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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. TBH screener are not necessary whats the problem to fight the actually port battle? Or do you want to start to complain that 25 guys sitting in battle doing nothing is more fun? what was different to the current event? So wasting 70-25 = 55 peoples life is your own fault. You are asking for fun when its actually all about winning for you.
  2. By the way penalty for not showing up is giving immunity to the port ;-) And most important when you have better things to do don't play NA or games at all.
  3. yep but we have a lot of US timezone players. And at this time spaniards have their siesta. I agree for EU players Spain could be interesting if....
  4. We are not attacking Spain because our goal beside RvR is OW pvp. Spain would only be present in RvR and non existing for OW pvp. Have you ever tried to OW Spain? It's no fun. US is present for both. Why not switch the enemy. Yeah I talked to the Prussian clan leader but all were more interested in keeping status quo. Would only change if xoxo ditch jobe and rio seco or an other nation challenge Prussia like pirates are doing.
  5. But is Spain fighting Russia?
  6. ofc you could capture ports of small nations but you would need more than if you attack an equal enemy. More ports mean more to defend = makes you weaker. If russia spain and sweden would actually fight each other there would be no time to care about less important ports. What we need is to make the penalty and reward for losing ports or taking depending on owned ports. So port trade isnt a thing anymore. And fighting an equal enemy is more rewarding than roflstomp. by progressing through the conquest ranks a nation will gain access to sols. Why should someone in the bottom league be able to fight a premier League nation? Isnt it more fun to fight equal?
  7. Sometimes you are not able to see the wood for the trees. In my opinion devs did well. The pve ship changes like proposed do more harm than good.
  8. The only barrier I see that the last cant take on the top. Which is fine. Make your progress through the ranks. The current system promotes even nation fights. Its more rewarding for the top 3 to fight each other than stomp a small one. Whats wrong is that it can be even more rewarding to make deals between euqal nations
  9. Is less RvR bad for the sake of more pvp? the 3 top nation have to play in order to stay top 3. the other have to play to get pvp marks. All are busy. While without VM marks like now nobody has a real reason to be online. Even rediii came back to the game:D
  10. then people will leave because they cant do/ get to pbs. So regardless of the pov we still get the same result.
  11. Could say the same: You are in rvr which means no pvp ;-) Makes senses that you want empty pbs and winning by mass numbers.
  12. Current Frankenstein system still brings people together. Just need time for the parties to figure out that red means red and not friend. Game would be more enjoyable if people wouldn't restrict themselves from content by making deals.
  13. It's already hiding based and I don't see any clan dominating 2400br ports.
  14. I rather would fight the Pb as attacker or defender than a boring try to run away screening battle. Because for the attacker it's all about to leave the screening. The Pb in the other hand is all about fighting and therefore more quality. Again all I see is asking for winning by numbers - who has the biggest screening fleet.
  15. Maybe hiding in battle is their fix ;-) I mean it's in since forever.
  16. By giving out paints for real money that can get lost just make running even more standard. When selling paints and other ship cosmetics make it buy once use forever. This way nobody has to worry and can focus on fighting.
  17. Hm when pb fleet gets screened the defender fleet is useless therefore wasting their time. So in my opinion screening is the fake feature ;-) All I see is asking for I win by numbers. I would have no issue when the defender fleet would screen but that's mostly never the case. They sit in empty pbs.
  18. Is pvp in the pb not pvp?
  19. Must be because of the Danish beer so guns crews had something to lean on while being tipsy ;-)
  20. Pay me with victory marks so I will stay away. ;-)
  21. Just make it totally uninteresting for pvpler to attack pve ships because they offer nothing even no loot. Make them pleasureships just for causals. If you want to interfere with eco etc. switch to pvp ships.
  22. yeah that what i fear too . the way they get into the game is not good yet
  23. Yeah i just have pity for the guy that got victim because someone else is using this fishy way.
  24. But shouldnt it be promoted to fight pvp vs pvp ship instead of pve vs pvp ship? I mean we all are hoping for the best game expirence. Why ruin it for the pve ship guy that he is a target that cant really fight back because he might have somthing? I would rather fight a pvp ship that is hauling stuff than a poor pve guy. All i can tell him the game made me do it.
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