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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. look how many battles are actual not in the primetime of the owner. I would say people prefer empty portbattles
  2. Dlc shiffe redeemen dann verkaufen
  3. Really nice ship its fun sailing her.
  4. But then a fire ship should get a button to start a fire and not wait/rely for some random cannon shots to ignite the powder.
  5. A target is a target I dont care if alt or main.
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=vieja&amp=true
  7. An other battle where an explosion occurred https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cape_St._Vincent_(1780) Resulted in the loss of all except 1 onboard the exploding ship. Maybe someone can find/know a more detailed documentation.
  8. When a ship is on fire survival is turned on and cant be turned off When a ship is on fire and "fire ship upgrade" is equiped (shoud be part of the nation store) player can turn of survival. Furthermore crew gets reduced by 70% (as admin already said) Those changes would make fire ships a weapon of choice and not a weapon of circumstance. Currently its to strong regarding that it has no negatives and can be used a la "oh my ship is shot to pieces a well I cough fire lets go with a boom" Shooting into the flames of a burning ship should still result in possible explosion even that said ship is not fire ship fitted.
  9. Current meta are/were blob fights (for references watch any portbattle of rediii) This meta isnt working anymore. And just like admin wrote Get your spacing right. Portbattle leaders have to adept and overcome. Finally fires and explosions are back and matter and I like it. But I do think most dmg due to explosions will be rigging dmg. Only in the vicinity of the explosion crew will die due to blast overpressure waves (lung dmg). Further away falling rigging + fragmentation will cause casualties, but not that much that a whole ship will be decrewed. @admin shouldnt falling masts cause some crew dmg in general?
  10. If paint will ever be a thing for the good old leo i would vote for this one here. Its so much better than the other black and white one.
  11. 500 men on a ship that normally has a complement of around 300. I guess its obvious to assume that those are trained marines rdy to raid the port and to fight off any boarding party.
  12. Will we get proper sailing profiles as well?
  13. Einen Seasoned shed braucht man um Seasoned wood herstellen zu können. Seasoned teak ist wie teak nur besser. Check mal Felix map zum wood vergleich. Die Permits und rezepte zur Herstellung der Hölzer dropped in privateer chests. Die bekommt man als loot in den Handelsschiffen wenn die npcs einen Hafen angreifen oder durch die Privateer fleets vor den Hauptstädten (nur pvp server da disabled auf pve wegen rumgeheule der Spieler das sie von npcs getankt wurden) Steht auch alles in den Patch notes.
  14. privateer Ai is actual made for PVP server to fight off Players/solo hunters who are killing noobs in capital waters. PvE just got a 1to1 copy. The thing is those fleets drop privateer chests that contain stuff for crafting the new seasoned wood. Endgame content needs ultra hard endboss fights. So should the pve be skipped regarding this content expansion? Furthermore this change was in the patch notes. Everyone could prepare himself for this encounter + entering enemy capitals might not a piece of cake after this change. I guess everyone here can read, even admin wrote at least 2 times that change will be reverted for pve tomorrow and people still come here raging, so maybe not.
  15. you can test game code and mechanics. But its hard to predict human nature. Combat improvement is part of the roadmap. Fireships are part of combat. Furthermore battlesails changes are announced. Maybe its all linked together.
  16. Now I am ultra hyped which flags got picked. Thank you guys so much for adding them.
  17. ROVER's treatise of proper raiding 10x madagascar jewels 5x captured "cargo" 5x captured "passenger" 2x Sealed bottle Increases doubloon gain by 0.1 (So if you would loot 100 dbs by RND you actual get 110dbs - doesnt apply to sinking/assist reward) Unfortunately that requires that captured passenger and cargo need to be flagged as "captured". When I remember correctly Game labs was considering that. Because currently most of those missions are dumped. Its unpractical to keep them. Clan: SeaRovers [ROVER]
  18. A timer on wood while they "rot" / season in the warehouse is even worse and benefits alts even more. A timer on every piece of wood might even to be to database heavy. ____________________ Go out hunt some privateer fleets with friends. Anyone can do that if he really wants to. I dont see any issue here. Its endgame content/gear. Havent seen that wow for example gives the newest tier of gear away for free. Go/sail to the dungeon and beat the monster/privateer fleet to get/craft the best gear. but ofc mimimi give best gear for free is way easier. I do understand....
  19. Pls close. should have been done after first admin answer.
  20. Warehouse is full of wood. Would be kind of fake. I do like that people now sail out and trying to hunt those privateer fleets. Its a matter of time till people figure out to intercept those fleets and turn it into ow Trafalgar battles.
  21. Ships are content for game labs. (If you want i can search for that qoute). Best would be to be more specific about what you mean by content.
  22. Its the opposite but now even more valid. I am feeling encouraged to add more video content
  23. This made your text spam Make some real suggestions if you dislike content and stop blackmailing. DLC ships should not give Reals / Mats when selling or breaking up Spawning a DLC ship with seasoned wood should cost doubloons too etc That would be helpfull
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