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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. Give you joy of your new name Mr. Cochrane. A glass of wine with you sir.
  2. Awesome! I used to actually take the side off of my gaming rig and direct a large floor fan set to high into the case to keep it from overheating in certain games.
  3. You're about 12 hours too early.
  4. Well, not me personally, I'm just a forum volunteer, but yes, the Developers need good data on the newly added ships, so a jaunt through those will return your Trinco to you. Trust me, I lost access to my Trinco as well, it can be annoying, but have fun and try out the new ships - the damage requirements to clear them aren't too bad.
  5. Hi there Mr. Darthclide. I'm sorry you seem to be missing your damage (did you check your other coat?). In all seriousness, could you please elaborate on the issue you encountered? When was the damage earned, in what ship, when was the last time you saw it, and when did you notice it was gone?
  6. Well written Don, I might add that the mast loss would depend on the size disparity of the ships. A first rate hitting a cutter at full speed wouldn't feel much - the cutter would be split in half with little effort in my opinion. On the other hand, hitting a far larger ship, like a Trinco or Constitution would definitely cause a significant shock.
  7. I don't believe a mast flexing would have much, if anything, to do with leaking. The caulking between planks would leak in a heavy sea as the planks warped and worked. I don't think there was much chance of them falling out so long as the planks themselves remained attached, but it was certainly possible for those planks to be sprung and a leak to develop. That leak was likely quite manageable though, as when working in a heavy sea, pumps were usually able to keep up with any water the ship was making, and there you'd be talking about the entire hull, not just a small section.
  8. Rendering like that takes an insane amount of time - hours in some cases. Maybe 10,15 years in the future? Perhaps sooner, but the state of the art for fast rendering games is very different than the state of the art for graphics for movies and television, where an artist may have weeks of computer time spent rendering effects.
  9. Tiger, we already have a title progression system (points to your Novice title), it just ends at Lieutenant at 500 posts. Sure, some folks may try to spam, but we have mods for that and it's just fun. Your point is quite valid though.
  10. Well, you can, but it should be like now where your sails furl and you sit there quietly. This will prevent the infamous logoffski.
  11. To be clear, I know some of those ranks weren't natural progressions (Able Seaman to Midshipman, Post Captain to Commodore, etc), but it's just a fun way to break down post counts.
  12. I did something like this on another forum, but it was a ton of work. I would, however, like to see forum ranks above Lieutenant. Maybe something like: 0-10 Landsman 10-50 Ordinary Seaman 50-100 Able Seaman 100-250 Midshipman 250-500 Lieutenant 500-1000 Commander 1000-2000 Post Captain 2000-3000 Commodore 3000-4000 Rear Admiral 4000-5000 Vice Admiral 5000+ Admiral
  13. Sorry guys, I merged the threads....backwards. The link that was referenced is this thread. I've gotten it sorted out, apologies for the confusion.
  14. Please try again. Sometimes the Steam Auth service is a dog and you need to keep punching login until it works.
  15. Now see here, I love a good hernia just as much as the next ship Captain....
  16. End12, have you cleaned the crud out of your case recently? Is is possible the machine is overheating? Blow out the case, any of the heatsinks, and also verify that all of the fans are currently spinning - case fans, cpu fan, gpu fan(s), AND power supply fan(s).
  17. I sail in meatspace (real life). I grew up racing our boat in regattas, some of which had 40 or more boats (and that's small compared to some). If you can imagine 25 boats in close quarters all jockeying for the best spot on the start line, and 3/4s (including us) of them inexperienced at best, you can imagine the mess. In racing, there are quite a few rules dedicated to who has to yield to whom. So you'll hear people yelling "starboard!!!!" or "overlap!!!!", etc. as two boats close on each other. My father used to give way, even when we were authorized to hold our course under the rules. When I asked him why, he said "having the right of way doesn't fix your boat". I agree with you, the big ships are harder to maneuver, and have more important things to do than dodging a flotilla of smaller ships that are in its way. Anything you can do to alert others in the area to the fact that you are now altering course will, in the long run, save you a lot more time, damage, and lost opportunities than time you'll lose in taking the 3 seconds to type "tacking" into chat.
  18. Hitting a big enough ship at a good rate of speed puts your masts into jeopardy. The standing rigging can not take sudden shocks and you run the risk of losing your backstays when you have the shock of hitting another vessel (if it's large enough). That said, sailing across the front of a First Rate in your Snow doesn't mean you break the First Rate's bowsprit at the cost of....nearly nothing. Added to that, being rammed by a large ship doesn't do nearly enough damage to smaller ships. If you're hit amidships by a First Rate in a Surprise, you're going to get your entire side stove in and you're going down. So, if you want to keep knocking off bowsprits and jibbooms when someone in a cutter ducks in front of a Trincomalee and gets rammed, fine, but that Cutter should sink nearly instantly. That would be a good balance. There should be a lot of incentive for a Cutter or similar sized craft not to come up near a larger ship's bow and drop all of their sails so they can rake your bows. There should be a deep seated fear in those Captain's heads that they'll be struck and instantly sunk.
  19. You have it right. Purchasing tonight means you should have a key sometime tomorrow afternoon (by 10-11pm Kiev time), you can then enter the key into Steam, download the game, and start blasting things.
  20. The bigger ship may have the right of way, but that doesn't fix your bowsprit when you hit that cutter after you turned without warning. If you're going to alter your course, and their are other ships in the immediate area, put something into chat. If that person is in the middle of firing an aiming shot or two with their telescope when you turn, even with "normal" scans, it's very easy to cause a collision when your straight sailing ship suddenly decides not to go straight any more. "Henry, I'm tacking." Me: "Alright" It's that easy.
  21. Is your Paypal account email address correct?
  22. Dang, I was pretty hopeful that would help. Stand by to see if someone else has an idea.
  23. This thread is a duplicate of http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1134-sailing-movies/ . Please continue the discussion there. There are quite a few great sailing videos/movies out there!
  24. A quick note - signature changes are retroactive to older posts. So if you need to test your signature, please do so by changing it, then going to one of your recent posts and looking there. If you're unsure how to find a recent post, you can use the "Find Content" button on your Profile to find a recent post.
  25. I don't believe that's possible just now, but perhaps in the future there will be an option for inverted Y-Axis.
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