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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Once it happens again, please run connection test report right away to check the issue. At the moment most likely reason - temporary connection issues on side ISP. Do you know if the players that you mentioned are from the same country (or even ISP) as yours?
  2. Ink

    unable to login

    Captain, please make sure you have all Windows updates installed, especially this one: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2999226/update-for-universal-c-runtime-in-windows Also, make sure you have installed 2013, 2015 and 2017 redist packages from here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads
  3. Captain, at what time exactly that happened? Since F11 report was not sent it is hard to check (could be connection issue on your side as well).
  4. Ink

    unable to login

    Please confirm that you tried to verify integrity of game files or reinstall the game but that problem still exist.
  5. Lovec1990, more information about upcoming changes will follow as soon as it is possible. Saryk, at the moment all bonuses with the CANNON prefix should be applied to mortar too.
  6. Captain, please check personal message
  7. Captains, this is a minor issue that can be easily avoided. in case you joined a wrong server, the workaround to avoid character lock is to wait till character screen appears and then hit "exit" button.
  8. Captain, please check personal message
  9. Ink

    Server crash?

    There is a huge ping spike (up to 1782 ms) on an intermediate hop, must be temporary issues on side ISP. There were no issues in the report, please clarify that you experienced issues by the time report was sent. Is the problem still on?
  10. Ink

    Server crash?

    Captain, as the first step please run connection report via Steam Launcher
  11. The only permanent redeemable for all pre-EA buyers is the Yacht at the moment
  12. Captain, please provide more details like when did you play last time and items did you lost? Most likely you missed the redeemables box clearance that was announced in February 2018 and complete in March 2018. Please check this Steam news: https://steamcommunity.com/games/311310/announcements/detail/1666765335143354104 https://steamcommunity.com/games/311310/announcements/detail/1664516071239460102
  13. Captains, in-game thievery that do not include any kind of bug or exploit is not a tribunal case and allowed by game (just like in almost any online multiplayer game). Hiring and promoting decisions belong to clan responsibility. The problem can be discussed in appropriate forum thread (e.g. suggestion sub forum)
  14. Просьба запостить скриншот на imgur.com или аналогичный сервис
  15. Не совсем понятно, о чем речь. Вы можете, пожалуйста, показать на скриншоте, что, из доступного при строительстве корабля на пвп сервере, Вам недоступно на пве сервере? Вы имеете ввиду planking и frame parts? Для общения с разработчиками, конструктивного обсуждения элементов геймплея, а также для скорейшего решения технических проблем было принято решение перейти на данный форум (это касается любых языков). В ближайшее время снова открывать русскоязычный форум в Стиме в планах нет.
  16. In past (about 4 years ago) there was such button for a short time, but it turned out it created more problems than any kind of usefulness
  17. Captains, private trade of Hercules note in a battle instance using ship hold (or surrender) is not forbidden as you risk losing the note when doing it. In future there will be other options to obtain Hercules.
  18. This is a known bug, will be fixed eventually
  19. Captains, please avoid offtopic discussion in the tribunal, this is not allowed.
  20. Ink

    Ship weight bug

    The report will be investigated
  21. Ink

    Inger Capsized

    Captain, please check private message
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