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предлагалось и ранее - рядом капитанов включая капитана реверса идея хорошая в какой то форме будет реализована возможно даже в следующих двух патчах
it was happening near gustavia recently. We found the reason and fixed it. Will be a lot better after the patch
You are twisting the facts and cutting the words out of sentences. We said this The house needs to be painted. And you will have to sometimes watch paint dry. Nothing can be done about it. If you don't like watching paint dry you should not buy early access games. Especially with the mindset that everything needs to happen right NOW. With this mindset if buy unfinished games you will always be disappointed. And don't your hide frustration under the veil of supporting the development. You cant sit on the chair of i want everything now, and i am supporting development. Because development = making something and it takes time.
- 6
hurricane season maybe?
Heroes and generals is a special case - good large team, precise focus and no open development. The main goal is to hide good content behind paywalls and monetize everything. This funds provide speed. Their progression system is awesome. The other names except heroes and generals delivered minimal content and cant even be compared with us. Do you even factcheck? Life is feudal delivered like 3-4 minor patches since DEC 2015 and even posted a some kind of apology for silence. With our content on the server for anti cheating reasons you don't even see majority of bugfixes, because they can be deployed during maintenance by just changing the server. And because we prefer not to inflate statements to customers with bullshots as we don't trumpet for every fix we do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPQr4NoRsbQ, We just prefer work to talk. Some people on the other hand like marketing and sweet talk. Life is feudal is more of your kind = does almost nothing, yet you think they did more.We are perhaps not a right developer for you. We think you are just bitter for some reason Yet i am sure someone is posting on there forums that the Civ 2 is dying and devs do nothing.
в личку только получали про очки репутации вопрос и тучу про баны разнообразные про офицеров не получали так и про баги тоже ничего сообщения все читаются как тут так и в личках - не надо тут тень на плетень
мы потеряли веру в добропорядочность игроков многие пираты использовали возможность атаковать друг друга для того чтобы прятаться в боях при виде превосходящих сил на горизонте Возможность атаковать пиратам пиратов отключена именна изза этого а не чего либо еще. Также поэтому отрубили атаку и в нациях - после введения смаглера. Контрабандиста стали возить как брелок в любой группе так как если дело пахло керосином его просто атаковали и прятались в бою
We are not Annapolis and cannot guarantee good training Actually i take that back. Just though of the fact that almost every player if he somehow gets back into the past will be able to properly tack a frigate given enough crew and reduce heel before the gale.
1) Течения ломают геймплей если нет ограничений по заходам в бой. Например уходите от погони вас по течению обгоняют и берут с двух сторон. Если будут течения или ускорители то отрубим аутпосты и телепорты.А то если и то и то то тогда открытый мир зачем - удаляем открытый мир - делаем большую кнопку в боль и 15 на 15 (а не 25 на 25 чтобы фпс повыше). Короче решения есть смысла в них не знаем есть ли. 2) Жучки они как рыбалка - идея хорошая но - если рыбу как то можно привязать к провианту то жучков и паучков нет - идея не умерла - она просто игре не нужна 3) Хороших аниматоров нет как ни делай будет коряво - геттисбург плохой пример так как там по моему воевать можно было только со френдами - со всеми вытекающими. Можно как тотал вар - анимаци и народ будет но решает кто победит рандом и просто количество матросов. 4) Форты будут у каждого порта - как они будут построены пока решает алгоритм написанный гениальными программистами
пушка не корабль на ней не пересчитывается но можно в уме или на калькуляторе? там все проценты простые достаточно - заодно сноровка тренировка
I would like to point out that Fractured space had max 200 people online during their early access. https://steamdb.info/app/310380/graphs/ Online is not correlated with a quality of the game or a developer. Just like you said. Patches, content, everything was delivered by the devs - 200 online. Same with subnautica 1000 players most of EA. Early access online player numbers do not matter if the quality does not go lower on release. No - you are mistaken for multiple reasons. And we will always respond to such statements as online does not matter First - every game has 0 percent long term retention . Nobody plays civilization 1. = 0 retention Second lets use your fractured space example https://steamdb.info/app/310380/graphs/ Number of users who tried FC. 1.8 mln Peak online 6300 1 year ago Current peak 1300 (5x drop) We also have a 5x drop. Did you say FC was on crack and doing well or did you say they were dying because they had the same drop? They must be having abysmal retention rating - like No mans sky bad (compared to ours i mean). In addition to that more players stayed in NA than in FC in relation to those who tried (1000 of 1.8 mln vs ours 800-1000 out of 85000). Does it mean that FC is losing 14x more users than NA? or what does it mean? I will help you It means nothing. FC is an awesome game which players try and move on. a) player numbers do not show the game quality b ) player numbers always drop unless the game is a true hit (wot, wow, etc) GTA5 is bad according to your logic as their retention is like 5% or less (everybody left) . But its not. It is just everybody gets bored eventually and goes to do something else.
Both teams have are 5x bigger than ours + both are good. Both games are session based shooters. Open worlds are harder. If we cut open world we could patch more often.
we said that there were devs like that - they were not fast though. if you are referring to POTBS they were definitely not fast and definitely not open. Most ideas from the community were never implemented. Thats how NA started actually. I was one of the most active POTBS players and devs simply ignored all community suggestions (even those which would definitely be liked by everyone). It was so obvious on what can be improved.
