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Everything posted by Ink

  1. The second half of 2017 roadmap is here: We have not published yet roadmap for the first half of 2018
  2. Investigation complete, Captain ZhouSTX is warned.
  3. Game Rules Update 01/16/2018 Proper station keeping is expected from all captains. If your maneuvers caused blocking of the friendly vessel you should apologize and immediately try to remedy the situation. Intentional and sustained blocking of friendly ships without permission of the captain of a blocked vessel is not allowed. By doing so you deny the opportunity for combat. Blocking is only allowed with the captain of the blocked vessel consent (for example to block him/her from damage). The following punishments will apply: First offence - warning Second offence - 1 rank demotion Third offence full rank demotion Tribunal posts on blocking must always be accompanied with a video. If someone is blocking your intentionally make a short video of that moment.
  4. Captains, the issue is still under investigation. Will be fixed asap.
  5. To remind current rules regarding VM: Rank Post Captain or higher Logged at least once during a round Nation has to be placed in top 3 in the conquest leaderboad by the end of round. Amount of received marks depends only on the nation place: 1st - 3 VM; 2nd - 2 VM; 3rd - 1 VM. Have at least one lord protector status in at least one port by the end of the round - bringing his nation a control point, or Participated in a successful port battle during the conquest round (even if the port was lost later on) - bringing his nation a battle point
  6. Under investigation
  7. Captains, unfortunately due to technical issues on servers daily maintenance is prolonged by one hour as minimum. We will keep you posted. Sorry for inconveniences.
  8. Captain, the bug you reported is related to this bug: Under investigation
  9. Under investigation
  10. Captain, the issue is under investigation. Please check personal message on the forum.
  11. Captains, this is not a bug, decision on cotton availability through euro traders will be taken within next economic tunes.
  12. Captain, please check Bellona and Surprise ships - all should be ok now. Please let me know if the issue is still there. Captain, the issue is under investigation. Please check your personal message on the forum.
  13. Captain, have you tried to verify integrity of game files in Steam? (right click on the game in Steam lib->properties->Local Files). Also please send ingame F11 report once you experience it again
  14. Captain, the issue most likely caused by temporary connection issues on your side, the server got no issues by the time of report and no bugs has been found based on your report yet.
  15. At the moment Fleet NPC will switch the ship if the current ship is sinking the current ship is undercrewed This issue will be fixed in most likely January either by asking a player (owner of fleet ship) if he wants to change the ship or completely disable the option for fleet ships to change ships
  16. Captain, please avoid doing green on green in the future. Other than that the case is dismissed - no alt farm was spotted.
  17. Captain, unfortunately sealed bottles were not transferred if they were not in the clan warehouse. Due to different methods of informational storage for clan warehouses. Sorry for the inconvinience caused.
  18. На ваши вопросы по локализации мы ответили ранее: На данный момент отсутствует не только русская локализация. а также немецкая. французская, китайская и остальные. Никакие причины, кроме вышеописанных, здесь не присутствуют. Локализация обязательно будет, после завершения работ по интерфейсу. Появление интерфейса и локализации в Naval Action не зависит от количества разрабатываемых игр.
  19. The thread is locked since no alt abuse in the main post were found. Regarding the screenshot by Captain springby - alts are allowed unless they intefere with the rules. We will investigate this case and will issue appropriate actions if necessary.
  20. Investigation complete, appropriate actions will be taken
  21. Капитан, логи изучим в начале Нового Года, сейчас все усилия приложены к предновогоднему обновлению. Если обнаружится баг, то потерю возместим.
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