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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. fleet order = meant to be for a grp of 5 players Combat order = meant to be solo if you struggle just try the tutorial/ final exam there you lose nothing and you can get confident.
  2. I see it like this: Devs want to make us think about our action. (NA has a lot of decision making) Expensive port timers make us evaluate what ports are really important for us. One clan shouldnt own the whole map. Thats not the sense of clan rvr. Clan RvR is rvr of grps that may work or may not work together. I agree with christendom if we had more player we would have a lot more clans and they might think that the one clan port that they own is really valuable for them. Because its theirs. I see no reason to reduce timer cost. Yes its a flawed mechaning currently but looking at release it might not.
  3. I know a bug for bug is obvious but wouldnt mind the flying dutchman for more age of sail feeling^^
  4. (Brandenburgisch-Afrikanische Compagnie) later Brandenburgisch-Afrikanische-Amerikanische Compagnie (merchant fleet flag) around 1692 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburgisch-Afrikanische_Compagnie
  5. Game rates the height of the ship by its decks. A privateer has same hight as lgv. I am not aware if its a visual thingy as well.
  6. herc has 3 decks. Many shallow ships just have 1 deck. That means 2 deck difference. With 2 deck difference its not possible to use fire deck guns. You will have no issue when boarding a prince (2 decks). Regarding LGV = 1 deck vs herc = 3 decks --> 2 deck difference = no fire deck guns
  7. It's the 13slot vs 5 slot. Try to do a "I can do everything build" with 5 slots that is as useful as a 13slot build. That's where the imbalance is. With all 3 encyclopedias you can shoot, sail, maneuver, reload, and aim and still 2 slots to waste for other crap. There is no choice anymore. No either. Encyclopedias are fine if it's either but not and + and.
  8. Why 3 slots instead of 1 for 5rings wouldn't t be an advantage anymore when the book is made out 5 books? It's still 2 books/slots less. I know some NA players don't start to move when reward is not a million. But why is a 2 slot advantage not enough?
  9. no reason to be greedy Thats why i changed the quote:
  10. It's much better to take the marks (safe way) than sail the captured ship back. You even get 1 mod on top and don't lose time. It's meta to sink and take marks. Sure capture is possible but due to circumstances mentioned above its fake feature. Mark value can even be higher than the actual ship in a sale.
  11. At the "same time" or do you mean it like "either" but have somewhat the same effect?
  12. Why does it nullify? I see that for art of ship handling. But it's still a 2 slot win for gunnery and 2 slot win for five rings? NA players are cuddled by the game. Looks like some players don't stand up when it's not a 8 slot advantage and they would have to face even odds. Imported ship are broken but mods are fiiiiiiinnne. Sure. Let's dream on.
  13. First here is a video about 27ship that I sunk or captured. Those ships were sailed by players that were active looking for pvp fights. To most used books belong the the 3 encyclopedias. What is the reason for this? The gunnery encyclopedia is crafted out of 4 different books. Book of five rings obvious out of 5 books and last but not least the art of ship handling is made out of 2 books. Each encyclopedia uses currently 1 slot . So its actuall possible to use a ship with (4+5+2) + 2 = 13 slots in total. I propse to change encyclopedias to use 2 (ship handling and gunnery) and book of 5 rings = 3 knowledge slots. That would even out the field even with no access to those books.
  14. Carta is no1 then bovenwind, british gunners, french rig, northern carpenters and spanish rig refit and if its a throw away hunting ship we have basic carpenters. But i can only speak about the ships i could catch. Not about the ones that escape because of fancy 15.5 speed.
  15. books dont matter thats why we see all books used Especially encyclopedias are overrated. Everyone picking the handling one as 1st one points out how randomly we can pick the books. lets be honest books are great they make us keep playing the game so we can be as good as the one who already owns them.
  16. Books doesn't matter playor skillz d3c1d3s. Guess some need that as mantra to feel good and to be good playorz.
  17. z4ys

    Key to sucsess

    Nobody wants to play with randoms. Let's look at world of warcraft. Doing instances with random grps was a pain. You died many times. Wow has no loss and it's still painful. NA has loss. Imagine to do epic event with 6 randoms. You cannot retry. A Lose means lose. And now think again why you see no LFG... Same for goes for portbattles. A random Grp will almost never succeed. So why try in the first place. And randoms don't care about a port. It has no benefit for a random player only drawbacks.
  18. From that pov you are right. There is really no difference if a player with 6warehouses full of bits and parts loses a crafted ship or an imported. That view can change if it's a new potential customer or a new player without that eco backup. For them it's a gameplay changer. Ships that require nothing except real money and 3 clicks each day - bypassing eco feeding the daily meaningless slaughter.
  19. NA changed a lot of its target grps during the development. The learning curve fits to any sim game. But gameplay (pvp marks + ship notes + instant ship redeems + patrol area ... )of NA changed to an arena game. So point - click - kill and this crowd cant handle the complex legacy parts of the remaining sim features. NA has to figure out what it want to be to completely satisfy 1 target grp. Or keep being mixed and appeal only partial to different target grps and creat headache for each grp.
  20. the monopol is just a one time thing. After the clan owned that port they can start stockpiling and will never have again to capture and hold the port.
  21. The first intention is not eco fix. its more of to generate pressure for rvr that is meh at the moment. Players should feel the pressure to conquer and hold. Otherwise yeah nothing to do.
  22. giving players to much leads to what we have now. we should start to take away stuff. Free everything doesnt help. we just quit faster.
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