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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by DeRuyter

  1. ^^This - still at work 😡! Perhaps there were some bugs that needed to be squashed. Looking forward to testing.
  2. @Norfolk nChance You aren't angling for the inclusion of early subs in the game by chance! 😉
  3. Even in a large fleet battle ships had to keep station in line and this required sail trimming. If you look at single ship actions as @maturin alluded to, some involved a lot of maneuvering and some were just run up and fire at close range. You certainly wanted to reduce sail to your maneuvering sail plan, aka battle sail, at the start of the engagement, weather conditions permitting. Courses were furled not only because of fire risk but also because they add complication and crew to sail handling (they also affect visibility). Certain crewmen on the guns were designated as sail trimmers and would be called away for that task when required. Just keep in mind that even a small amount of maneuvering or speed changes on a square rigged ship requires sail handling which is why in battle you wanted the sail plan that required the least amount of crew. Here is my post from another thread on battle sails with an example of some of the sail trimming and maneuvering that Constitution did when fighting Guerriere:
  4. @Fluffy Fishy @Malachi I posted the link earlier in this thread, or one of the other recent Constitution threads, to log entries from 1813-1814 noting a speed of 14 knts. Most of the time she was logging 11-12 knts though. @Fluffy Fishy you are right about modifications to improve speed, one of which was to get rid of the 42 lb carros, that the United States kept but she was known to be a slower sailor than her sister ships. I would say though that the weight of the wood used for framing can be misleading, you need the sail area to displacement ratio to find out the effect of the heavier construction. Of course we don't have variable wind conditions that was an important factor distinguishing the sailing characteristics the different builds and ships IRL. Also just FYI she did sail again in 2012 for the anniversary of the battle vs. Guerriere . My understanding on these sails is that the wind speed has to be less than 15 knts so nothing gets damaged. In 1997 the wind speed was only 5-6 knts which should put the 3.1 knts speed into perspective. The day before in more wind she made 6 knts for a practice run. Kinda like @William Death point about hull speed - it is a theoretical maximum, you rarely get conditions to even get close to it. Most ships are sailing faster than the constant in game wind should allow anyway.
  5. I don't think @admin was referring to force 10 conditions, but rather the "storm" map from Sea Trials, minus the high waves. Also most people aren't looking at the definition of storm from the Beaufort scale, rather generally bad weather which is what the poll asks. Although the HMS Indefatigable 's most famous engagement occurred during gale force conditions. I agree there are a variety of conditions, and those conditions should have differing effects on the ships. It should be very bad for Le Requin to be sailing around in force 6 or higher conditions for example. For reference the wind in NA appears to be force 4. Ultimately IMO it is only worthwhile implementing different weather conditions if the ships suffer the consequences like rigging damage, reducing sail and inability to fire from lower gun ports (I seem to remember this happened in Sea Trials with high waves). IMO not having some variation in wind force and weather conditions leaves an important part of age of sail strategy and tactics out of the game.
  6. This is a good point. You can make the bad weather more tropical though. Have a rain squall that comes through hard but very quickly for example, or is more localized. There is a rainy season as well. Ships have been wrecked in the Caribbean due to storms and bad weather (providing nice places for us to scuba dive today!). Remember also that the map is large so weather patterns in the Bahamas are different than off the coast of South America for example. I would like to see more diversity in weather and wind conditions, so I say let's test it in the PB.
  7. Just an FYI - Here is some research on Le Requin from a shipyard post giving the 245 number. AFAIK the French sources give this number and Three Decks gives 240 + 5 officers. Bottom line though, you are right she was a French national ship built to counter the "rageboarding" Algerian xebecs stuffed with crew.
  8. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this point. Seems to me your definition of "museum" ship is very broad. Amsterdam is a perfect example of a museum ship since it was specifically built to be a museum exhibit. Amsterdam looks like an Indiaman and happens to float (don't get me wrong a very nice exhibit). Replicas are usually working sailing vessels reproducing a type of ship or in the case of L'Hermione and Pickle a specific historic ship. Some are also sail training vessels like Niagara. Is Niagara a museum ship to you? To me that is not a museum ship, educational yes, museum exhibit no.
  9. Yes. (caveat being the last time I was onboard was prior to the recent restoration) Sigh, where would we be without you Fluffy, our resident Constitution critic to put the US fan boys in their place. 😉 One could say the same things about HMS Victory frankly, but not many people would say she does not bear any resemblance to the Victory that Nelson commanded. Really I don't know what you are on about this time. They have brought her substantially back to her appearance during the war of 1812. As you are well aware Captains had considerable discretion with paint colors and that changed over time. Does she look like she did in 1797, obviously not. Did she look the same in 1806 as 1797 no. Did she look different in 1812 yes. During the war her appearance changed as well. Did she look different as a school ship in the 1890s of course. Yes they are using modern construction methods and different woods in places. However they are using the historic droughts and sail plans. If you want you can buy a copy. I thought you had a copy of the Anatomy of a Ship volume anyway - you can't tell me that the ship "barely resembles" the 1812 drawings available. No question that she has seen multiple restorations in over 200 years but of course many wooden warships didn't last 20 years. As to whether she is still the USS Constitution after all these years I leave you with this: https://ussconstitutionmuseum.org/2018/04/13/rebuilt-preserved-restored-uss-constitution-across-the-centuries/ One last thing. Museum ship? Not exactly. She is still a commissioned vessel in the USN with a crew of active duty sailors. Your average "museum" ship is not doing this:
  10. Or the actual ship. The goal of the last 2 maintenance haul outs was to restore her to that configuration/appearance.
