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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. I have the exact same just before I disconnect due to Wi-Fi signal lost. Looks like a connection issue to me.
  2. As long we have forged papers people will just switch ;-)
  3. And again how do you know it's an alt. When I learned something in NA then it is that people are really fast when it comes to accusations. It's although a nice feature for large clans to grief smaller ones. I really don't see any benefits of fighting your own nation only exploits.
  4. So you are asking for a griefing feature? Maybe you should start listening to the 20% and find an agreement both sides would like. Remember the mule? Prussia was a nation of pve players to 80% we told them to start fighting 20%. They didnt listened and lost all ports at panama. You you telling me while 80% saying the one thing they are right? I dont believe that. The right way would be to find an agreement but that can only be achived by listening and understanding each side and working together. If that would have happened prussia wouldnt have failed in the first place
  5. You should try out democracy. Discuss till a solution is found. find overlapping interest etc. Or does going out and kill politician while disagreeing is suddenly the right way??
  6. How do you define rogue? Maybe the one clan that opened the port is not rogue but the rest of the nation is? What makes a clan rouge? Because they think different than you? Who is right who is wrong?
  7. We are not grinding. We are having fun. That is what prussia is doing and it works fine. Prussia had to reinvent RvR for themself. Old habit is build ships go to rvr. We did it the other way. We went to rvr with nothing than a handful of ships. Now everyone is sailing 1st and 2nd rates build at the US coast. Just start thinking out of the box. But i can understand. Carezones make lazy. That is what I experienced playing as pirate for a month. Glad Russia and poland are proving that impossible is still playable. Now prussia starts to realize as well. Impossible cant be ruled by pve. But we are talking about thickness. And yeah thickniss compared with the current pen model is something i dislike.
  8. Everyone will always fight the weak because its easy.
  9. I dont see a suggestion. Its just some thought without thinking about consequences.
  10. In my opinion VM are a good feature to keep RvR going. The changes demanded unbalance OW pvp to much.
  11. You are looking for the dark grey area. But with 2 mules you wont find it. Listen to them find the reason work on it "together". I mean in the end its bad for them as well. But its a good feature to wake up a nation.
  12. True. But how can you make RvR meanigful regarding resources when 8 nations already have everything? Changing that is against the purpose of carezones.
  13. How do you can craft ships with no ports? When rvr gets meaningful by resources then its even worse than the VM for the permit. I can tell you out of first hand not able to craft is even worse than having to pay VM for ships.
  14. I rather sail limited rates of ship than no ships
  15. Have you tried to talk?
  16. there are billions of possible exploits.
  17. pay other nations to deal with such a problem. Prussia hired VP to do so ;-)
  18. Yeah some ships are useless because of their max gun caliber. Its better to fireship and dont put guns on them than actually fight with them.
  19. Glad we all agree that mods are shit and gamebreaking.
  20. Because mods seem to be so loved by everyone why not make books and mods that reduce + raise the effect of leeway For example current mods that raise or reduce heel should also mention effect on leeway. A new mod could be: Manual of sailing: Better sail trim through trained cew reduces effect of leeway by xx% and sailforce by xx%
  21. I like to add as long we cant let sails fly. turn your yards out of the wind and wait for your ship to reduce heel to 0°
  22. For the ones that struggle. You are at "A" and you want to sail to a fix point "B"
  23. Regarding leeshore. What about tide @admin ? Could it be used to slowly unstuck people?
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