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  1. crafters already are doing that. and in general they don't sail for hours. + Its always nice to see a good old double standard pvpers wanted traders to sail demanding removal of teleport with cargo but do not want to sail with captured ships You don't need to sail for hours You can bring your ship capture to the nearest free town - they are scattered evenly around the map - approximately within 20-25 min of travel from any populated area.
  2. You are rear admiral rank (allowing 1100 men) You had 350 men on your ship when you sailed You captured another frigate (for example losing no-one) You transfer 50 men to another vessel (minimum required to sail the vessel) This ship is added to fleet and sails with you (and you can give him orders) Once you reach the port you can hire another 300 men (because your rank allows it) - and sail with 2 frigates. Plymouth is a free town
  3. Nation change is a testing feature - it was announced once it was implemented. Before you could not change nation at all. Characters lost everything after deletion including XP. XP synced was given to provide opportunity to switch servers and switch nation to help test the game and various nations better. Nation transfer will work differently after release.
  4. remember that crew on boarding crew focus is very vulnerable to grape if you shoot at top decks. marines fight well but you still have to get the grapples, planks, ladders out.
  5. You salute the rank not the man paraphrasing this - you critique the ideas not the people. You won't get far by attacking people on the forums. I have 1920 hours and only pvp, next time watch what you say and how you say it. Regarding afk sailing. You don't need to AFK sail to plymouth. You can teleport there yourself using outpost and use your ships you have there. If you don't have ships there sail them there once. If you are losing them often there maybe you should teleport a crafter there (you don't need a ship to do it). Crafter then can build ships for you there and you can use smugglers to transport goods to plymouth. By doing so you will have a lot of pvp, because you will need protect your smugglers + you will have ships in that port.
  6. You have to think of the opposite side Smaller nations, can't be easily rolfstomped by magic teleport of lineships from Mexico to Antilles Also if i lost my First rate to a player i actually have a chance now to take it back - because enemy will probably be under crewed and my ship will be controlled by an NPC officer in that player fleet. Also you actually don't have to sail hours if you operate in one area. No magical teleportation of the fleets is a good thing as it increases potential pvp + creates more traffic on the OW.
  7. it can be only be fixed by forcing full invulnerability during 120 sec - this will make some areas PVE. for example You then can travel from chistiansted to road town risk free. or from Gustavia to Oranjestad.
  8. Nelson could not teleport captured ships to Portsmouth. People were exploiting this feature like hell. Starting from pirates using surrender, or nations using NPC traders or smugglers. Its time to let it go.
  9. If you are under 120s timer you can still be pulled into battle. If this was not the case people could cherry pick your ships when you exited the battle for example (or port) and attack the ship they want without the ability of your nearby friends to do anything.
  10. minor changes.. the main reason line ships would not penetrate at 300-500 meters much was in the bug angle is still important
  11. он говорит про мультиплеер когда не 5 инвалидов в коопе peer-to-peer без всякой защиты а когда минимум 200-300 человек в море и без читов
  12. What's new: Boarding upgrade - Marines - no longer gives insta preparation. The speed of reaching 50 now depends on your marines %. Fixed bug artificially reducing the penetration for all guns if distance is above 200 meters Tunings: Live oak wood type now gives 7cm instead of 10 Teak wood type now gives 4cm instead of 5 Fir wood penalty is now -7 instead of -10 Armor values adjusted for all ships from Rattlesnake to Victory Cannons and carronades penetration adjusted Slight changes for mast hp and thickness - additional changes might be required Grape damage adjusted - crew damage through stern somewhat improved. Penetrating leaks under waterline take slightly more water
  13. Player Danishviking submitted approximately 25 reports first one was submitted on 27 May 2015 where player speed could not reach 8knots in a battle against 2 bots grouped with Sir Cunningham and another guy the bug was caused by problems with Autoskipper and was fixed
  14. First testing version of open world had teleport to every town on the map from anywhere. There were only 15 towns though. It was sad to lose those teleports. Also remember this review? People who come into the game - kind of hate teleports (they come to appreciate them later)
  15. Current view is this: we dont want 3rd rates and up capturable from NPCs - in reality a captured lineships will be taken over by the government anyway. in regard of features that someone things will be breaking the game we have changed our position. The best way to improve the game is to focus on suggesting the features you already love so we can add more on them. Fleets were loved by a large group of players, just like ship capture. If we continue removing the features that you hate and someone loves we will eventually start removing features that you love. If this continues eventually all features will be removed in this way.
  16. You will pvp on your way back If you really want that ship. The goal of crew is to bring 2 mechanics back, increase the costs of heavy lineships, and bring persistence to the main element of sea combat of age of sail. The benefits are a way better than negatives.
  17. Nelson's fleet as far as i remember lost a lot of ships back to spain during 3-4 days after Trafalgar There are multiple of other cases where captured ships were recaptured sometimes right the next day. We have sat enough on two chairs. People who want simplicity don't want open world (or just want a rudimentary motorboat version). But there are two features that must come back because we made a mistake removing them. New players want more immersion and crew provides this. Taking care of the crew becomes a task. Also ship capture and fleets need to come back and the only good viable playable persistent alternative is to do it with crew. + crew balances things out for captured ships and will provide OW traffic. Persistent crew if done right will be a great thing.
  18. the original plan was crew is lost on sinking, boarding or explosion first officer is lost on explosion and change to lose it in boarding with surrender we think it could be a good thing to save your crew and/or officer
  19. If you remember - we said some time before that current resources and welfare Gold for damage are temporary to provide everyone with enough funds to test the game better. I don't not think money for just shooting should stay in the game. Most still sink ships anyway. The main choice is basically between Crew is persistent Crew is fake
  20. Pay once, life time salary and benefits.
  21. provisions should be added to crafting the reasoning is simple - ships were well supplied for 4-6 months of travel. In game time it means that you most likely have lost your ship by then.
  22. It's impossible due to the number of players - because they will never arrive then. Bots sail slower, under crewed bots will be easy targets. No point to even do this because it will be a fake feature. We believe that captured ships should be brought back to port by the player. Even Sid Meier's Pirates had this. Regarding less PvP comments: if done right we believe that there will be more PvP because of increased traffic bringing valuable ships back home.
  23. as we said before current marines implementation is temporary if this proposed crew implementation passes with the users marines will be additional crew for hire which WILL be more expensive.
  24. some will be abandoned some will be reworked battle losses should result in kills/casualties. casualties could recover after battle automatically
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