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  1. DK SWE mode is very hard. France is in the antilles they could be un-capturable. New spain (Virreniato de Nueovo Espana) capital was Mexico City. There were various audiencias and captaincies (territories) which make the following cities the option to be capitals. Santo domingo, vera cruz, campeche. Santo domingo was a capital of spanish west indies (part of new spain). But it is not suitable to be a capital because historically it changed hands multiple times and even raided by Drake. With this thinking Havana (a paris of west indies) might also not fit as a safe capital as it is was raided by french corsairs and british.
  2. Main british naval bases in the Caribbean were in Bermuda and Bridgetown. Kingston and Mortimer were just bows to Potbs which we played a lot some time ago. Secondary bases were English Harbor (antigua) and Port royal.
  3. But now you will be able to recapture - even from your own nation
  4. this system is impossible - because you can't hang traitors. Its against steam eula.
  5. flags will be almost impossible to exploit because they will only be available for war corporations + they won't be exclusive. Meaning whoever places the flag first get the port battle
  6. UPDATED SHORT VERSION (simplified based on feedback and discussions) War corporations and national unity Clans will be able to form war corporations Port battles will ONLY be available to war corporations War corporations will be able to change tax rates in ports (for example if the standard national tax rate is 15% war corporations will be able to reduce it to 0 or raise up to 30%) War corporations can fight other war corporations in the same nation ONLY in port battles War corporations will be able to set their controlled port as free town (enterable by all nations) or as national town (enterable only by their own nation) War corporations will have to vet their members themselves but if they do it properly alts will no longer interfere with port battles Hostility changes will be done Hostility grinding will be removed Some kind of flag will return - but the placing time will be increased to 30 mins to give time to respond Potentially we can bring back timers set by governors Regions Regions will split into individual ports for conquest (tentative) All ports will be split into captureable (all large islands in the center of the map and island chains) and non captureable - coasts All capture able ports will change status to neutral after reset History fans can relax because in 2-3 weeks port captures will shape the nationalities of ports themselves. New players will come to a live fluid map, which will have stability along the coast and constant instability in the center. Rare resources will move closer to the center of the map.. the closer to center the more potential profit would be on trading Map will be reset Coastal experience Some capitals might be moved (with simple ID change so you don't have to reposition your resources). Or we can just move all assets players have to redeemables to give more options. Free towns will be removed from the coasts Reinforcements in coastal ports will come back to game (as fleets no longer give xp) to those who don't remember this is how they worked If BR of enemy was higher than yours if you were attacked near your national port, the port would send you the support equal to the difference between your BR and enemy BR. For example - if you were in a surprise and were attacked by two surprises port would send you 1 surprise to support you in battle (which you could command) Potentially clans will be able to invest into improving port reinforcements class Additional wipe announcement. There will be no asset resets/removals or wipes during this rework. Only map will reset (which will cause some inconvenience when moving resources).
  7. thank you everyone for feedback. we will update the main post and provide the new version of the proposal
  8. Initial thinking was wrong about port entry.. giving an option to everyone to enter any port just creates too many opportunities to ruin the game for others we will post an update later today on the port entry and starting and conquerable ports. In general we think we should stop trying to find the new type of wheel and copy working designs from Potbs or eve.
  9. since then being able to be attacked anywhere by other nations is easy mode
  10. We have mentioned it long long time ago - it is time to repeat this message We would like to remind everyone that global chat and nation chat are PUBLIC Channels. They are not secure and there could be rogue players reading them and passing the information along to the enemy. Please be careful when saying sensitive information in national chat or global chat - loose lips can sink ships. Only personal chat, and group chat is secure. Clan chat is secure too if you know that you have no spies inside the clan. Use group chat, personal chat and clan chat for confidential communication. more info will follow.
  11. another statement on the wipe There will be no wipe. only map reset. In fact there might be no wipes any more even on release. But its not a promise.
  12. Indeed. Alliances were in game for AT LEAST 6 months (maybe even more - someone will correct me if i am wrong). They were removed for rework. The only thing he is correct about is new boarding mechanics which we said we will consider after release..
  13. thats exactly why we think national gameplay is becoming irrelevant with lower online. Alts ruin it to the extent it becomes unplayable. National infighting or disagreements do not create a unified nation. Its so bad that if some 10 players who you don't know join the port battle on your side you actually never know if they are going to help or interfere - there is not much trust. Even simple things will start to work. In reality if a brit was rogue he was demoted and kicked out of the navy (not currently). You will be able to punish rvr players by kicking from clan.
