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Everything posted by admin

  1. Maybe it was all in the dream, but the game did not release with 15 min timers. And there was no land in battles.
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  2. That's not what the original author described. That circle is not small in instance and its definitely NOT pistol shot.
  3. It not working like you described for a couple of months. Ships can only enter outside initial pull circle. Which is kind of far from the center of combat.
  4. Main post updated Mast thickness was reverted back this morning to the pre-patch level on 4th rates and above. At the moment changes are not in the game, will be done in the next hotfix. 5th rates and below mast bonuses (compared to the pre-patch level) are now 10% (hp) and 5%(thickness).
  5. Dear Captains. We wish you wealth, health and happiness and hope that 2017 will be amazing for you and your families. A special new year gift (a rare ship) will be added to all players on the 1st of January 2017. Name of the gift ship is Wappen von Hamburg: a unique german convoy vessel. To receive a gift you will have to have an account on that date. So if you bought the game and have not yet played - please log in and create a player before 1st of January. Ship will be added to the redeemables. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  6. Hotfix was deployed today. There are now 4 admiralty pop events during the day to bring more timezones into the picture. They alternate daily as before. Capture zones were updated for all ports to take into account first port battle experiences Time to win the port battle if you control all 3 capture zones was slightly increased (from 14 mins to 20 mins) Bug with bow leaks causing abnormal number of leaks due to collider placement - fixed. Update Mast thickness was reverted back to old numbers on 4th rates and above. At the moment changes are not in the game, will be done in the next hotfix. 5th rates and below mast bonuses (compared to the pre-patch level) are now 10% (hp) and 5%(thickness)
  7. Nation NPC still field large fleets in certain areas. We never said we want to remove them. There are just a lot less of them than before.
  8. The best design is making fun the correct strategy to win. For example - someone might design a card for magic the gathering where beating your head against the wall wins until you bleed gives you a win. Its the rule, but its not fun. Thus Logging off is not fun, being smashed is also not fun, raising hostility through pve is not fun. These things need to be addressed and changed before release (we call such unnecessary friction). Sitting in BR screen or while logged off are one of such things.
  9. Each section the change was done based on some active pvp players feedback, but the current feeling that it might be overdone taking into account reinforced masts bonuses.
  10. this learning is important and will be taken into account in the future products
  11. this can be fixed - current ratio is 5x. It can be reduced. In reality 3 frigates would never attack a lineship fleet and will only shadow it in the visibility distance.
  12. Currently there are no plans to bring the game to IOS. But we don't say 100% no at this stage.
  13. the number of bots is 1550 since the beginning of the servers. it was never changed. Every region has 20 NPC ships.. half of them are traders. they just sail around.
  14. there were no changes to the limits. There are shallow water, 4th rate, and line ship battles.
  15. same as sinking mechanics - you will be sent to port where you will be sent if you sank - so if the nearest port is a freetown - it will be a free town.
  16. If by solo hunt you described cases when target escaped and then alt f4ed from the BR screen or waited there for 1 hour - it was happening before too.
  17. We never said the solution is going to be perfect. For a perfect solution instances must go away, but it is only possible if the world is split into 100 player instances/servers like Rust does. Current solution while not perfect gives full clarity for both sides. If the person has not exited to the OW in x minutes he is gone. You don't waste time and he does not waste time. Another problem is group splitting. Lets say there was a 5v7 battle. Group of 5 lost 2 ships (they are in the nearest friendly port) 3 ships of their group escaped. Their group is gone now because 3 sit in the BR screen and 2 wait in port. If 3 ships who survived exit - they will be re-attacked and sank. If 2 ships sail to them to help - they will be intercepted and sank. In the new mechanics they meet in the same port and sail again together. Giving both sides another battle potential. The feature is counterintuitive but we believe it will work. Because previously that person was logging off from BR screen anyway denying gameplay for both sides.
  18. bermuda triangle is a unique place fortunately or unfortunately. The way you described it - you just saved yourself 1 hour at least - giving you more time to PVP more.
  19. PB timer is coming in the next hotfix if you logoff in the open sea and does not login back in 5 mins you will have a 30-60 min PB entry lockout - that can be stopped if you enter any friendly port. This will take care of occasional disconnects on your way to PB AND will stop people logging off before the PB.
  20. When USS constitution escaped The Great Chase - it sailed safely to home harbor. The ship was not magically placed to the place of original attack to allow british to have another chance. I will phrase it differently. Previous rules (if you knew enemies are outside) forced you to STOP PLAYING. by using alt f4 in a battle result screen, splitting your small group and breaking the flow for you for this day. New feature makes escape permanent and give you the option to play and actually find another battle. Instead of sitting in the result screen venting in chat.
  21. The vote is still open mate. This feature helps me a lot and i know players who will actually fight more because of it. (they mostly are sailing in small groups).
  22. You just don't see it yet. If you solve the problem of a solo player he might join a group. The feature you are talking about is helping a solo/small group player most. Previous mechanic was forcing him to either wait for hours in Battle result screens or if he escaped, pushed him to escape again and again and again until he was sank by a fleet camping him outside.
  23. It was like that before the feature. It just worked differently and was wasting time. You attacked NPC but waited for an hour in the battle result screen or were forced to log off using alt f4. Attacker also wasted time waiting for you outside. Roe is not yet final and battle entry might be adjusted soon based on findings in the admiralty events. You might be able to reinforce that AI in the future as it was before the instantly closed battles.
  24. feature was voted for by the community and for me it solves more problems than your supposed "much win" if you escaped you escaped + many hours saved for small group players and their gankers.
  25. First of all maintenance is always longer when patch is deployed and it was players who requested narrower no-pb window to allow more port battles times for some timezones. Because maintenance was longer today - pb started late. regarding fast capture - i am sure part of the problem is that the mechanic is new.
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