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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. Es gab PvP zones. Wurde aber nur von großen Clans/nationen benutzt die restlichen Spielern hat das nicht interessiert. War ja auch ein reines geganke. Der Clan/Nation mit den meisten Spielern hat gewonnen und nach 2 mal war halt nur die größte Nation übrig und kein anderer kam mehr vorbei. PvP zones sind keine Lösung
  2. Das Problem des Spiels ist, dass es mit jedem großen Patch den Spielschwerpunkt ändert. Viele die jetzt spielen sagen: noch ein wenig hier und da und das Spiel ist fertig. Das gleiche hab ich auch während 10.x gesagt bin aber mittlerweildavon weg. Warum ist das so? Wie gesagt es ist der Fokus. 10.x machte das Spiel interessant für Solo Hunter für kleine Gruppen. Mit 11.x würde dieser Fokus fallengelassen und nur RvR rückte in den Focus. Die Leute die vorher zufrieden waren wurden unzufrieden wohingegen der RvR Spieler von unzufrieden zu zufrieden wechselte. Im Prinzip würde mit dem Patches Also nie was gewonnen man hat einfach immer nur eine neue/andere Gruppe von Spielern glücklich gemacht was dann auf plus minus Null bezüglich der Spielerzahl hinausläuft. Wir brauchen das Solo Play wie wir auch die safezones und das RvR Gameplay brauchen. Aber nicht einzeln sondern zusammen in einen mega Patch nur dann spricht das Spiel möglichst viele Spieler an.
  3. I still hope they are working on it. In my opinion its good for the game health. The game needs a wide spectrum of players and i doubt that hardcore Nations will lead to a big player swap. To many current players are cautious and wont join a nation where they could lose everything (look at the current pve care zones). This new nations would appeal to new/old players and therefore make it more appealling for a wider spectrum. So instead of less player we will get more players.
  4. Ich hoffe. Das Spiel kann nicht überleben wenn es nur eine Zielgruppe aka den medicore RvR spieler anspricht. Das Spiel braucht ein breites Spektrum um möglichst viele Spieler zu binden. Ich persönlich glaube nicht, dass diese neuen hardcore Nationen etwas für jeden sind, das eine Massenhafte Abwanderung/ split der bestehenden Nationen passiert. Dafür sind viele zu vorsichtig um alles auf eine Karte zu setzen (siehe aktuelle pve Care Zones). Was ich ehr glaube ist eine Zuwanderung von Spielern, da plötzlich mehr Zielgruppen Angesprochen werden.
  5. Don't forget the old alliance system was clanbased as well. The biggest clan could dictate and rule the nation. So again what's different? What will prevent the biggest clans to find a status quo again?
  6. Whats different to the old alliance system? The biggest clans will form an alliance and rule the server.
  7. increasing speed just decreases time spend sailing = less chance to find people.
  8. No - reduce pb group size
  9. Still waiting for the kickstarter Shippacks...
  10. We had a module system but it was changed to a perk/book system because mods were more valuable than the ship itself. Still don't get why refits and perma mods are still in-game. They are completely against the reason why we got books and perks. It's not the fear to lose a ship it's the damn fear to lose a 1million + rar mod.
  11. @admin I really miss the button. It was working so well for us. Without it i have no luck.....
  12. It would even give the xebec a reason to be in the west indies. Barbary pirates incoming. Love it! (And many other ships)
  13. But for access to NAL (Naval Action Legends) testing you need currently a key + Naval Action on Steam like Liq said. But I am sure when you ask kindly someone will give you one.
  14. This game needs everyone hardcore-, causal- and hardcore causal- players, rvr, pvp and pve because its a niche game. If this new nations get implemented right they could attract the hardcore players again. Changing existing nations to capturable Capitals one is wrong. Look at pirates most pirates dont welcome drastically changes that would make them real pirates and not just a nation with a black flag. But you are right the game really needs intresting pve content as well like it needs pvp content beside clan/rvr.
  15. I would come back for it. Sounds like the outlaw class i was waiting for for so long.
  16. yes should stay but with penalty (slower reg. or less crew reg.) while in boarding and improved visualization.
  17. At the moment the game is dictating me not to play the game because there is nothing to do beside missions and rvr (and I dont care about both). The game always forced you to do certain things. I just want that all ways become valid.
  18. Safezone is fine to a certain point after that a player should have to leave the zone to go forward into his / her progession. But yeah i am just a lion and tired of sitting in the tree.
  19. We both agree on that more players = more targets. But with every patch, focus shift from one grp to an other. 9.x was carebaers, 10.x was solo play, 11.x is rvr + carebears. I am not asking to make it a solo hunter game only. I am asking for to include all kinds of gameplays and not to focus on certain ones. The bigger the game spectrum the more people are willing to play = more people online = more targets. I am asking for 12.x Cearbears + solo player/small grp + RvR I dont want a game for a certain grp of players I want a game for everyone where erveryone has the right and purpose to be.
  20. You are right. But the ocean was full of busy merchants where are they now? I dont mind to run when a player welcome commitee is chasing me. That can be fun too at least for me. But there is no sense in sailing out.Tell me how can a privateer enjoy the current game? I mean its a sandbox isnt it? I can be whatever I want or is that wrong? Do I have to play as navy captain to enjoy the game? You are right you delivered the feeling of a navy captain no doubt. But the rest of the age of sail experience is missing.
  21. At the moment groups can have fun aka RvR like Admin said. But for solo, small grp pvp there is no sense in pushing the start button. Go to the RvR area and get a huge welcome committee or go to the safezone and face the Ai welcome committee? Atm NA offers nothing for the player in between. Which is sad because i would prefer OW over Arena.
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