  14. Yep maybe the player rights to entry all ports is something that needs to be reviewed with more scrutiny. But thats exactly the reason why we post this here in advance for discussions.
  15. no.. only war companies can attack same nation war companies. If you are not a member you won't be attacked by the same nation war company and vice versa.
  16. But it makes its amazingly easy and a bit more stable for new players. New system basically separates normal players from hardcore RVR players without interfering with each other's goals. Normal players just want to play, rvr players want to conquer. Everyone will be happy as a result.
  17. current system does not work. If player joins spain on PVP Global he leaves like in 1-2 days. Because he sees that he can never win. Basic game design rule - if perceived chance to win the game is 0 the fun falls to 0 immediately.
  18. you will be able conquer free towns too and tax them and potentially lock entry to enemy corps.
  19. yes yes once this feature is done map will be reset 1 Yes - you can attack any chartered war company even if it is in your own nation 2 Not sure - because mechanic is different new company have to be created 3 Access is under consideration.. there are 2 options. war companies can only enter their nation ports and ports their war company control (hardcore) - or they can enter any ports their nation and their national war companies control and ports that other companies allowed them to enter .. this is still under consideration 4 Attacking players from the same nation will only work if you are both members of different chartered war companies Described above Conquest (because clans decide what to conquer) can be moved to flag system with modified place timer (much longer timer than before) to give time to counter. But we are still discussion options which are Open conquest - buy a flag start a port battle (but it is placed for 30 mins to allow time to react) Staged conquest - you place a flag and port battle happen next day Defensive timers can come back as well. Clan determines the 3 hour window when they can be attacked but can be attacked any time. other ideas are considered too. based on flags or war supplies.
  20. regions won't change national ownership only the controlling chartered war company changes.. it will look like this: Havana region Nation Spain Controlling company - Hanseatic League Governor: Con Shonnery Tax rate 5% If another clan conquers it it will look like this Havana region Nation Spain Controlling company: East India Company Governor: Shon Connery Tax rate: 25%
  21. If you are not a war company you still can craft any ship you want and combat with it in the open world. The access to ships of the line is not limited to war corporations
  22. there are two solutions to this alliances between clans (potential feature for the future) raiding becomes meaningful. If you can find time when the clan port is unprotected you can take their warehouse and rob them. Building a bigger fleet for the future. Defending will be harder for smaller clans.
  23. clans remain. you don't have to have a chartered war company to pvp. It is required only if you want to conquer ports.
  24. Hello Captains. We would like to share some information on the potential changes to conquest. Current Problems New player experience is uneven and heavily depends on the nation you join. New players who come into the game have completely no information on what is the state of their nation they just joined. Sometimes they join a happy strong nation, but often they join weaker nations As a result players who joined a stronger nation have a much better experience than players who joined a weak nation and leave the game. Current national conquest system (take everything from your enemy) reinforces this problem. Fluctuating online increases the problem even further - if you nation has 10 captains left you cannot play normally because you become completely uncompetitive in conquest, which in turn reduces quality of other types of gameplay As a result most new players (who did not join a winning nation) become unhappy populace and leave the game instead of having fun. Alts. Alts interfere with conquest. There is not much to add Solution Decree on the changes in the political systems in the Caribbean. Initial proposal European and North American (current nations or further Nations) powers will agree to not give away ports to other nations. Updated version: Nations will not give away ports only in certain areas (main coast). The ports in the center of the map will be capturable by war corporations for their nation (but they will be able to tax them) Captureable regions Cuba (with the exception of havana) Jamaica Bahamas Lower parts of florida Hispaniola Turks and Caicos Puerto Rico All minor island chains Capitals for two nations might move to a more appropriate safe place Port royal and havana will still remain secondary capitals but the spawns of new players Might be moved to Sisal Bridgetown or Belize Pirate republic capital might move to Nassau (with a secondary capture able capital in Mortimer) Hard/Easy/Medium descriptions will come back to nation selection Pirates/Sweden/DK - very hard VP/France/United States - medium Spain/Britain - easy Nations will close eyes on the privateering activities in the Caribbean region allowing free combat in the region. Nations will start taxing all activities in the caribbean (stamp tax) on all purchases, mining or forestry and player to player trade Nations will grant charters (allow to create) for new type of chartered companies: war corporations or clans that will be allowed to establish control over regions in the Caribbean. current guilds and clans will remain the same new chartered war company will be able to be created by players for the purpose of region control and taxation. Current guilds will be able to enter to ally - forming war corporations Captains who are not a member of a chartered war