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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. Just to ask the obvious questions: Have you rebooted your computer since you had the issue? Have you made any recent changes to your video card drivers or run Windows Update?
  2. For now, there are no plans. Please stay tuned.
  3. Ships' loadouts currently affect their performance in a somewhat historical way. I have been requesting that that performance decrease be emphasized in some way since right now it is miniscule, mainly in adding "top hamper" through more heel, and less stability in the water (rolling, pitching, etc) as all of that extra weight of metal raises the metacentric height of the vessel.
  4. Some configuration changes have been made to reduce the issue. My understanding is that the forum software used here has a bug that Spam Bots are using to create problems - it's been an issue on some other forums that use the same software. We'll continue to stay on top of it - please us the report button if you have any issues and we'll get it taken care of. Thanks!
  5. Awesome! I was hoping someone would do something like this. Great fortunes to you sir!
  6. We have no confirmation that the current Sea Trials battle mode will be there on release. We do have an assurance that there will be some sort of "quick battle" mode that will allow those that just want to jump into the action to get their sailing fix. I'm an extremely casual player with a big family. I expect I'll be able to do short trading runs and patrol near my main "port" just fine.
  7. That still doesn't work though - think of the mouse movement being your head, and your eyes being, well, your eyes. My eyes are going to flick around the screen without moving the mouse. Everything on the screen should be crisp and in focus (maybe not highly detailed if it's off in the distance, but the edges should still be distinct). Making me move the mouse because the center of the screen happens to be on my own mast and the rest of the area outside of my ship is out of focus isn't good game design.
  8. Oh! Yes, what I meant was that the eye does have significant depth of field, you often don't notice it because the items that are blurred at a different distance are in your peripheral vision, where you can't easily discern that they're out of focus. The parking lot exercise was a good way to have a large number of different objects at different distances that are in close enough proximity to each other so that you can more easily discern the different in focus between the different distances.
  9. No. The maps used to be huge, with BBs sending rounds (though not necessarily accurately) out to 13km or more. They had controllable scout planes for ships that had them, a ranging circle that got smaller with each salvo (simulating dialing in your range, it re-expanded if you moved the turret too much), etc. They didn't allow you to plink the same place a dozen times to keep removing HP - once a module or zone lost its HP, you needed to hit somewhere else to do more damage. They had immunity zones (they claim they still do, but with the nerfed range, it's common to penetrate armor since the immunity zone is now probably a few hundreds of yards wide, instead of the KM or more that it used to be), Cruisers and DDs could wreck the BB's exterior modules with HE, but couldn't hope to penetrate it for HP damage (this enhanced teamwork - a couple of cruisers could still put a large hurtlocker on a BB). It seemed like a decently deep game. They've since nerfed ranges across the board, scouts are basically a consumable that orbits your ship to slightly increase view range, etc. It went from a Warships feel to, as you said, WoT on water, which is not good.
  10. Not a fan of tilt-shift either, especially in this game. The reasons I applied against DoF all apply to tilt-shift with minor wording changes. I'll add that tilt-shift makes things look extremely fake and like a model - if you see Wind's examples above, a couple of those images look like paintings or miniatures, when they are really photographs. Tilt-shift makes things look like they are plastic toys in my opinion.
  11. Oh, I quite agree. My main point is that, as with WoWp, they had a gem of a game that was extremely fun and then turned it into a nightmare. I see a trend developing.
  12. Mr. Staines, pay heed to Prater's advice. This problem most often occurs when you have a mixed set of guns on a ship with more than one deck. Please let us know if you've checked the Constructor and you have all decks equipped with the same type of gun (e.g. all Long, all regular, or all carronade).
  13. Admin - It's a problem with plurality. One person is a Landsman, an Able Seaman, an Ordinary Seaman, Midshipman. Two people or more would be Landsmen, Able Seamen, Ordinary Seaman, Midshipmen. The noun is "man", the plural of which is "men". O'Brian's "The Mauritius Command", Page 60: Hope that helps!
  14. Been playing it for almost a year and a half. It was amazing in early-mid Alpha, now it's shallow, too easy, and boring. Hopefully they move it back towards the complex, deep game that it was in early 2014.
  15. O'Brian speaks also of gunports "stove into one" after extended actions. I have no doubt it happened to a limited degree, but the question is how common it may have been.
