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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Under investigation
  2. Please send ingame message to character Ink
  3. Captain, what do you mean by demo version? There was not demo version for Naval Action. If you were able to play the game earlier, you sure you used the same PC (GPU)?
  4. Ink

    Nation Change

  5. Could you please clarify that you followed the instructions and still cannot delete it? Please provide ingame screenshot with the message as well.
  6. Captain, Naval Action required inbuilt directx 11 features and shader model 5 support right from the start. Unfortunately your GPU GTX 260 does only support directx 10 and shader model 4. In this case the only way to play the game is to upgrade the GPU
  7. Captains, storms that was linked here were discussed in this thread: Please check it as there are explanations of issues related to implementation of storm instances (not to mention storm instances were hated after some time by almost anyone during Sea Trials)
  8. Captain, firstly try to turn off SLI for the game->check; if this did not help then try to turn antialiasing off
  9. Ink

    Forged Papers

    Captains, as it has been said, unfortunately unused server redeems including FP could not be transferred. Sorry for inconveniences
  10. Captain, you have to create a new character, then you will receive al your assets (including experience) in redeems
  11. Captain, the reason is you had 4/5 dock on the Global but on the Caribbean you upgraded to 5/5
  12. Captains, we apologize but only assets linked to steam id were possible to transfer, server redeems such as ships from the May wipe were not transferred. As the server has been closed. Same with sealed bottles. sealed bottles were server based (map spot and such) and could not be transferred Sorry for inconveniences, we hope players from Global PVP will quickly recover those wipe ships and sealed bottles
  13. Captains, this issue is under investigation, please hold on till tomorrow
  14. Локализация начнется, скорее всего, в сентябре, как указанно в данном списке. Точная и примерная даты - это не одно и тоже. В той же теме, которую Вы привели, мы писали о смещении дат (на тот момент) на январь-февраль. После этого мы также публиковали планы на первую и вторую половину 2017 года. Точных дат без 100% уверенности мы не даем. С точки зрения организации работы и количества наших сотрудников мы считаем, что к таким вещам, как интерфейс и локализация, стоит приступать только когда добавлены и финализированы основные элементы геймплея. Иначе поддержка интерфейса и локализации с очередными изменениями отнимет ресурсы с более важных задач на данный момент времени.
  15. мы не давали точных дат (сейчас и более года назад), т.к. всегда есть непредвиденные случаи. На ваш вопрос неоднократно отвечали, что основные усилия сейчас приложены к интерфейсу и локализации.
  16. Все новости на русском языке доступны на русскоязычном форуме http://forum.game-labs.net/forum/34-морские-тесты/ http://forum.game-labs.net/forum/36-новости/ Тоже самое в Стиме: http://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/discussions/8/ Форумы технической поддержки не привязаны к языку и можно писать на любом языке. На Ваш вопрос про локализацию отвечали неоднократно, что основные приоритеты на данный момент - это интерфейс и локализация. Точных дат по данным вопросам мы не предоставляли, т.к. всегда возможны непредвиденные изменения.
  17. Captain, unfortunately the name DD is already taken on the server by another player
  18. Clan (and its name) can be deleted by the clan leader only unfortunately.
  19. Captains, please refrain from offtopic and post here if you experience any issues with the redeems.
  20. Captains, servers are live
  21. Thus unused redeemables from Global PVP only are safe when you delete a character, all other redeems that you had will be deleted with the character
  22. Captains, PVP Global server has been closed. All assets from the PVP Global were transferred to the redeemables on the Caribbean server, including: combat and crafting xp slot xp knowledge books learnt ships money and monetary costs of buildings and outposts and dockyard slots resources Once the merge is complete, please create a new character on the Caribbean server to get the redeemables. If you already had an inactive character and wish to change the name, you can delete the old character - redeemables from the PVP Global are safe until activated. Please note that other redeemables are lost once you delete a character. If you experience any problem with the redeemables please leave a message here.
  23. Under investigation. Could you please clarify - did you experience disconnection in a battle before you tried to activate repairs?
  24. Under investigation
  25. The latest driver available for your GPU is dated Thu Dec 07, 2017, you can try to update it from NVidia directly
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