- Everything that can only be obtained through pve only is grind for me. And there are a lot of items out their that can only obtained through that.
[Reward PvP more it should always be more rewarding to pvp as to pve]
- That NA favors: more guns = more everything (loot, money, etc.) Is forcing player to go for the biggest ship as fast as possible which leads to grinding
[loot and money should depend of BR difference group and personal BR the higher the difference the more rewarding the loot]
A brig vs a surprise should have the same reward as trinc vs coni. (for example)
- The Perma mod system = while parts are monopolized by a few you have to kill AI for refits (fault in contract system)
[Ditch perma mods make them knowledge/ dont allow contracts on certain goods]
- Pre last hotfix I could sell my captured player ships. Now they droped in value because they arent playermade anymore. Therefore I have to kill AI to get money again.
[make the difference between playermade and AI capture bigger]