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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. What are the cost when its instant? When it is to cheap 3 tows per day might be an issue regarding SOLs.
  2. Thanks for explaining the mechanic. But in my opinion it will lead to: login - tow ship - logout - play other game while waiting Next day: Login - do pb -logout Because RvR is the only gamecontent beside pve at the moment. How does it slove anything for the OW player who already has no content. OW is already so plain. With that in mind way should people go out and hunt even they have now more spare time? If i may remind. Yes we had more pvp but it was just freetown ganking with most of the people sitting in port chatting and waiting.
  3. Agree. Or if its to harsh for the mod loving ones out there, ban the use of more than mod of the same kind.
  4. You can criticize the game. I do it a lot. But never ever get personal. When you say it's a shit game then you have to say why. And maybe come up with a suggestion how to improve things.
  5. As you may have read they wont alter it. Its an old feature they had the time do do so. The people who are benefited by that are already playing the game. It will not bring any new big numbers back or make the game way more intresting to them. Instead it will make the game unplayable for an other group of players so the last remaining ones will quit .Instead of more it will be less player in the end.
  6. And again in the one hand towing is a slight plus for one group of players that already get extrem care by a lot of features. In the other hand its a big minus to an other group of players (OW users). By removing time spend on OW they remove content for this group (that already has no real content anymore). For the RvR group it can be good or bad. They are adding new players to their roster by allowing easier access to pb but it wasnt fun to fight the pb fleets who just logged in in front of the port or for those who remember the abuse/feature of the old towing. There will be no sense for a clan to defend a port the day before the pb while the enemy is towing their ships instead of sailing. People will login press tow leave the game login the next day join the pb, fight the pb, logout. Thats NAL content add portbattles and pve missions to the NAL map roster/game that will please the ones with babies, wives, and general lack of a lot of free time etc.
  7. nobody is sailing around. All are staying in the care zones. There were 500+ player on EU i saw 3 enemies in 5h on a weekend. Combat news only gets active during PB time.
  8. OW pvp you wont even get this on EU. RvR you might get it when you are playing at EU time.
  9. looks like to every outpost regardless of its belonging
  10. Where is the improvment? Cant see any. I bet it will be back like it was because thats easy. Thats what Game labs always do. All or nothing but never alter something except combat.... People that have 1 or 2 hours will play NAL so why destroying the game for the last remaining OW players?
  11. When it was such a so good feature why was it removed? Couldnt we handle all the content it delivered to us? Were we saying "Take it out we a drowning in good pvp" or were it other reasons? I cant understand why such a ow destroying feature gets back without altering it proper.
  12. But it looks like that in the other hand the effect of this for the last remaining OW players wasnt considered. You will add some causal players to RvR but in the other hand you will lose more and more OW user/player by delievering no content for them.
  13. Looks like its getting back permanently.
  14. Its clear to me thats not tp after battle and that it is towing but as towing was allowed everyone sent his SOL to the closest port to avoid OW capture. will it be reintroducted like before or are certain ships forbidden to tow or or or. Whats the meaning of OW again can someone remind me?
  15. So new/old portbattle meta comes back? Sending lineships to the closest port to avoid OW capture? But the rest looks promising.
  16. Not in Germany with all its copyright
  17. These nations should never ever appeal to the normal player. That are nations for hardcore players. We shouldnt ask to turn them into normal just because they dont suit the normal player who just want to play these nations just for the flag. We would just create a new US/ GB nation.
  18. Don't make the mistake to give new players the option to join these 3 nation right away. It's the same like the turn pirate mechanic by attacking your own nation. People won't read the warning and get disappointed. We need a proper mechanic for that.
  19. As some may know, we [Rover] a clan of 4 guys played as Corsairs. Patch 11.x made this play style obsolete. Furthermore the community wasn't/ isn't always kind to our mods - sometimes people are missing respect. All that and a major community incident made us all from [Rover] taking a game break. Half of [Rover] recently started playing on EU again. @The Red Duke is observing the game and I bet no I am certain he will join us when every playstyle find its place in that game and or when the Sea calls him back home. That may fit to other mods as well. Maybe they are already playing but different name, server and nation ;-) You can never be sure.....
  20. Deshalb freue ich mich auf die neuen Hardcore Nationen. Das eröffnet ein neues Spektrum an Spielern aktive und mit hoffentlich Spielspaß an NA teilnehmen zu können ohne direkt gelangweilt zu sein. Meiner Meinung nach ein richtiger Schritt. Sicher diese Nationen sind nich für jeden was aber dadurch das die alten Nationen nicht verändert werden kann jeder wählen und wird nicht gezwungen. Und die die sagen die alten Nationen werden einen Playerschwund erfahren davon bin ich nicht überzeugt. Sicher ein Teil wird wechseln aber der Großteil der jetzt spielt ist eigentlich zufrieden mit dem jetzt. Ich rechne ehr das alte Spieler zurückkehren und das die online Zahl langfristig steigt. Insbesondere wenn der jetzige Kurs beibehalten wird.
  21. Ist halt im Moment total sein Spiel. Meiner Meinung nach muss nichts geändert werden (keiner will einen was wegnehmen das war der Fehler zu vieler Patches vorher - siehe fanboys become haters und Game Bewertungen) sondern es sollte nur hinzugefügt werden um das Spiel auch für andere interessant zu machen. Warum gab es ne welle schlechter Bewertung weil immer eine Gruppe die vorher Spaß hatte das Spielzeug weggenommen würde. Mir ging es da nicht anders. Solange das Spiel nicht für jeden einen Platz findet werden Leute gehen oder garnicht erst kommen. Hinzufügen statt ändern ist mein Vorschlag!
  22. We have to find a way that it is hard/impossible to find a meta to certain br. Otherwise we have different ships in one battle but everytime the same setup. But clear yes to both questions.
  23. Wie ich schon sagte, die letzten Patches haben uns neue Spielergruppen gebracht alte sind aber dafür abgewandelt weil für sie einfach das Spiel uninteressant würde. Was bleibt ist ein Plus minus Null Gewinn für naval Action. Anstatt immer neue Wege zu probieren und auf nur eine Gruppe von Spielern sich zu fokussieren sollte es mal langsam Zeit werden auf alle Gruppen zu zugehen. Wir brauchen care zones für die pvp erschrockenen genauso wie wir RvR Clan Based Köpfeeinschlagen brauchen. Was wir aber auch brauchen ist ein interessantes Gameplay für den Hardcorespieler oder pvp was nicht RvR fokussiert ist. Die letzten beiden Sachen sind aber zur Zeit nicht existent darum sind diese Spieler auch nicht in NA anzutreffen. Wird das Spiel für alle gleichermaßen Interessant steigt auch die spielerzahl, weil plötzlich alle eine Daseinsberechtigung haben.
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