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Names? We would love to see those mythical fast developers you are talking about? Hope they are not related to pixel art platformers ? and are no single player games. As single player development speed is 10x faster than any server based mult.
This topic is a collection of not fun issues players are facing. we like feedback ps.. please focus on "not fun".. things like "make paints crafteable" - is not related to not fun at all. it does not exist.. it cannot be "not fun"
- 2
1 and 2 is not related to fun Replied to them in a separate topic. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16845-managing-expectations/
We come across such messages sometimes. Would like to comment on slow game development and delayed patches statements as they come up from time to time (sometimes sprinkled with low content point) We are not "No Mans Sky" and want to manage expectations. Undepromise and overdeliver is what they teach in good business schools in the East Coast. So here are the responses. Slow game development There is no such thing as slow game development - its either being developed or not being developed (moving or not moving in relation to the reference point). Einstein got famous for his relativity theory. Partly he talked about that speed is relative to your reference point. If your reference point is fast the rest will feel slow. But with art and development there are usually multiple reference points. All the reference points tell us that others are being slower (worse). Sailing ships were done before but were never done in our level of quality in a multiplayer environment, and all the other people who took on this subject were slower (and crappier), The only team who was able to deliver a beautiful (and not a multiplayer) game was Sid Meier/Firaxis. It was not his first game and it was not their first sailing game and Sid had at least 50 devs working on Pirates. Other developers for other games are mostly slower across the board with some exceptions, but those exceptional teams are usually bigger. We are one of the fastest in the indie field. To put things in perspective - we delivered more ships over the last year than whole Euro Truck Simulator 2 has (they have 13 vessels/trucks) with their large development team. Yet some say we lack speed in adding content. But: It could feel slower because of open development for 3 reasons You see everything. You see good things and bad things. Its open development - sometimes you are watching paint dry. And it needs to dry. To avoid this - don't buy early access games. You want patches and because they require checking - every patch wastes at least 1,5 week on internal tests. Its a lot of time: 9 patches = 3 months of programmer and qa time wasted on checking instead of getting something new done. If we were not patching we would deliver more (or if we were not afraid to give out broken builds like we did before release). We listen to the community and react to things community thinks needs to be done (some of those things are perhaps not improving the game much). For example alliances. We spent lots of programming time on alliances. Did they make the game better, yes for some. Did they really really make the game awesome? No. But the majority voted for them. Thats why you buy early access games - because you want alliances and get them. (Now is the perfect time to go rate the game if you have not done so). Or maybe it feels slow because you are a top class fast and clean code programmer who wants to join our team? Delayed patches There are no delayed patches because we never promise any dates. We indicate that we want to deliver a content patch once a month, but we have not signed to any schedule. Everything we promised for this game was listed on Steam Greenlight page and is already over-delivered. Check this out. This is what we promised and delivered. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=259130636. Store page reflects it as well. There are no empty promises of some magical potential. The only lacking thing is the interface. We over-exceeded the promises and are already sailing in the blue ocean of potential driven partially by the community. Whatever we do now with the game under guidance of the community is extra content, surprise content that was never promised before.. Overall. Steam recommends players to buy early access games based on what they are now and ignore any potential (remember that your brain always draws the perfect game in your mind). If you like what the game is now - buy it and enjoy what it has now. Ignore any potential, as it might never happen, But if it will you will be surprised and happy.
- 79
Important october patch information
admin replied to admin's topic in News Announcements & Important discussions
There will be no other missions, only hostility missions. On the PVP server if you take a mission and enter it will be open until battle is over. PS. Missions introduction was a mistake. We initially thought that bigger online would eliminate all bots from the map, and thus added another source of their supply. But instead they eliminated the feel of hunting and searching we wanted to achieve. Hunting for enemies which was a lot more exciting. If you found the NPC frigate you wanted that gave pleasure.-
- 13
Why is it bad? They are enjoying the game you have more varied targets. Whats the problem with this? Tournament shown that the level of skill of some players is immense, some players don't want to reach those levels of practice and its also ok.
please don't overhype there is nothing there. nothing special keep expectations low please ps, Endymion with a rare paint
- 48 replies
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I FINALLY GET IT. Advice for new players!!
admin replied to Jack Jones's topic in Guides - development forum
Do you like it more now? -
Agamemnon (wacky looking guns)
admin replied to Sir. Cunningham's topic in Patch Feedback and General discussions
regarding guns sticking out on historical references or period depictions lets not get ahead of ourselves historical references period depictions -
Rookie regions - new player experience
admin replied to admin's topic in News Announcements & Important discussions
Still better than non stop PVE mission grind against mindless bots.-
- 2
Please post 3 things that you find not fun. These things could be interesting, realistic, or else, but not fun for you. Format. 1. Xxxxx - not fun, because 2. Yyyyy - not fun, because.. 3. Zzzzz - not fun, because..
- 9
You can't sail fast with a broken rudder
admin replied to maturin's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
Follow up question in regards of something broken limiting speed. Should you take more water if you sail faster? Or better phrased - should you take less water in (through structural or leak damage) if you stop? and if yes. by how much? This feature is already done and is just waiting to be switched on