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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. Ah pve ships have the ROE of the basic cutter. But still didnt solve the issue that pve ships can be used to transport valuable resoruces by denying the attacker any reward other then the loot they might have. But while you dont know if they are hauling something you dont know if you waste your time while attacking one. Other than the basic cutter you cant tell by rank if he might have something. Why cant pve ships have an reduced hold? I mean they even could have the basic cutter rep system. That would even solve the mod farming issue by still forcing mod farming in pvp ships Any answer to my other question?
  2. So I can take a pve santi make my hold full of teak logs and sail between my captial impossible to attack zone in a ship that cant even be attacked when out of the zone? Sounds broken to me
  3. You should try out captureing a player ship. Its even more fun.
  4. Dont ask to make crafter even more worthless. Dont you see its something for our crafting guys.
  5. If you are a pirate you can contact Baro89ita (ingame) he is italian as well. (like the VINO pirate clan) I guess he even will help you when you are not a pirate. ^^
  6. Try to fight trader AI ships. They will try to run away. so you can first practice aiming by shooting chain at them from behind (easier to get hits on the huge sails compared to the smal hull area). When you have solwed them down you can switch to shot their hull. They are now slower and easier to hit. Furthermore they have reduced crew. So with a litte bit of grape after you took off their side armor you can even try to board them. You can ask in your nation if someone is interested in doing sarting missions. Both get the mission reward after the battle. A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.
  7. Its always good after a battle to stay and to get familiar with your ship. Try out different angle to the wind and see how it effects your speed. Try to manual sail while you turn. etc
  8. I recently expirenced that players use basic cutters to transport their treasures. Not because they are cheap the reason is while they think that people dont attack them when using a ship that offers no reward. So what will be done to keep at least a bit of eco war in the game? will it only be possible to place repairs into the hold? Is it possible for the 1 BR ships to join pbs? Asking because you could bring 25 santis in a 2400BR pb while enemy can bring just 4 bucs and 2 wasas (old BR system). At this point it wouldnt matter that the masts of the santis are weak. Do the ships share the same knowlegde between pvp and pve ships and get the same exceptional ow loot? Asking because you could lvl/grind your slots kind safe vs OW AI fleets with exceptional loot by risking nothing
  9. its like the rudder. If you just hit once and a shorttime the yard just turn minimal. The longer you hold the keys rediii mentioned the more the yards turn. Double tabbing a key brings the yards in max turn postition. Same for the rudder keys.
  10. That is me + banished + fox sinking in fleet practice in unrated + frigs vs pavels. So no farming
  11. shallow? will we get a shallow one as well? <3
  12. Issues with hotfix: - Combatnews clerk is reporting action of fleet practice leading to false information of player activity - After I surrendered in a fleet practice I spawned in OW Other Issues: I lost a part of my main mast (niagara) and the falling mast turned pink (like losing the texture) @admin + @Ink
  13. New mod has been added. *Ram* as long cannons can't pen because of doing thickness buff before cannon rework. Time for an assassin creed black flag pb party. full ramming speed ahead.
  14. So we need solo and Grp br?
  15. Why not both at the same time? why step by step? I mean that are conetcted issues.Why make things worse by doing it step by step?
  16. Dont provoke misconceptions. regarding the other topic
  17. I could witness it today. lovely
  18. Or french captains start to sail backwards aka retreat ;D
  19. That is acutally true. I was chasing a Indef with a friend. I bet the Indef was able to sail 15kn and therefore 2kn faster than us. Because of the Wind changes and the tagging system we were able to run him down after 80min. The battle started between MT and LT. First the wind blew him to LT then we got a wind change. He didnt adjust heading so we got closer. He changed course for best wind heading to Saint Nic. Wind kept changing and blew him to MT. I swear at the end of the battle we were roughly at the same location where we started. With a steady wind there would have been no way that we caught him. But the Indef wasnt paying attention to the wind and only adjusted heading when we got close again. Not sure if i like that.
  20. http://www.weather.gov.sg/climate-climate-of-singapore/ Our Ingame wind seems wrong But maybe someone can find this for the west indies.
  21. So just one guy buys the dlc and supplies the hole server? I believe that the dlc enables you to get/use a forged paper once every (week/month). And I guess it will be soul bound.
  22. I gave a suggestion for even and enjoyable fights all what you want is ganking and false hope?
  23. You just want to call the 14x Santi + 6* Victory + 5* Bellona fleet right?
  24. yeah got a new desktop wallpaper
  25. Then expand reinforcements. In the carezone you get super 1st rates while out of the zone you can always call for AI reinforcements when the battle is closed for joining your side to even out BR. ;-) But still when i pvp i dont want to pv(p)e
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