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  1. Not just any 13 ships. You will need 13 Santisimas. The number required was 19 before the patch. It was strange and weird and not really historical that 18 first rates could not attack 25 first rates.
  2. Permanent item, use as many times you like.
  3. Remember that tutorial final exam will grant players M&C rank. So new player who thinks that he made a wrong choice when starting a game can just delete a character, pass a tutorial and get m&c rank back, by just passing the exam again. Prolific forger DLC is not for them, its for players who cannot commit and change nations 5-6 times a year or more.
  4. steam has local pricing so you cant be given a definitive answer, it varies from country to country
  5. Captains! Emergency patch will be deployed today Fixed a sneaky bug, that got in recently; bug that did not allow battle entry on the side of the smuggler Smuggler flag has no influence on battle flag from now on. If a brit attacks a french smuggler a battle between britain and france will be created, not brit vs pirate flag as before. As a result several other things also got into the game. Battle rating for vessels has been tuned to incorporate long range dps and alpha Port battles BR adjusted generally was slightly increased for deep water ports - from 5 to 15% more variety in BR were added for shallow water ports BR influence on attacking in OW slightly reduced BR difference influence between solo ships greatly reduced 100BR is now enough to attack a lone 1st rate Influence of numbers for BR group modifiers was slightly reduced You only need 13 santisima trinidads to attack 25 santisima trinidads Prolific Forger DLC has been added to the game. Prolific forger grants access to permanent forged paper that can be used every 30 days to change nation. as usual - we are adding a teaser from the new UI Update: Treasure island port battle BR limits North Inlet - deep water - 2570 Kidd's Harbour - deep water - 2520 Rum Cove - shallow - 1110 Update: Hotfix is being deployed Emergency fix of the port control user interface that helps clans owning more than 28 ports Sealed bottles loot have been improved Logs added to battle joins to help find the bug with disappearing buttons Determined defender is back
  6. agreed all resources now are focused on the tutorial, and UI. it will bring more impact and will keep more users happy initially. Focus is key with the small team. Once its done we can review and freshen up the buildings and cities
  7. We have one of the best visual representations (if not the best) of a 16 mln square km caribbean. http://www.navalaction.com/blog/2015/3/5/beautiful-open-world we know it raises expectations and players of course want more. We can assure you that land and cities will be amazing in Naval Action 8, just like they are amazing in AC 8 also known as Origins delivered by 300 artists and programmers.
  8. individual styles were originally considered for all nations and could be implemented after localization
  9. 30 day forged papers for new players are not needed anymore. new player can get M&C rank by passing an exam and basically can switch nation by deleting the char and passing exams will help him to get to M&C If you made a wrong choice you can just correct it within 2-3 hours.
  10. steam achievements are not currently on the priority list, just like many other interesting ideas like ability to change sets of ensigns and banners. Once tutorial, localization and ui is done - they could be added of course.
  11. 2 programmers and 2 modelers can only focus on this not that. So its either ships or cities from the art perspective. + its hard to improve the land due to sheer size of the world without ruining something else (for example FPS). For example adding 2 new tree types will send it below 10-15 for majority of machines
  12. tutorial does not give rewards.. its for testing only at this stage It will start giving rewards after the challenges are completed and final exam passed (final exam is not yet in game). Challenges will have to be passed again to get the reward
  13. тема потеряла полезность игроки которые не хотят чтобы такие темы закрывались должны контролировать свои эмоции и не превращать все во флуд
  14. мы придумали как решить проблему
  15. ДА и у нас есть идеи как этого добится мы тюнили боевку чтобы можно было скилом вытаскаивать бой чтобы не надо было бегать - рубли - вода - бф перестали бегать и уверен стали получать больше удовольствия надо просто перенаправить поток игроков в нужное русло и мне кажется мы придумали как
  16. they do. but yes.. some waves could jerk your ship down on the way up and screw up your plan (if gun angle is not adjusted by the gunner) btw storm battles in sea trials already had smart gunners.. (once you started the broadside it went where you planned it originally), but of course you are right that you did have to pick the right moment when to click fire!
