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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. Sounds like Prussia ingame is reenacting history
  2. Thats sound like BR calc for an arena game like NAL but in my opinion it doesnt fit to NA.
  3. theoretical max caliber or used caliber? If theoretical thats wrong in my opinion. BR should be according to what is used. Would solve the issue that surprise and pfrig are same br even surprise has the 9pds.
  4. When you still can do it drunken new player might be able to do it as well
  5. You forgot about KoC and Christendom^^
  6. Next player destroyed nation = sweden?
  7. If memory serves me well I wrote some time ago that those 3rd party a la player driven allies are just half-assed vultures. And allies just show up when they have personal gain. But I was told to shut up that's not how RvR is like lol
  8. Where was Spain? Overlapping of siesta time?
  9. When I compare @Hethwill (shop ships with crap mods) vs me (custom build ships with expensive mods and books) I would say custom + expensive mods win. I am able to force fights when he has no chance of catching. So first of all I would say gear decides what you fight. 2nd I can disenage whenever i want Heth chances are high that he sinks. I can rebuild my ship in fights while he just gets back a little bit of hp. Whenever I hear about shop ships i think about throw away ships.
  10. But But what should I do with all my alts
  11. True. Thats why I said Ai has to be improved otherwise features like heth suggested are just fake ones. There are currently so many ways to exploit AI. Thats why reinforcement fleets need those imba first rates in order to protect players.
  12. I am talking about the challenge to fight AI. Its so boring. They allways act the same. YOu fought 1 AI you fought them all. They only differ in gun accuracy. Thats kind of boring.
  13. If... Ai would actutally have random behavior. Otherwise fake feature, time waste , annyoing feature...
  14. Its amusing how people go mad when suddenly so called player made RvR rules get broken Boys more pew pew less wigs.
  15. yeah more pew pew. Love it.
  16. Only Activity pvp/pve and timezone
  17. патч далеко, локализация еще дальше прогресс есть пример того как будет выглядеть приблизительно -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- patch away, localization even further progress is an example of how it will look like
  18. I know but while the other got buffed these two trims got meh. extra staysail: + 0.4 jib force -0.2 main force +7% crew treaties on staysail trim +0.3 jib force -0.3 main force On small ships you dont have to count the 7% crew bonus just 2 guys in most cases
  19. What about treaties of staysail / square sails trim?
  20. it all comes down to perfect wind conditions. When frigs had to reduce sail Sols could shine. Then ofc you can say its the fastest ship during that condition. But ingame we have perfect condition for every ship.
  21. We already know to much
  22. how you have less chance? That is what i dont get.
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