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  1. kill missions are based on difficulty. Rate is just a requirement for the ship for a mission.
  2. Its actually a lot better now. And i don't think we all have experienced it enough to actually confirm your statement. The claim of hardcore changes of ship requirements is ridiculous given the trader brig dropping 2000 doubloons. The whining on teleport charges is ridiculous given same 2000 doubloons drops from a mere trader. The shock from removal of marks will pass (people connect doubloons with marks mistakingly). Please avoid unfounded ridiculous statements (like 10 doubloons for teleport is blocking your gameplay). Go hunt traders for a bit and you are set for like a month?
  3. I don't remember you asking me a question. My comment was not an answer and was a statement to another player. I am not aware what your comment means or refers to. Answer no to which question? Thanks
  4. Kill missions have difficulty ratings (indicated by stars) - to find opponents you like search the open world or move to the city which has the lower level difficulty. Difficulty autoadjusts gradually - so if people will struggle with a mission it will be re classed by admiralty NPC thinkers and it will move to another port and its rewards will go higher
  5. one more example of not knowing everything - yet presenting assumptions as facts Traders carry cargoes now and correspondent gold on the way back. In a while traders will be moved to companies and carry corresponded loot - so to get swedish goods you will have to hunt for swedish traders. having empty traders was bad design before. No real or npc trader will just sail around in an empty ship.
  6. I don't think you get it:) You are stuck in the old game patternS... you should forget about it/them. It is the content of the hold. Historically traders carried goods and when they sold them they carried gold or other goods they bought. Just like historically traders carry goods, traders carry gold on the way back, some traders carry nothing. The most lucrative activity historically was capturing rich traders.
  7. We mentioned some time ago that we now have a pretty good vision of what we want the game to look like on release - this vision is not fully realized yet and requred and will require changes that remove or rearrange content sometimes taking things from players sometimes giving them something else. We understand your frustration but we are not going to delay the development by thinking about definitions. As a result we are not arguing with you - you are mistaken. It was just a statement. Marks are gone. 2 historical currencies are now in game (and there is still a small chance (very very slim) that one will remain in the end).
  8. all lineships have fake guns on lower decks to reduce draw calls - without them fps will dissapear.
  9. After we converted to grid we must improve the icons - it will get done in the future.
  10. could be but only can check tomorrow. Please cross post in support section with more details to not get lost in comments.
  11. like in RL? Maybe gold destruction should be removed from game then.. good point. On the other hand.. think about the cargo dropper. he gets satisfaction from throwing that chest into the deep blue sea. Why should we only think about you (attacker?) Lets think about the runner for once.
  12. please report from game from the account who is missing gold and reals.. but most likely they are in your redeemables.
  13. then please report F11 from those accounts who are missing reals or doubloons for shipyars.. investigation is required to reply and we don't know your in game player names. provide info on number of shipyards and their locations in that report
  14. this is removed tomorrow. chest can only used in port. the fact that you can move gold to chest sneaked in from testbed (for easier testing) and will be removed.
  15. @Hethwill the Red Duke is right There is not a single historical account of a pirate or a raider or a privateer loading diamonds or gold coins or gold dust into his hold when going out to the raid. Typically they were going out empty so they can rob someone take the hold and come back. So you are absolutely correct. No spoils on way out, lots of potential spoils on way back. This the best way to get best pvp rewards is to hunt people on their way back. If you attack someone on the way to raid you only will and should expect to get provisions repairs and maybe some pay.. maybe 1 doubloon per crew max. Maybe slightly more. The rest depends on WHO you attack and when.
  16. Here was our thinking - do not mean to offend anyone. so apologies in advance Part 1 PvP players kill players. If you kill poor players you get poor rewards. If you kill rich players you get amazing rewards in form of their ships and holds. Maybe you should stop hunting poor players and attack rich players in pvp? If this thinking is correct - noobs will be happier (Useless target) and rich pvp players will focus on rich pvp players. Part 2 You have based on your feedback you have not killed any players after patch. Because if you did kill someone - you would not ask such questions. PVP drops doubloons (sailor salaries and pay + all loot from previous battles).
  17. If you really had 3 lvl3 shipyard you should have received a lot of reals + 6k per each lvl 3 shipyards. If you have less please report F11 to investigate.
  18. because it was announced on 19th of april ? and no no one dumped anything.. BF is hating on us on stream now ))) Also its not a conversion really. PVP marks and Combat marks were abandoned. Marks were present int the google doc posted by Ink describing the conversion prices. That google docs existed for months now. (link in the patch notes)
  19. there will be no redeemable for reals - they are credited directly to wallet.
  20. we did not say so.. all costs to open buildings you had before were given out to players in full. we credited reals in the patch doubloons were patched in later (like 1 hr ago)
  21. check redeems then.. 6k should be in your redeemables.
  22. 90000 reals was also credited + 6k is in doubloons which was also credited. what are you talking about. I do not think you have read us correctly or we phrased the compensation patch message incorrectly.
  23. Every human thinks he is a center of the universe and it is true. 100s of key bugs were fixed because of testbed and lots of changes we applied BECAUSE players complained - brightest example - grid vs list view for warehouses. Based on player feedback. And it became better If you continue diminishing our effort to listen and implement community feedback i will just remove you from the forums for constant whining.
  24. Testbed made this patch 100x better. 100s of bugs were fixed because of player feedback and we always relied on player feedback. But many people only think about their own agenda and think ship data corruptions are less important than their opinion on teleport fees. Economy will be wiped 2 times AT LEAST so we don't need to worry about it now.
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