company will be able to enter any port in any ship. Removed as it will create a lot of confusion and potential grief Members of a chartered war company will be able to enter the following ports national ports ports other chartered war companies of their nation control all other ports where the governor allowed entry (this is still under consideration) Nations will allow such chartered companies/corporations to tax regions that they control Chartered war companies will be able to change tax to lower or a bit higher than a government level. All tax collected in a port will go to a chartered war company for the development of that region. Only chartered war companies will be able to participate in the port battles. Only clan (war company) who is attacking the port and who is defending the port will be able to participate in the port battle. so for example if East India Company will decide to take control of the region from the Hanseatic League only captains who are members of those companies will be able to enter port battles. They will be able to do it even both companies belong to the same nation. Nations will allow chartered war companies to freely attack each other even if they belong to the same nation. This will allow chartered war companies to settle score between each other if they believe someone is interfering with their chartered activities This feature will make ROE hell. It is impossible to make it work while keeping it simple at the same time. To make it work nations mush be removed or pve player class created (NCO rank who cannot pvp and cannot be attacked) To keep national unity War corporations will not be able to attack each other on the open seas if they are in the same nation But War corporations will be able to fight each other for control of the ports (only in port battles) Chartered war companies will not have a warehouse but will use a special port warehouse assigned to a war company by a port (1 warehouse per region) Because warehouse is city based if another chartered war company conquers the city (takes control) it will gain access to that warehouse with all belongings including tax money. This means the chartered war company will lose all tangible assets (with the exception of ships) if they lose the port to another clan Removed as fake feature - it is very easy to avoid losing assets in port by moving to peaceful friends or alts to make this feature work we would have to reduce quality of life for other warehousing services and we don't want it. Captains joining war companies will have to serve a minimum time period and will not be able to exit the company for certain time After exit they won't be able to rejoin a company for a certain time (to avoid jumping back and forth between war companies). Potential results: This will completely eliminate alts from conquest and will stabilize the map for new players who will have an equal experience irrespectively of the nation chosen. Lets discuss. Systems rework might take some time, but will be delivered with tweaks found during the discussions in this topic. In this matter we recommend captains to not sweat much about conquest until this feature is done because map will be reset to its original state once this is implemented. UPDATED SHORT VERSION (simplified based on feedback and discussions War corporations and national unity Clans will be able to form war corporations Port battles will ONLY be available to war corporations War corporations will be able to change tax rates in ports (for example if the standard national tax rate is 15% war corporations will be able to reduce it to 0 or raise up to 30%) War corporations can fight other war corporations in the same nation ONLY in port battles War corporations will be able to set their controlled port as free town (enterable by all nations) or as national town (enterable only by their own nation) War corporations will have to vet their members themselves but if they do it properly alts will no longer interfere with port battles Hostility changes will be done Hostility grinding will be removed Some kind of flag will return - but the placing time will be increased to 30 mins to give time to respond Potentially we can bring back timers set by governors Regions Regions will split into individual ports for conquest (tentative) All ports will be split into captureable (all large islands in the center of the map and island chains) and non captureable - coasts All capture able ports will change status to neutral after reset History fans can relax because in 2-3 weeks port captures will shape the nationalities of ports themselves. New players will come to a live fluid map, which will have stability along the coast and constant instability in the center. Rare resources will move closer to the center of the map.. the closer to center the more potential profit would be on trading Some resources required to ship of the line construction might also move to center Map will be reset Coastal experience Some capitals might be moved (with simple ID change so you don't have to reposition your resources). Or we can just move all assets players have to redeemables to give more options. Free towns will be removed from the coasts Reinforcements in coastal ports will come back to game (as fleets no longer give xp) to those who don't remember this is how they worked If BR of enemy was higher than yours if you were attacked near your national port, the port would send you the support equal to the difference between your BR and enemy BR. For example - if you were in a surprise and were attacked by two surprises port would send you 1 surprise to support you in battle (which you could command) Potentially clans will be able to invest into improving port reinforcements class Additional wipe announcement. There will be no asset resets/removals or wipes during this rework. Only map will reset (which will cause some inconvenience when moving resources).
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