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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. are we playing the same game? the game already throws everything into your throat except pvp and mods.
  2. that would make to much sense and offer to much depth. we cant have that. its not simple enough ;-) Even a stupid captains log would be nice with some achivements. xx battles yy won zz lost ii escaped
  3. Yep i want to sink for a reason. A meaningless dot on the map is no reason to press sail and face 5 other players the same time.
  4. any plans for other content? I am aware that pvp missions first have to be tested.
  5. haha because you can use them to counter tag
  6. Thats what the game became after patch 10.x as we tried out the hardcore way and only a handful liked it. I had 4-8 battles each gaming session i reall really enjoyed the time. For me that was a real Age of sail experience. But .... now i just can hope the game doesnt stay flat as it now i am really looking forward to some improvments that might hit in the near future. But carezones are the least evil.
  7. http://store.steampowered.com/app/785910/Naval_Action__Prolific_Forger/ Current workaround: become a streamer get stream sniped. pvp will find you. And if you are bad more will come
  8. there is no difference in you login and pve or staying offline as long you come back to pvp for the pvpler point of view. one side of players feel like because they cant reach the pvelers in the carezone. The pveler feel like because of the pvplers in front of their doors. In the end both end like this
  9. because people want everything on a silver plate. And when its not served warm they go.
  10. Lets say we would change it the way do you suggest. what would happen is everyone wait in port for a battle any nobody would actually sail in ow. Because waiting in port and jumping a battle would be the meta. While everyone is sitting in port no battles would happen. while no battles are around people would logout. why? because we already had that.
  11. I am not blaming the players alone. I blame the game for its bad game mechanics that do everything to help the good players and do nothing for the weak. Player that have known names ingame have access to everything while no name players struggle. Try to buy mod xy as no name player you wont get it. Fighting weak players is fun because you can do whatever you want try out stuff and still win or run away. Furthermore you get high reward for killing a noob in SOL without risk for yourself. That are all flaws that exist till NA OW exist. But we have such a strong vet lobby and people are lazy that changes in the right direction are a dead end because of wrong reasons. NA is a pvp game. Do you see any other content for pve as stupid AI doing the same over and over again or missions that are all the same just ships alter? Would you call that pve content? I wouldnt. To keep pve'ing just makes you quit sooner or later just like the mechanics for pvp. yeah but i still dont get it. They have NAL up ones sleeve why they make NA a flat simcade. all whats left in NA currently is RvR and even that is meaningless most of the time.
  12. people that dont pvp kill the server because the game is build around pvp
  13. atfer all what you guys wrote we must see a lot of skilled vs skilled battles because they are so much fun. so why pvp grps just skip each other?
  14. now fight random people that dont have a name but same skill lvl. they just disengage
  15. And that are random battles or arranged ones with sinky? without sinky? I remeber many complains about getting kited in pbs. That happens when you find equal players that know how shit works and exploit the game meta. And Batman ofc ships are used to fight. But for example we had a time as masts never went down and you coudnt repair crew. The game meta was getting in deadmans postion and decrew with stern guns. ofc winning was easy that way but it wasnt fun when you exclute "hey i won". And that is still valid just the how to changed. Play prince vs prince. It is the shiitiest mirror match you can have when both are skilled.
  16. talking about same skill lvl -.-
  17. not talking about ships or mods. talking about how to fight.
  18. guess sin perdon will agree with me or havelock
  19. because the the way how to fight is dictated by game meta. You know exactly what the other will do and how to avoid and counter and when on the same skill lvl that will last for ever. Thats boring and most of the time a waste of time.
  20. fighting skilled players is no fun because of game mechanics
  21. yeah that doesnt make sense. people that do pve in the carezone are equal to a player that is offline regarding pvp.^^
  22. I will hope the best I still believe. And hope i will be wrong.
  23. just keep in mind to make pvp fun for everyone then no side should feel like getting farmed. reward isnt everything
  24. "Fun pvp for everyone" will be a lie if it's not getting reworked. Pvp and losing can be fun when it doesn't feel like getting farmed. But currently it's still looks like that farming/ganking will be the thing because of its the meta way. Sinking and ganking pvp mission player with big ships in a ganking Grp is much more rewarding because more reward in pvp marks less possible downtime for while chances to sink are low. Lot of noobs/new players that hope to get some easy marks. Perfect environment for vets to slaughter. Changes that have to be applied so it is Not only for one side fun are in my opinion. - no reward above certain br ratio - no reward when killing players with active pvp mission in mission area while using a ship that is not allowed in the mission - let mission close instant when br ratio is 1 - Grp pvp missions in different area of the map. Grp size up to 3 players.
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