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  1. You are going to get ganked in enemy territory and if you escape you might get bubbled outside the system or on the gate. The only way out will be logging off in the station and if there is no station you will die anyway. And please (we are all adults here) stop saying that solo pvp is consistent in eve. To be able to pvp effectively here (solo) you need maybe 60k. In eve you will need months of training to give you at least a small chance, because no noob will survive in nullsec/lowsec for long. If you fly to the goon or PL main base (kpr analogy) in any ship solo you wont even survive in a capsule.
  2. Same as here. I can guarantee you that if you are in a good clan your losses will be covered. And look at Sorry brag thread. I count how many ships of the line there? They all required real time hauling and crafting and money - as permits are 1 peso a dozen now. Why no-one sank them while they were hauling. Why it was not a grind for them @Bountyhunter @Otto Kohl can you enlighten people here? Maybe give them some tips. The only problem I see now that players treated santisimas as eve's frigates. It still takes 50-60 times faster to build a first rate compared to titan and we are going to address it. We are going to play ironman challenge and will survive this drama about the grind. Lineships are not frigates. They will be expensive to build and expensive to lose. We want everyone to sail frigates or below. btw Eve Frigate is a pickle. Pickle is cheap and takes like 1 robbed trader to recover and fit. PVP in frigates in cheap and fun.
  3. same in EVE, and you cant even capture player ships there.
  4. pvp payout is a lot better - if you win - you take a ship and guns
  5. Check the Richard Garriot's (the guy who created ultima online) game called Shroud of Avatar done by like 50-100 people (compared to our 10) to put things in perspective. Or maybe check other sailing games on steam. There is nothing to revive the game is still in development. And despite being in development it is one of the most successful indie mmo's on steam mate. Here are top 10 MMOs on steam based on average hours. We know that player numbers will jump after european and asian languages localizations. All will be fine.
  6. What is regular pvp to your opinion? What do you mean by regular pvp?
  7. According to some users this game have been dead for like 12 months now.
  8. Naval Action Legends addresses the important problem. It removes non combat elements and open world. Players who love hardcore challenge and the caribbean will stay in the caribbean Players who hate sailing and hunting and ganking will play in the legends Its like coca cola light and normal coca cola - we satisfy both crowds without compromising (tainting) both products with features that those audiences don't want A better analogy would be - vegetarian curry, and beef curry. No restaurant mixes them to satisfy both vegetarians and beef lovers. We tried and wasted some time doing that. Now everyone will get their own perfect dish.
  9. We don't introduce the hardships - enemy nations do. There is also a peaceful server (with free ships from NPCs) which does not have ANY hardships whatsoever..
  10. trincs and essex can fight in their own 4th rate battle which Santis cannot enter and even more navy brigs and snows can fight in shallow water battles without seeing any santisimas.
  11. Make all ships cost 1 peso? Then everyone will sail a santisima. Anywhere in between someone will be unhappy. You have to understand this about RVR. Everything is out there to kill you. You can lose most of the land. You will have trouble progressing sometimes A world where sinking is a traumatizing experience, but you have to try and push through The difficulty comes not from the difficulty for the sake of difficulty - but from the design philosophy Loss in video games we take for granted for many years now , but Naval Action is unique in this regard Loss and failure are designed to give you that feeling of struggle and triumph Loss does not kill you - but brings you closer and closer to giving up, to purify your character Some players would say - wow its too difficult - and they are right! It is too difficult for some people. One day you struggle for so long that you give up completely, but because you don't lose your player and skill, some players don't lose hope, gather players around you, you build a fleet, you practice, you learn to fight better, you overcome and start succeeding. You triumph by destroying the enemy that was terrorizing your nation for so long and you win the game and retire. And then new leaders come and take your place. The game does not dumb down the conquest for the sake of so called mass market (brigs with rams) It does its own thing regardless of whether some people will be turned off and in doing so it becomes something unique and valuable and pure. There are just some tweaks needed to reduce the time required to rebuild Yes. The leader has not been born yet - the leader who can gather 30-50 people around him and turn 1 region into the empire.
  12. That is unsolvable. But there is more pvp now compared to what it was before the wipe (lets say november/december).
  13. Merge all servers into pve and declare world peace?
  14. Is not it the goal of any war-game?
  15. The goal and overwhelming feedback from players was to make ship loss painful and meaningful, and make lineships more rare. You cannot make lineships a bit more rare without the higher cost for them. What do you mean by unbalanced economy? Fundamentally it does not differ from the old economy with 2 exceptions (no money for damage, pricier cannons). What is the rush to get to first rate?
  16. And then (once they are out of ships) you get san juan, ponce, and road town. Imagine the fun. Hat island is probably stuffed fully with ship building materials to provide some support for such operation.
  17. Conquest marks are not ideal indeed and there will be some changes.
  18. We did not give any excuses and there are no selective examples. There are ports on the map players WILL defend and will defend furiously. If no-one will attack them all port battles will be empty. If nations declare world peace scenario and never attack each other - its a sandbox. Is not it?
  19. what is your player nation and server? If you play on EU - attack Road town with the intent to capture - you will get your full pb in no time (and a lot of pvp when setting it up). Same will happen probably for sant iago and cartagena
  20. if alts create problems in game play it has to be solved by design. Due to the peculiarities of the steam platform rules. We sell the game through steam. So in reality players buy the game from steam not from us. We cannot prohibit or control who buys the game and installs it because its against our agreement with steam - we make the game - steam sells it. Thus - if alts create problems by delivering war supplies - it has to be solved by design. For example trades between enemy nations on certain items have to be locked out.
  21. ROE tutorial
  22. If you need to hit a running player at distance no matter what (to keep him in battle) it is better to do it using random mode as you increase your chance to hit due to spread (especially if that person started to turn to evade the broadside seeing that you started the shooting). to rephrase from the running target pesrpective it is much easier to evade the rolling broadside from distance if you see the direction the person is using. Gently Turn AWAY from his bow - stern direction and all his shots will miss. If he uses random many shots will still hit as you have to turn more and lose more speed
  23. i use random fire mode in chases why should we remove it again?
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