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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by DeRuyter

  1. TBF they are working new player experience atm - as admin noted above - UI, tutorial, etc.
  2. I thought this game may be of interest around here. More of a ship and crew management game although there is MP and co-op modes. You start as a LT on an RN frigate and try to work though promotions by completes tasks and missions. The developer previously released a game (Slitherine/Matrix games) called Carrier Deck with a similar theme but obviously set on an aircraft carrier. http://www.everysinglesoldier.com/hms.html
  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Vrolijk Kerstfeest und een gelukkig nieuwjaar!
  4. One of the problems in game is that it is done at full sails to get that high speed backwards when irl unless the wind was very light you wouldn't want to risk damage to the masts/rigging with the sails aback against the masts.
  5. NP We can just call the whole thing the "steering mechanism". History part: The wheel that the ship has on it now was taken from the HMS Java after the battle.
  6. She stood off to repair the damage to her rigging mostly sail control lines like braces that had been shot away or damaged when the ships got entangled. Her wheel not her rudder. They steered using tiller ropes below deck for the rest of the battle. Had her rudder been shot away the outcome of the battle may well have been different.
  7. Once again I'll say it - this game needs variable wind and sea states with the direction you are going. Capsized by bracing the yards - well my first question would be what was the wind conditions and how much sail were they carrying. Something like @Seraphic Radiance suggestion with 3-4 different wind states (leaving out the really light conditions). Good reason to shorten sail. Plus damage for carrying too much sail - I read accounts of ships getting caught because a top mast carried away (ie; USS Essex). Also it was much easier to maneuver with the courses furled - as @maturin noted you can sustain mast damage sailing backwards at full sail (because of the way the courses are rigged this is problematic). Now that you have sail area to hull ratios modeled in order to get the most out of it bring in variable winds - this will further differentiate ships even within the same rate. US ships were notoriously over canvased for example. There's your capsize risk - carrying too much sail for the conditions. Lastly please add ship drafts - I know hard to code but it would be a nice feature.
  8. That would be a good way of doing it for UG:N. Lots of DLC potential there as well.
  9. +1 Also the last thing you want whilst making sternway is the main course aback - very hard to work it around in that circumstance. Blanketing would of course provide another reason to clew up the courses....
  10. Yes this did happened IRL but most ships including well handled 3rd rates (74s) should be able to complete a tack without making sternway. Certain ships were dull sailors or known to be "dull in stays" meaning that they did not tack well and those would end up doing the K turn type maneuver. Of course IRL you had weather and crew training/experience variables as well. Also IRL a ship has to go from about 70 degrees or more on one side to 70 degrees on the other for a successful tack.
  11. To really get there we need dynamic wind and weather effects and ship drafts - just sayn' - I know you can do it!
  12. Back on the US SOL topic - Wasn't the issue with the USS North Carolina the armament. Wasn't she actually put in ordinary for a few years before being fitted out and then given columbiads which aren't even in the game, so technically she is out of the timeline? Not against US SOL - Just that there are earlier 74s which would be better suited to get in game, settging aside the argument that some nations (Dutch) are severely underrepresented. BTW @maturin Don't forget Indefatigable had the assistance of HMS Amazon, the weather and the less than laser accuracy of the French gunnery.
  13. Well that's what I said really. For game play reasons you can take more broadsides then IRL and a Surprise can stern rake an SOL until it has no crew too. But different ships had different missions IRL and so that should be reflected in the game. IMO more combat model realism is better - so no stern grapping a SOL down to zero crew in a Surprise for example. A frigate should not be able to fight a SOL 1v1 in game and that was not their role IRL anyway. Just as SOL were not sent out on solo hunting missions to capture enemy privateers or to scout for the fleet, that was not their role for a lot of reasons some mentioned in this thread. Certainly a group of frigates could take on an SOL IRL the French were attempting to cripple the Agamemnon's rigging and had she lost a mast the situation may have been different (obviously the French IRL did not have the excellent mast snipers we have in game). There is Indefatigable's famous battle with an SOL in a storm as well. In fact if we had realistic variable wind I am not sure many people would choose to sail an SOL except to a PB.
