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Everything posted by admin

  1. Clan management tools are not a priority at this stage Before that - If clan member is not willing to file the tax in person - kick him. As a 18th century guild leader you should not ask what you can do for your clan member, ask what a clan member can do for you.
  2. Bigger nations or alliances reduce amount of pvp as data shows. As a result we have no plans to change anything with nation composition in the near or medium term future.
  3. mutual respect is rule 1 of this forum topic locked.
  4. Your example is easily done with blocks like you shown. Once you start making them look good and realistic you will see the cracks in your proposal. As long as you move away from blocks to real parts you will see what we mean. But maybe its us who dont see it. I wonder if you can show it using not blocks but real superstructures btw.. we might need volunteer modelers for parts by summer
  5. Please report bugs properly Captain it will help a lot what is your player name for example? Server did you report F11? What is your F11 number. If you have not reported - why. any screenshots? if not any why? please provide relevant information here. meanwhile enjoy a pirate life until investigation is finished.
  6. 12am was 6 hours ago - it was probably early morning in spain.. we just are reverting it by 6 hours back.. you will be able to play more tonight if you want
  7. Hotfix is being deployed Ship crafting bug fixed PVP Patrol button is temporarily removed to fix the Battle circle of doom sometimes spawning with an offset killing everyone in the instance Database is being reverted to today's maintenance state due to too many ships lost in events and crafted.
  8. nothing will be lost you will have everything you had at 12am kiev time. servers will be reset to 12am kiev time state.
  9. unfortunately port battles are also reset if you had a PB before this hotfix and it got reverted - please contact @Ink for some compensations
  10. Всем привет - вынужден буду откомментировать так как обсуждения пошли в странное русло Пример переноса одного из кругов в сомерсете за мелководье сделано для улучшения тактического качества боя на той карте. Решение принято было увидев как идет битва и как не использовался важный кусок карты с узким проливом который позволил бы перегородить его потоплениями своих например (как делал это нахимов в войне против британии). мы постоянно общаемся с позитивными активными игроками - прислушиваемся к их советам словам и идеям мы делаем это как в игре так и в скайпе, личке, стримах в личном общении (по мере возможности) Взгляд со стороны на то как люди играют и пользуются фичами игры позволяет смотреть на них обьективней и менять если сразу видно что можно улучшить Патчноуты пишем как можно более детальные но можем что-то и забыть. Но завышенные требования по памяти на себя принимать не собираемся - так что можете расслабится и успокоится. Возможно чтото будет упускаться или забываться при написании патчноутов - так как работы ведется много и все и не упомнишь что сделал Мы с 2014 года неустанно говорим везде только одно - ожидайте худшего - снижайте ожидания и ничего хорошего не ждите Первым параграфом в Steam магазине написано - основная фича игры- БАГИ (я не шучу) снизьте ожидания и игра заиграет другими красками
  11. admin

    Patrol mission

    lack of details makes your post impossible to support. You instantly sank .. strange - did you report F11? Or you instantly sank by leaks (due to frigate heel) - not strange Or 2 Bucs DPSed destroyed you with spike damage?
  12. no plans for such tool at this stage
  13. There are 81 ports on the map that can make same or even more money than cartagena (in trading taxes) There are 25 ports on the map with the hidden feature that no-one yet found - which can make EVEN MORE. We just probably need to scale down on pve rewards to make people trade which will in turn make ports more profitable, which will in turn help timers.
  14. I linked the video of a 5 mln trade run. invest 1 mln - make 3 then use earned 3 to buy another good sail back sell them in the original port for another 1-2 mln profit good part of the route can be skipped using TP
  15. asking clan members to play the game or maybe even PVP? Exactly what we want Not playing the game? Leave the port for others to take. @Intrepido my man.. trust me. you just need 1 port. You needed more of them before because you needed them to help your nation get to top 1-3 positions to help nation win the map...NOT ANYMORE. you just take 1 port and get 1 victory marks per week per lord protector. Even if you are the only clan in your nation and no-one else is playing. You dont need 20 ports But if you want 20 ports with 4am timers? Pay UP through the nose.. 500k is cheap and might go higher.
  16. Here is a guide on making 5 mln for a 30-40 min trade run
  17. i asked about pvp money. I am not a pve player and believe that people engaged in RVR are also mostly interested in pvp
  18. No. 500k is peanuts for a 5 man clan even if they only sail bellonas or lower. Want the timer? Pay.
  19. There is no failure in this change. Its just your first impression. RVR is high end content. By placing a timer you are locking the rvr content from other time zones. Get ready to pay for it. Data shows that 500k is cheap and is still ridiculously low. 500k is per clan - its also very cheap. How much do you get for example for a pvp bellona kill? Can someone calculate the pvp marks revenue and the kill reward itself?
  20. PVP rewards are 2.5x of pve rewards. If you participate in RVR you participate in PVP. If you participate in PVP most likely you are wealthy. 500K is how much at current prices? 2 pvp marks?
  21. You should ignore meaningless RVR and participate in meaningful RVR capturing ports bringing value to your nation or you.
  22. OW pms with enemies are disabled from the attack tab. as sending a private message and seeing his name in chat defeats the purpose of hiding the name. You can still PM with enemies using search of course, or through global chat
  23. OW names like many other features were part of testing functionality; for example tow to port feature was never originally planned to be kept in the final version, but… will stay. With names we are sure, removal of names will create more tension and will make pvp more exciting. Realistically you cannot really find out the name of the captain from 25km - you cant really see the ship from this distance in reality (only topsail); you could of course know that certain captain is operating in the area and you can find it too from the combat newspaper in game. If you see that a famed danish captain sinking enemies near tortuga in combat news and you see a ship in the open world that this famed captain sails a lot (with a danish flag), thats most likely him. Thats recognition. If you attack him you will know who it is for sure.
  24. regarding ship sinking time - 30% increase in time for sinking ships that already sinking - to pick up loot regarding enemy names - Only enemy names are not shown in the open world. You will still be able to see all names in battles
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