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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. Idc all what matters is who was there
  2. Tell me where in the picture I can see SCAR and DICS?
  3. Then it should have been part of the agreement. Only thing what matters is black on white.
  4. turning off XP reward for my char is one of my dreams. Nobody could bother me to come out and sail a 1st rate.
  5. Captain L4wrence to his 1st lieutenant after he had reported that multipe sails have been spotted on the horizon: "What you said? A gank fleet? Gank fleets dont excist. We just dont have the advantage. More sails!" What is meaningful combat for you?
  6. I dont know how mission spawn is generated. Maybe beeline is still the same but the actually sailing distance is much more because you have to go around an island. Could be just a porblem of certain ports.
  7. I often read that people want meaningful combat. But what is meaningful Combat for YOU? For me meaningful combat is when my actions have an impact. That means everytime I capture a trader I deny my enemy economic welfare.
  8. - Everything that can only be obtained through pve only is grind for me. And there are a lot of items out their that can only obtained through that. [Reward PvP more it should always be more rewarding to pvp as to pve] - That NA favors: more guns = more everything (loot, money, etc.) Is forcing player to go for the biggest ship as fast as possible which leads to grinding [loot and money should depend of BR difference group and personal BR the higher the difference the more rewarding the loot] A brig vs a surprise should have the same reward as trinc vs coni. (for example) - The Perma mod system = while parts are monopolized by a few you have to kill AI for refits (fault in contract system) [Ditch perma mods make them knowledge/ dont allow contracts on certain goods] - Pre last hotfix I could sell my captured player ships. Now they droped in value because they arent playermade anymore. Therefore I have to kill AI to get money again. [make the difference between playermade and AI capture bigger]
  9. You should start a new topic about Mod bias if you think its there.
  10. I recently found out that even the so call gods of the global server can bleed. There is no reason for former pvp2 player to bow down anymore.
  11. Ai ships have all perma and shipknowledge slots They are fir or oak They just have one inbuild instead of 2 (player made or shop bought) They have all cannons as med equiped
  12. On a PvE server you cant troll people
  13. you forget you dont need a pimp upship anymore everyone else will just use capped traders as well
  14. just meds. But yeah now you really dont have to bother about money
  15. @admin Now I only need 1 good/decent ships. I can cap the ship I need. There are even the guns on the ship. I have to care about nothing anymore. I dont need any gold anymore because the AI is carrying the repairs in their holds as well. Thats Arena gamesytle. So why Legends when we go back to Arena in this game?
  16. so everything under 4th is worthless?
  17. So everything is just about the ships above and the other ships are shit so give them away for free?
  18. The problem is that there is no point to use crafted ships anymore. AI ships are as good as every player made ship. So yeah I would use a free cornflakes AK47 when it is the same quality like the russian one.
  19. @admin @Ink Seriously? The AI merc that I captured had all 3 perma slots + all knowledge slots available. Where is the difference to crafted ones? Just one less inbuild is not enough
  20. I agree with that but vets will abuse
  21. It was a Fir trader snow Edit*: And you even can break up captured AI ships
  22. @admin @InkSeriously? The AI Tsnow i captured had all 3 perma slots + all knowledge slots available. Where is the difference to crafted ones?
  23. Bye bye thrill to get captured ships back into the port. Now i can just sink them.
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