  14. I agree that the turn fighting in game is exaggerated from what happened, but there was maneuvering prior to close engagement (Chesapeake v Shannon is a notable exception) and often maneuvering continued. There were attempts to get in a rake or retain the weather gauge in small engagements (Constitution v Java for example). Those frigates were not going broadside to broadside with Agamemnon either. In another example Admiral Strachan ordered his frigates to pursue a French SOL squadron escaping from Trafalgar but they didn't directly engage them rather they harassed them and attempted to disable rigging to enable the British SOLs to catch up. During the battle the frigates engaged but stayed away from the French SOL broadsides even after the British SOLs caught up. The game is forgiving compared to RL in maneuvering and to frigates taking a close range broadside from a 74 - A French frigate tried this at the Nile and was totally wrecked by one broadside (HMS Orion v Seriuse).
  15. FYI - The Agamemnon engaged 4 French frigates when Nelson was in command of her. The French escaped with one 40 gun frigate close to sinking. The Agamemnon didn't pursue due to rigging damage. (and no her masts were not sniped down!).
  16. Every airliner I see has some kind of winglet these days.
  17. Very beautiful brig there Vasco. Looks like musketry practice over the rail in the photo!
  18. Exactly - bleech! - Hey but if it saves fuel...
  19. That's the trade off though - not enough sail area on just stay sails so you'll not be making much headway. Hard to find historical references to using just stays'l to beat to windward in large warships. I sailed on a 17th century ship the only fore and aft sail was the lateen mizzen! The sprits'l could be braced up fairly sharp though. What year was "La Grace" built? Is she a sharp built brig like Niagara or Mercury?
  20. That diagram shows a modern fore and aft rigged sailboat mate. Try this one: Notice it shows only 2 points of sailing above a beam reach. I would recommend "Seamanship in the Age of Sail" by Harland if you really want to learn about sailing square rigged ships. Some of diagrams that @admin posted are from this book. I got the book when I was in classes to crew on a tall ship, it was recommended by our captain. Here is a quote on the subject: "Why a square rigger can only sail six points from the wind, The traverse of the foreyard is limited in front of the forestay, and abaft by the lee shrouds. These prevent the yard being braced up more sharply than three points from the keel line. If the sail is to fill, the wind must be three points further aft; this is because of the curvature of the sail. As the wind hauls ahead of six points from the bow the weather half of the sail starts to lift, then the weather half of the sail to flap, and finally the sail is all in the wind...." "Many square riggers could not brace up as sharply as mentioned above, and therefore could get no closer to the wind than seven points." This included men of war. "The fore and aft sail, of course, filled when the wind was three points on one side....A fore and aft schooner could, therefore, lie about four points from the wind. A point being 11 degrees on the modern compass. Here is another diagram for you:
  21. 60 degrees is close hauled. That's as close as you get on a square rigger IRL, and some were recorded close to 10 knts closed hauled. 6.8 knts at 45 degrees is a gameplay bonus. Since @admin is rebalancing sailing profiles and wind force I'd say look at the sailing angles too. Want realistic sailing performance, there you have it.
  22. Actually it is the opposite - heavier seas hinder your turning. In those weather conditions square riggers would wear rather than tack due to the chance of rigging damage or failing to make the tack or both. We would need rigging damage from the weather implemented because you'd more likely see sections of the masts carried off before the ship came close to a capsize.
  23. There were good reasons ships did not normally go into battle under full sail. Battle sails were the easiest sails to trim when most of your crew was on the guns being one of them. @Hodo suggestion is a good one. Add in weather effects and you'd have another reason not to sail around at full sails depending on the ship ofc. Heeling would have a more detrimental effect on shooting when at full sail. I am for limited repairs.
  24. Have you tried sailing on the OW like you would in battle? In other words sailing on different tacks to reach an upwind destination? It may work out to be faster than just setting a straight course and waiting for the wind to clock around.
  25. It was a limitation based on the rigging. You can only brace up square sails so far - 6 points at best. Even with a fore and aft rigged vessel it is 4 pts off the wind. So yes ultimately your sails are taken aback. Interesting point here. My question would be why wasn't this a sail plan for square rigged ships sailing close hauled, I have not read about it or seen modern tall ships with just staysails set(other than in a storm or under power). Maybe there was insufficient sail area with just those set? Also having different sails set balanced a ship in different ways which could upset the sailing qualities. Keep in mind that IRL the Aggy made 6 knts close hauled (sailing report 1797) which was no closer than 60 degrees to the wind and likely more. For game play reasons ships can sail much closer to the wind than IRL of course but I see no problem with a change in the curve and a reduction in speed close to the wind - at 20 degrees none of the sails should be providing forward movement, so 2 knts is a gift.
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