  16. Thanks Prater. Payraz, I suggested to delete the entries similar to my log that have "Deleted" in them prior to posting the log. This will protect potentially sensitive Steam account information from being posted on a public internet forum. We may be able to discern more information from the information contained in that section of the log.
  17. When your ship is flooding, you'll see your compass start to fill with blue water. Use Survival Mode (Press 8) to pump out the water. A red numbered leak means that you have holes beneath the waterline. Change your heading to put the wind to the other side of your ship, then use Survival Mode (8) to repair the leak and pump out the water. Pressing the "Shift" key will bring up your telescope. Use the telescope to see where your shots are falling on a distant target. A red X over a gun deck means that those guns can not fire, often due to flooding. To fire your guns, move your mouse to move your view in the direction of the guns you want to fire, then right click your mouse to enter that side's firing mode. Right click again to exit firing mode. Instead of dropping/raising your sails (S and W) to control your speed, try using the Q, E, Z and C buttons to move your yards into a position where they don't catch the wind as well. Press F to re-enter automatic yard control mode.
  18. We're at a point where it's easy to make changes, and if they change gameplay in an unexpected or negative way, the feature can be removed. Unlike a lot of game companies out there, GameLabs has shown, so far, that they don't double down on a mistake. If a change isn't deemed to be a good thing, they remove it.
  19. Yarev, apologies for the delayed response. In your computer will be a log file. I need you to please post an example so we can start troubleshooting. The log file is located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Naval Action\logs The file is called custom_log.txt. I need the following section (just one, not the entire log file): Please delete the same sections I did above, or you can PM it to me. Thanks.
  20. Even in Damage Model 3, it is possible for balls to go all the way through. Damage Model 4 will be added to the Open World, so for now, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in the Sea Trials Damage Model as it is no longer the "current" in production code.
  21. There is more than you think. Try looking at a parking lot. Slowly bring your eyes from car to car, starting in the nearest row and working out towards the street, selecting a car that is quite near the previous one you're focused on. You'll be surprised. When it comes to extremely distant objects though (say, starting at 100 or more yards away), your eyes are almost focused at the equivalent of infinity - there will be almost no focus change as you look farther and farther out. This is a combination of the apparent F-stop, but also the apparent focal length of the eye (around 50mm or so for a 35mm image format, 28mm for a "DX" style 1.5 crop digital sensor) compared to, say, using a lens with a high degree of zoom such as a telescope. For those new to photography, depth of field is a function of the aperture (the size of opening through which the light is entering), the focal length of the lens (the more zoom, the "longer" the lens or telescope, the more potential depth of field is created), and the distance of the subject to the camera (the closer the distance, the more potential depth of field). Some of my shorter lenses, when the aperture is "wide open" on a subject that is 6 feet away, have just a few inches of depth which will be in focus. A fun image to illustrate:
  22. This is a discussion forum sir. There is room for everyone's point of view. If you disagree with what has been stated, please make a case for this being "art" and logicallly refute the points made so far, or further explain why the suggested feature would create better gameplay, don't attack the people expressing their views.
  23. That would be the only place it would have a use, and even then, only with regards to objects with disparate distance. E.g. you're focused on a distant ship, and a closer ship comes into your field of view - that closer ship would be out of focus until you refocused your telescope to account for the change in distance. It would be immersive to have a short delay before the differently distanced ship came into focus, but I'm not sure it's gameplay enhancing for now.
  24. This poll is extremely old and out of date. I've locked it for now, and hopefully after release of Open World, Admin will create another one for the next direction of development. Stay tuned!
  25. Depth of field itself is completely pointless outside of a movie or photograph, and even then, DOF is only used in limited circumstances, namely to draw the eye to the main subject/character of the movie/photo. If you want to look out across a valley, do you focus your eye on a flower in the foreground? Or do you ignore that flower and focus your eye on the valley? Since the game doesn't know where you are looking at that moment, there is no way to intelligently control what is in focus. DOF is NOT a function of distance, it is a function of where you are focusing your camera. Your eyes flat out don't work that way - you don't look at a distant mountain while keeping your eyes focused on a nearby flower that is now in your peripheral vision. The reduced detail, not focus but detail, of a distant object is what makes the view true to life. Intentionally blurring part of the field of view in the game isn't a good idea.
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