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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. Don't use carronades in a brig. You'll get your tail handed to you. Ignore grape unless the armor is down to nearly nothing and you're danger close. The chain needs to physically pass through sails - and if you've really shredded a particular sail, aim for a different one.
  2. If it happens again, please mash F11 and fill in the form. If it's a connectivity issue, it might not matter, but if the report gets through it will help tons.
  3. Let's circle back to the subject of Premium Ships and Pay to Win please.
  4. Likely network packet loss or the server stopped responding.
  5. Of course, and the rules allow you to swear at the weather, your main mast, curse the cannonballs, rail at life. Telling someone else to f***ing uninstall you s*** b**** mother f***er we can do without. Even if your commanding officer in the modern navy used to greet you with that every morning.
  6. Well stated sir. I especially liked the "Affordable Combat Act".
  7. That is where playtesting comes into play. If 1 mile is determined to be far enough that they can't really be of help, then 1 mile it will be. I personally think it will be at a distance that most players will find perfectly reasonable and "fun", which is what this is about.
  8. How far will established by gameplay, but all friendly vessels to the two combatants in a certain radius will end up in the instance. If your friends are nearby enough, they'll be right there with you.
  9. I'm not quite sure what your issue is. It's a real frigate (L'Unite) with a few cosmetic changes. While arguments can be made that her armament in game is far too heavy, she is a real ship, with a real background. I will remind everyone in the thread to please keep it respectful.
  10. This is very good. Your faction who are well outside of the distance they could sail at the speed you're sailing in the combat instance should NOT be able to sail halfway across the map to "come to your aid". If you want help, you'll either need to hire escorts ahead of time, or ensure your mates are within the correct distance from you that they will be pulled into the instance when you're attacked. This old PotBS way of having people able to rush across the map to help (or hinder) someone isn't good gameplay. Instancing will not be changed any time soon. It is completely impossible given current technology to have the world the size that they plan and still perform the physics and damage tracking that they're doing with a high quality combat experience. You just can't do that across 16 million square miles (or more).
  11. I sent an email a few minutes ago and received no bounce. Perhaps try again sir?
  12. Admin has stated that they are planning to model the payment system off of GuildWars, if they end up actually doing so, you may be quite happy with the result.
  13. I believe that is the "Frigate". It was pulled for retooling and should be coming back eventually.
  14. My personal belief is that ramming is currently not implemented very realistically. I think too much damage is done to a larger ship when rammed by a smaller ship, and that the smaller ship often gets off too lightly (reference a Cerb ramming a Victory not once, but three times above). I'm withholding further thoughts on ramming until DM 4.0 is implemented and some of the other tweaks mentioned by Admin in his Sea Trials Closing thread are made.
  15. Please understand this is myself speaking, not Game Labs. Actual functionality may differ.
  16. They wouldn't add any speed at all in the wind conditions that currently exit in game. If used in those conditions, they'd carry away instantly when set. They're used when running in lighter air only. The reason they may have been set at Trafalgar was due to the light, dying air.
  17. Admin has already posted about this very subject. Please head on over to that thread, read through it, and add any additional ideas or thoughts you may have. Thanks! Fleet Commander Gameplay: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1846-fleet-commander-gameplay/
  18. So far, there doesn't appear to be any plan to implement studdingsails. I believe I saw a response from Admin that they made ships look awful (like an elephant I believe the quote was?). Before Studdingsails, I'd like to see the implementation of only flying enough canvas for the weather you're in. To have ships running around with every studdingsail flying all the time would be more distracting than not having them at all in my opinion.
  19. Thanks for reporting back! I'm glad it's working well for you, enjoy.
  20. Have you ever actually seen a plank by plank blueprint of one of these ships, complete with dimensions of each cut of wood? While there may be line drawings and rough shapes, with the exception of a few preserved ships, that's all they have to go on.
  21. No artificial mechanics are needed. The instance creator should pull all nearby ships into the instance, regardless of nationality. If you want to help each other while in the instance, help each other - just refrain from firing on the other ship. If you don't sail away or rain death on both of your enemies. Keep it flexible.
  22. Nickle and diming players for every little action in game will not make for a successful game.
  23. I had forgotten that they'd announced that Mr. Snoopy. Thank you!
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