  17. Great ideas in this topic - for some reason missed it Interesting question to discuss here is should we remove the smart gunners from guns or not. Smart gunners Gunners adjust aim for coming wave automatically (smart gunners) when firing a broadside As a result coming waive raises your ship but smart gunners are lowering guns in advance to counter it = Predictable aiming no feeling of randomness Dumb gunners Gunners do not adjust aim for coming wave and expect you to do so. As a result any minor coming wave will make you guns spray and prey. = Unpredictable shooting, you can plan ahead but usually you will miss half or more of your broadside. Smart gunners are in game since original sea trials, we tried to test internally once without the smart gunners and its basically impossible to hit anything further than 100m unless its a first rate.
  18. Они просто должны нападать а в бою в большинстве топить скиловых проще простого - в 90% случаях надо просто перестать пытаться стрелять по мачтам и тупо бить в корпус
  19. Вопрос на обсуждение Одна из особенностей игры это то что нет баланса сил в природе - количество врагов часто превышает ваш флот Год назад мы поставили себе задачу настроить боевую модель так чтобы в бою решал скилл капитана и чтобы малая группа игроков могла вытащить почти любой бой на скиле Концепция боя в меньшинстве с нашей точки зрения должна выглядеть так (на видео типичный бой некоторых капитанов) Все изменения в боевке делались ради этого и по результатам комбат репортов мы видим что это возможно Вопросы капитанам что не хватает? чтобы вы еще хотели добавить в боевку чтобы такое становилось возможным? что на ваш взгляд сделать (зная что бои в меньшинстве можно выигрывать) чтобы убрать боязнь игроков лезть в бой чтобы вы потюнили усилили ослабили?
  20. But you already get 2.5x xp and 2.5x gold for pvp Captains can arrive to areas around active port battles and claim those high rewards...
  21. Никто не сомневается - навал никогда не подавался как симулятор все знают что фрегат не ехал в угле 40 градусов к ветру но все знают что даже в симуляторе АРМА 3 персонажи не какают Реалистичные кривые мы воссоздали и полноценно они будут использованы в следующих играх. В этой есть уже багаж удобства отвыкать от которого никто не захочет и то что мертвая зона у нас на 20-30 процентов меньше нам думаю все простят так как все понимают зачем это сделано давайте спросим читателей? - Читатели вы хотите чтобы самые быстрые фрегаты в 60 градусов вообще не ехали? (в серую зону отрицательная скорость)
  22. if you played maps with shallows a lot you would know that instance shallows work and matter. In addition to that please cut down on conspiracy theories. our goal is to make game better and everything we do has one goal - improve the game. But haters gonna hate. The sooner we weed them out from this community the better. They are not constructive and just spoil the air. Regarding the motivation to move one objective behind shallows. If you watch Moscal's stream where this discussion happened. The move was made to specifically to bring shallows to light in that port battle, where captains could even block shallows if they sink 2 heavy ships and completely stop enemy ships who decide to spawn in that area. Your posts are not constructive, are full of hate, you are just spewing abuse and making up things you want to hear.
  23. Exam will be hard and will challenge the player. It will be in the safe tutorial environment, but if player finishes it he will be able to sink 60% of players on the forum
  24. No. But we want a player who passed an M&C exam to be immediately useful in PVP and light frigates are best for it. M&C exam will give a player a permanent free light frigate. So a player can just jump into action whenever he is needed for scouting, chasing, screening. They can of course buy or cap a light ship and participate in shallow waters fighting, learning shallow ships. This will allow us also to make light ships historically strong in some things as we wont need to balance them for silly progression for rookies anymore.
  25. Some times you just don't have time to mention or forget it. This re balancing patch was huge work in terms of numbers, tunings, and testing and some things slip away due to parallel works on tutorial, UI. Remember - our team is very very small - 5 people.
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