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Everything posted by Ink

  1. The bug was fixed today
  2. The bug was fixed today.
  3. Today's hotfix eliminated some bugs related to the tutorial
  4. Also please check your personal messages
  5. remained bugs are fixed, will be live tomorrow
  6. Captain, glad the issue is resolved
  7. Captains, PVE server is live
  8. Captains, modules and books table is updated: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r3DBcmj4scFRfnyBjIRiydsHGEg48ho1kq1S7acwDlc/edit#gid=645916420
  9. Captain, according to logs you closed outpost at La Tortue (free town)
  10. в sealed bottle уже достаточно давно дополнительно могут выпасть редкие ресурсы и книги, необходимые для крафта модулей. В ивенте - модули, корабли, пермиты и книги для сборных книг.
  11. В соответствующих обновлению темах (здесь и в стиме) данные изменения были отражены. В случаях микро-обновлений без описаний (обычно это технические исправления, не связанные непосредственно с игровым процессом), в последующих, более крупных обновлениях, данные изменения указываются в общем перечне.
  12. The case is closed. No evidence is provided
  13. Under investigation
  14. Under investigation
  15. Under investigation
  16. Ink

    chat ban

    Captain, this is a bug. The real bans do not allow you to write anywhere. Under investigation
  17. Captain, as it has been said in the original thread, no bugs or server issues were spotted, the reason of strange boarding timer in this case most likely related to temporary connection issues you experienced by that time thus no recovery is possible unfortunately. If you experience it again, please to addition to bug report via F11 also send connection test report via Naval Action Steam Launcher (3rd option).
  18. To clarify - the case is closed
  19. After investigation intentional abuse of current reinforcement zone tag is confirmed. Players received warnings. as the first offence. In future (most likely on the next week already) such abuse won't be possible anymore.
  20. Nations can leave their ports undefended - its not against the rules. case closed, feature will be reviewed.
  21. The case is closed. There is no evidence of intention abuse. Also such situations might be prevented by avoiding large fleets sailing on Captain's route to a port.
  22. Small hotfix, False Keel - Main sail force bonus corrected to -2% (-5% earlier)
  23. Under investigation, I will contact you once logs are checked.
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