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Everything posted by admin

  1. lets focus on the feature design with less off topic please
  2. You can sign 1 alliance per week but you can have 2 (or maybe 3) nations in an alliance but we do indeed need to handle the case when all nations pick on one enemy and form a mega alliance and i think 2 alliance limit handles it. to be able to have a block all of them have to cross sign alliances for example france must have an alliance with sweden sweden must have an alliance with england and england must have an alliance with france to have a block
  3. If that person was able to influence 20 people to hand over their steam account to him kudos to him. He represents 20 players. Why it has to be dealt with? You can also influence 20 people to hand over accounts to you.
  4. Getting maximum participation is national leaders work. They have to work with their nation to influence the voting. If alliance is not renewed = its broken and your nations become enemies again.
  5. we will update the small battles to incorporate potential for such events we will let you know in this topic when it happens the room will balance by groups (not by nations) and number of players per side will be limited by the the max team size (maybe max team size +1)
  6. Le Unite - Surprise is a corvette cerberus and renommee also could be classified as such by the french navy
  7. To remove durabilities you need to remove upgrades and make ships available everywhere. Removing durabilities is an option but before it can happen the whole crafting and quality levels must change. Modules must become parts of the ship but then even if basically upgrades are loot - and loot is good for games. propose what can replace it and we can continue this conversation on the trader proposals i did not understand it.. please rephrase
  8. Dutch wil be part of France/Denmark alliance so france won't be able to attack them
  9. the goal is to test how alliances work. how votes are received can be updated later. for the first test votes will depend on rank and time probably time in the nation.
  10. 2 perk prices were messed up Storage master became 7 pts, expert carpenter was 7 pts became 3 points. Thats probably the reason.
  11. Two reasons for this Server capacity (less traffic = more performance) Potential hacks If information is sent to the client it can be read by hacking. if you are a potential smuggler this information will be sent to your client. It means that if someone mods the client he will know that you are a smuggler giving an advantage. Thus the only safe choice is to just identify the player as a smuggler immediately. Unfortunately all multiplayer game has limitations. Smuggler option was liked by the majority as it solves more problems than it creates. We have not been able to come up with a reasonable and fun mini game to determine the smuggler (a-la paper's please) and thus just tell you who is a smuggler.
  12. we wont also we only post firm promises in the announcement section
  13. but dont you agree that if we had more equal battles more often on the OW it would be better?
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  14. you can only have 2 (current) or maybe 3 alliances but everyone can pick the same enemy yes.
  15. Looks like this event will be a success
  16. we REALLY do want to ask players to take a philosophical approach to sudden abundance due to a new feature. Bottle drops will change, public shipwrecks evens will also come. Trading ships cargo holds will be adjusted. We not sure about their severe penalties to speed (will make trading very hard) but a combat vessel can and should be able to catch a trader in battle. Countertag is only solveable by limiting max possible distance in instance.
  17. bottles are a new feature and are of course not final don't worry about shipwrecks and their effect.. there will be an asset reset on release anyway and by then their influence on economy might change. i agree!
  18. 3 prizes will be provided by the developers Ocean 1st place Agamemnon 2nd place Rattlesnake Heavy to Semifinalists Agamemnon will also be provided for the judge and active organizers also pick a quiter spot and don't arrange meet ups in open chat we will see if we can do something with the rooms but its very unlikely as we want to get a lot done this patch (alliances and some other things)
  19. those could be sinking spots not action spots (so called sinking reports)
  20. increasing speed will make wave effects look horrible ships will bobble wobble and will not look good in general
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  21. alternatively world should shrink 4 times and speeds can be then lowered 2x but shrinking the world will hide some of the beauty and epicness
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  22. alliances are coming first so you will have a chance to test pbs with the timers
  23. if you are not allied you are at war enemy choice is needed for blocking purposes - but i am sure your nation hate one of the nations more than others
  24. pirates are pirates - they don't participate in politics (only undercover) hopefully but not guaranteed
  25. next content patch in august
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