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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. compared to all ships small ships especially fore and aft one turn now worse than square rigger
  2. when its every other day people will divide more between the days and it will be less participant per day.
  3. heth and I we are such noobs we capture cheap Ai ships and (assuming we are same nation) we sink each other celebration our new pvp marks. Sorry but fighting same nation makes stuff to easy.
  4. lets assume for a moment there are no alts. Then wouldnt that make dmg farming between friends even easier?
  5. it was confirmed. the mission holder gets enough reward to share chests between the whole grp.
  6. Yeah i would let this route open as well but wouldnt mind more effort to actual get them. Currently its really easy.
  7. Yes because alts are less time needed
  8. More chances for everyone right?
  9. can you sail gustavia and Habana in a single day. Ofc everything is speeded up
  10. realistically forests get depleted
  11. RvR is dead because everyone has alts everywhere no need to conquer.Only reason to RvR is because "I can"
  12. actual its easy to pick the ships 😉 old rarewood locations + incoming trade ships
  13. Rare woods are still delievered by AI. I see no reason to complain. Even 1 man clans can get rare woods just by sailing and attacking in OW.
  14. Oh no 1st rates are now most powerfull ships and are now expensive .... Oh no no more alts spaming contracts for rare woods I guess AI is still sailing rare woods around (confirmed look at my next post)? No more port clicker heroes
  15. demasting will be lot easier with raking stern instead of masts. Low structure = less hits for masts needed. So my guess. Do a few stern rakes kill structure then switch to masts. That might lead to better results.
  16. I actual do like that part. would just love to see more HP
  17. Cant find a range indication
  18. ? But regarding NA. Both ships are of the same class - yes first broadside should matter but thats a bit overkill in my opinion.
  19. Delievery missions fail their purpose in my opinion. Most of them lead to enemy cities (which aint bad) but in order to deliver the player has to enter the town. That leads to that the only valid ship choice are trade ships. Wouldnt itbe better if players could use any ship to make the delievery? And have the same mechanic as looting a wreck? Click "deliver (explore) in the near vicinity of the town and reward is loaded into the hold?
  20. # Thats a Kursdreieck (current ingame translation of protractor) Thats what we have actual ingame is called "Kurs Rose" or "Kompass Rose"  KW for BR looks really odd. KW is translated in germany to week number or Kilowatt. In my opinion it should stay BR and kriegswertung should only be used when written out. Then regarding hitpoints. The first entry is called seiten (eng= sides) Actual i would translate it to "rumpf". In the other hand whats now translated to "rumpf" should be called "Hüllenintegrität" Teilnehmen should be "Beitreten" Offene-Welt-Kampf sounds odd as well. "Gefechts Instanz" might be better. Sealed bottle is translated to "verkorkte flasche" in my opinion Flaschenpost would fit better
  21. Suggestions: Highlight ports that have active delievery missions captureing a player transporting passengers offers ransom money when selling in any port
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