  11. Variable wind speed and weather conditions can also help bring balance and depth to the ships in game, just sayn' 😉 (and draft too can't forget that!) Looking forward to the upcoming patches though thanks.
  12. To me this looks to be a single player game first with an option for limited multiplayer (not MMO style), like UGG. I could be wrong but that's the way I read Nick's description.
  13. Great news. Thanks for the update @admin Looking forward to the patch and lots of new content. Thanks for that. Taking a break atm solving under sea mysteries in Subnautica. hope to have it solved before big UI patch!! 😊
  14. jpjchris you should set your sights a bit higher if you are sailing on the Chesapeake 😎 Like sailing on a tall ship: Sultana, Pride of Baltimore or if you are further north like me you can sail on Kalmar Nyckel which I used to crew on. (A bit before the NA time period but she is the only tall ship in the US with a sprit tops'l). There are also a couple of Skipjacks and more modern schooners around. Sometimes the Lnyx comes down to the Chesapeake - I got to sail on her in Baltimore. Niagara accepts volunteer crew and paying sailors as well but a bit far away. http://sultanaeducation.org/about-sultana/schooner-sultana/ http://pride2.org/ http://kalmarnyckel.org/ As to the Hobies I have sailed both the Wave and its' larger sibling the Getaway. I would recommend going for the larger Getaway if only because it has a jib but more because it is faster and tacks better than the Wave. This summer I sailed a Getaway with 4 teenagers onboard and flew a hull in a 12 knt breeze. You can solo both as well. If I were younger I might go for one of the racing Hobies. I used to race Thistles and Flying Scots at a local club and also crewed on J-24s a few times. I have also sailed on the Hobie trimarans with the foot pedals to control the rudder. These as well as the Wave and Getaway are often found in rental fleets so you can try before buying.
  15. Protected cruiser within time frame:
  16. Looking forward to this game. I would love to do the 1890s period - Spanish American War with Admiral Dewey at Manila Bay. I have played board games onboard the USS Olympia helping to raise money for her maintenance. Very few pre-dreadnoughts and dreadnaughts left afloat.
  17. Double the work plus stomping out bugs in the old UI and the new UI. Sounds better to delay econ for release after or with new port UI.
  18. That depends on a number of things including the point of sail. Keep in mind that reducing sail also reduces heel which helps aiming. Yes sailing in light wind in a quartering sea and you'll roll in the swell. Sailing close hauled under full sail in high wind and you'll be heeling and plunging into the waves (this can be ameliorated by hull shape). Simply clewing up the courses to reduce fire risk was not the only reason ships reduced sail in battle. Battle sails were also the primary maneuvering sails which could be handled by a reduced crew - the rest manning the guns. The more sail you carry the more stress you have on the rig which is going to take damage in battle. There are exceptions which again is dependent on the wind and sea state. Trafalgar was fought in light wind so the British approached under full sail for example. In general though ships didn't maneuver at top speed under full sail unless they were running. Example from log of the Constitution on sighting the Guerriere they took in sail to slow down when beating to quarters: "took in our Top Gallant Sails, Staysails, flying Jib, hauled the Courses up, took the 2nd Reef in the Topsails, and sent down the Royal Yards" That is a significant amount of canvas that was taken in. Later after some exchanges of long range broadsides they set the main t'gallant sail to close in and; "and steered down on his Beam in order to bring him to close action, at 5 minutes after 6 PM hauled down the Jib, and lay the Main Top Sail Shivering and opened on him a heavy fire from all our Guns" Essentially slowing down significantly once in range - in game terms hitting T and manually opposing the main to slow down. So it was not all about speed.
  19. Amsterdam: Another Dutch flag, ensign at stern: More US Ensigns from the Revolutionary war including privateer flags:
  20. The real crime here is a solo hunter sailing around with a maxed out fleet right @Hethwill Searching for all the #nofleets posts.
  21. @vazco Also try Harland's "Seamanship in the Age of Sail". Covers all the manuvers plus detail on the sails and rigging. The downside it is rather expensive.
  22. Actual stats for Le Requin French 24 gun 6th rate 24 x 8 pdr cannon (9 pdr in game) Crew 245 Suggestions to "balance" the ship 1. Fix how it reacts with the pirate refit mod. 2. Reduce or eliminate carronades (or 24 pdr max) and poods (eliminate). 3. Fix sailing profile if needed based on #1 (xebec should not outrun 5th rates downwind) 4. Reduce side HP - these were lightly built ships. Then no need to exclude from PB. Still have a powerful 6th rate fast upwind and must be sailed full manual for best effect. But @admin has already said they are working on a fix anyway.
  23. Well I think as you say the sea state has a big influence IRL - currently in game the sea state is not much of a factor except for the really small ships. Sailing fast upwind may result in pounding into the waves - a lot of pitch. In many cases sailing downwind will give more stability - talking from sailing experience in tall ships or the perception from the deck not aiming a cannon of course.
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