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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. its easy for people that played 1000h+ its not easy regarding the mimi in help chat that is caused by the demasting exam
  2. that hitting a mast is luck and gunnery skill
  3. and i see no difference
  4. Isnt that throw as much shit on a wall as you can and pray that some will stick? Some can guess better than others. just look at the demasting exam. Some fail while other do it in no time.
  5. Deine AI schiffe können sich im kampf selbst nich reparieren. Aber es macht totzdem Sinn denen ein paar repairs zu geben denn nach dem Kampf kann man in der ow durch "F" ins flottenmenü. Und dann einfach da wo das Bild von deinem Hauptschiff ist nach links schieben oder das ganze Flottenmenü Fenster größer ziehn wenn die Auflösung es zu lässt. Dann sollten deine Flotte da auftauchen und du kannst die genauso reparieren wie dein main Schiff. Die repairs zu verteilen macht in sofern Sinn, da dadurch allgemein die Schiffe leichter und somit schneller sind. Du kannst übrigens in der OW auf alle Schifflagerräume zugreifen und deren Inhalt neu verteilen ohne dafür in den Hafen zu müssen.
  6. Trinc (my baseline for proper 5th rate) = 1669 LH with crafting parts + ship. 42LH /rl h makes it worth around 40 rl hours so lets add resource gathering and 48h cd sounds reasonable. So you either sink the enemy or you run away leaving the enemy with nothing except a bit of xp 😉 so you actual waste peoples time and deny reward. Ofc its possibel to do in any schooner before but due to the fact its a free dlc ship it feels even more trolling. Both have in common that the sinking is meaningless. Lets say you captured the last WO port of an enemy so they have no access to it ( forget alts and all that shit we only look at the obvious) ship for marks and especially dlc ships make that effort a waste of time.
  7. I agree but it feels different. Normally people take care of stuff they worked for (the style they are playing is different). A DLC ship is nothing they worked for its given. Hard to discribe. Its like Warthunder air arcade and realistic battle. In arcade most player will yolo because they will get a plane to replace in realistic they might play more cautious more related to tactics because 1 life.
  8. looking at my money and the reward you get afer sinking 1 ship its actual free 😉 who cares about 26 med 9 pds + 4* 2pds and a few repairs what is it 5 hull + 6 sail pro cycle?
  9. gun crews would fire as they pass and have target in front of them. Which is actual like single shot.
  10. Replace "Basic cutter" with "dlc ship" and it makes sense. Its actual the same issue but.
  11. People aren't honest. The real issue is nobody wants to fight and lose against a ship that's like the basic cutter. Free and replaceable. So they wont stop crying even if ships are balanced.
  12. Then everyone would sail around in *enter any shipname here* As long dlc ships will be decent everyone would use them because they are "free".
  13. It's called pvp marks and it allows to buy ships for notes. As many as the player can effort. It's actual much better than the 24h CD redeem.
  14. I like to add the people sailing their Indiamen without guns and repairs and then begging for mercy cursing the game etc. Sometimes it's not the game making things easy sometimes it's the player himself.
  15. Tue, but a slight Zack Zack course solves the issue of straight downwind speed loss. The only ships hard to catch are the ones after a bad tag or the ones using elite Spanish rig.
  16. I only use the other speed mods in order to be fast in OW as well. Makes it even more easier to tag and to run away.
  17. Thought VCO is preparing switch to Dutch Oo. Took 2 weeks for christen to tow his ships. It has to be planned.
  18. Xxxxx could just be the only left pirate RvR Clan. There doesn't have to be drama for content.
  19. I don't see the issue on ships they are only a small part of the total value. Mods are the bigger evil so why not change them?
  20. It all comes down to the pov. I like to quote a player here shortly after he sunk: "that one ship you guys sunk gave me hundreds of pvp marks" - I guess for that player losing a ship feels like losing a dlc ship for some casuals. So in the end marks dlc it's all the same even crafted ships for players who have mats that last till the end of the Caribbean.
  21. What about the gankers in cheap pvp mark bellonas? I see no difference.
  22. BR is a lie. An even BR battle doesn't mean it's fair.
  23. Can we make it so that ships for marks can only be bought once in a week too
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