменить это поменять сам рецепт Например Айтем Х производит 5 единиц товара требуя 3 ресурса Мы можем поменять рецепт чтобы минимум производилось 50 или даже 100 что может сократить количество кликов в разы Вопрос Какие рецепты на ваш взгляд вызывают максимальное количество боли?
  10. Hello Captains Here are the patch notes for the final hot fix before the next June content patch. Tunings Ingermanland blueprint drop learning chances adjusted Mast thickness adjusted as most pvp matches turn into a mastshootfest againShip of the same level will achieve comfortable results in demasting at distances below 300m Frigates planking increased for all ships from cerberus to Trincomalee Chain shot accuracy lowered by 5% (formerly it was increased by 10%) Chain shot damage reduced by 15% (formerly it was increased 100%) Waterline height adjusted on to correct levels on some vessels (it was placed too high before) Other changes based on your feedback (like tuning the ROE timers and Reinforcement zones positions) will get in during the content patch deployment. We are currently focused on crew, officers and several other important changes.
  11. but other things must be done first But we do like ideas of adding wind strength, leeway, heavy roll and pitch, the need to control the sail plan during heavy heel, sail control on the OW, and many other things Some of those could be too much or too early for this iPod and might need to wait for next iteration of the game if you understand what i mean.
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  12. UI Localization Politics/Alliances/Conquest fixes and Pirates Bugfixes are all bigger and better priorities than wind strength.
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  13. there are more pressing issues requiring attention. focusing on the wind strength might face same reaction as damage model improvements.
  14. здесь есть палка о двух концах Если делать просто то при старте игры будет скучно. Сложные системы надоедают по прошествии большого количества часов превращаясь в рутину. Однако если упрощать все до одной кнопки зачем вообще крафт? Если убрать крафт то постепенно отпадет торговля и перевозки на карте.
  15. Captains who have been financing the activity have been identified and received a final warning. If this continues their monetary assets will be removed and XP penalty will be applied.
  16. Don't forget that Babble keeps track of all ideas for the large scale roadmap (which might be included in the game or for multiple reasons can wait for Naval action 2 http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12696-the-road-map-table-of-contents/
  17. not sure about that if it sails on OW it could be griefed to hell
  18. players like you always elaborated why? why?
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  19. We are now worried about wind strength after changing/improving damage model penetration improvements. There is a pretty good chance that someone might not like changes compared to what they like currently and it can affect reviews and sales. We only plant to improve (fix bugs) in accel/decel and code in lateen sails for xebecs starting from La Requinn and thats it. Wind strength changes can wait or might never get in.
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  20. Despite the fact that buying a flag is sort of allowed by design, using features for consistent and repeating griefing or severely limiting normal flow of port battle game play is not allowed. Captains involved in flag creation exploit must stop what they are doing. If this happens again the money flow to repeat offenders will be traced and final providers of funds will lose their assets and a lot of XP. The punishments can be delayed (because of lots of patch work for June content) but they are always inevitable!
  21. Because Assault fleet requires national level of resources, supplies and effort, cabin boy can set up as many fleets as he want. Only finished national projects will matter (remember civilization wonders?). And nation decides which fleet gets finished (or a large group of people)
  22. raiding is for stealing materials and robbing ports. delaying construction is to get the better time or delay it indefinitely joining port battles will work just like now - there is a marker - you sail there and enter. there will be no flag and no flag carrier as this is creating too many loopholes least populated nations will join alliances with strong nations + some mechanisms could be created for overextended nations, but to an extent; this is a war game and we don't want to turn it into american wrestling match So if i won the first battle with a decisive result i still can lose it if someone else lost it? 3 port battles is bad design. Because if i really want this port I will have to fight in 3 port battles instead of 1, especially if my nation has only 25 active captains. Why should I rely on others to get the result I want. Yes. Thats the point. Defenders can sabotage your assault fleet construction and delay the port battle for some time or indefinitely if they are active.
  23. Hello Captains Please no off topic Here is a basic description of the port assault flag rework to solve timer problems and flag purchase exploitation problems. This is a brainstorming topic - do not critique other player suggestions - just provide your ideas if you have any. Like the post if you like the idea Post your ideas or build on other ideas if you know that you can improve them The goals for the rework To provide ability to all players to influence the port battle preparation stage To eliminate timers To allow both sides the simple and clear resolution of the port battle creation To give time to prepare for the port battle for the enemy side The first proposal borrows from other games (easier to stand on the shoulders of giants). Port can be raided any time Port can be captured only if assault fleet is built To set up a port battle Nation must build an Assault Fleet Building an assault fleet requires weapons, troops, transports and supplies (any player can add them to the project) Once the project is fully supplied the construction starts It takes X days to complete the project Once the construction starts it will generate pvp quests for the Nation and Target Nation in the port zone, completing those quests can increase or decrease the speed of construction (or can be a hard requirement to complete) Nation can speed up the completion by bringing additional resources and PvP rewards Enemy nations can delay the completion by disrupting supplies, raiding by smuggling in the PvP rewards and by other means Once the project is completed the port battle will start exactly 48 hours (2 days) after completion. Discuss and ask questions
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