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Everything posted by MDHansen
Right. Thanks for the feedback. For the base_flaw_chance I gathered it worked that way. Might just tweak the "stats" file and reduce the general flaws chance in params. Should clean it up a little
Q: Are you able to write something to reduce the amount of "flaws"? sometimes a ship can have 2 dozens of flaws, where over half is in the area of 0-0.5% (yes, zero, probably cause of only showing one decimal, while we know the files often have 4-5 decimals). Maybe something to have a max amount of ship/tech flaws, tops 5 of each? so 10 total, and perhaps round numbers/no decimals. The tooltip is an utter mess sometimes. Edit: Hm, I see there is a "hide" param in the stats-resources.assets. Irreleveant to my request/question, it was more an observation.
Typo indeed. Opened it up in notepad++, and noticed straight away an extra space in front of the comma. Fixed it and works now
quick question. I have activated ship scrapping behaviour, but it still says (ML logs) that it is disabled. [13:57:34.442] [TweaksAndFixes] New Scrapping behavior: Disabled then, params looks like this; (don't mind too much the numbers, I've put some in to get it started) taf_scrap_enable 1 min_fleet_tonnage_for_scrap 1 taf_scrap_useOnlyShipAge 1 taf_scrap_hysteresisMult 2.5 taf_scrap_capacityExponent 5 taf_scrap_scrapTargetBaseMothball 200000 taf_scrap_capacityCoeffMothball 1 taf_scrap_scrapTargetBaseMain 400000 taf_scrap_capacityCoeffMain 2 taf_scrap_scrapTargetBaseTotal 800000 taf_scrap_capacityCoeffTotal 2 taf_scrap_multToScrapRequiredVsShipTng 20000
Yeh i meant the ML/UE log. I was using 3.1.1. On 1.6 upd6. After that i ran in to problems (the mk issues was probably through 1.6, but i didnt notice it either way, or using it. Me running it on 1.6 might also be why my game used extensive time on the turns. I will test after work👍
Ok. Then something is iffy. Could surely be on my end. Ill post a screenshot of the turn log and upload the log for the turn/session, in your TaF thread.
patch notes says so aswell. Make it a routine reading them first before updating. It's quite usual, not only here, that when major changes are done, savegames are removed. Since you can't use them anyway.. Set the game to only update when launched and use a shortcut to the .exe to run the game until you are ready to update
Ok, I properly read waht you said in the "allowtorpedoes" paragraph. I understand. This makes perfect sense, in hindsight
TaF runs a lot in the background in every turn. Have ML log window open during a turn and have a look. I think it runs through every ship in the game every turn, on top of what UAD does by itself. @NathanKell can probably enlighten us a little more here. So yes, turns for me late game is usually a minute vs 5-10 secs vanilla.
You fixed the colours before I could add a screenie, so thanks the allowtorpeodes, is it part of something you allready did, or was it always there?
Follow these steps to downgrade the game. Any version of the game is there through a manifest in the deposits. It's a simple 5min task. This is for spesific version numbers, and not just the general beta or live, or the old branch. WIN+R to get the run command, add "steam://open/console" Look here for the manifest : https://steamdb.info/depot/1069661/manifests/ Make sure you choose "Steam Console" above the Manifest list (will be purple if selected) Click the "copy" symbol to the right in the list on the version you want, sorted by latest on top, by date. It also clearly states the live or beta version. Check forums for version release dates ...in to the bottom of the console. Hit enter and wait, steam downloads stealthy and wont give a message before it's done Go to the folder adresse steam gives (should be somewhere in Program Files (x86)) and copy the content of that folder in to your UAD main folder (where the .exe is) Make sure to use the "only update when I launch it" function in Steam <right click game->properties->updates>. Then use a shortcut to the .exe from the game folder (f.ex. on your desktop) to run the game, so that steam doesn't update when you start the game)
PSA to anyone using this on the 1.6 beta branch. Last update messed ships up. I assume devs did something related to hulls and interferes with Nathans TaF regards to the constructor and/or randParts/randPartsRefit. I am not asking you to update your TaF specifically for the beta branch, just an information for others if they use it. I've downgraded the game to 1.6 u7 and it works fine again. https://steamdb.info/depot/1069661/manifests/ version numbers, latest (upd8 aug.8) on top. WIN+R add "steam://open/console" -> copy "download_depot 1069660 1069661 2296326980983681553" in to the bottom of the console. Hit enter and wait, steam downloads stealthy and wont give a message before it's done. go to the folder adresse steam gives (should be somewhere in Program Files (x86)) and copy the content of that folder in to your UAD main folder (where the .exe is)
Q: would it be possible to find a way to -discourage- BB/BC to use underwater torpedo tubes? I've disable the larger ships from using deck torpedoes, and somewhat restricted CL by increasing the no-build area around the launchers. But it irks me that BB uses underwaater tubes. In some cases probably historically correct, but I don't care too much for that. I wan't BB and BC to stay at range not come against me gung-ho style. I did for some time up the tonnage of the tubes (150.000t), but that restricted all vessels. Maybe do it the same way you did engines? I've made sets of engines to be used by tb/dd and cl/ca only, and it works a charm
I've had a look at the highlight colour. Apparently it seems to be hardcoded(?), Norway and Ottoman being medium/minors originally. I tried to change colours of default/minor and ungov, and it doesn't register, they stay on their original highlight colour. I can however change the original majors highligh colours. EDIT: home region still not good with 3.1.1. AnotherEdit: funny little thing. Playing my ongoing campaign with 3.0.0.dll, ships wont shoot in battle as guns is getting the "angle" error every 2-3 secs and log spammed with [Unity] KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary for every gun on every ship in battle getting the "angle" error. Now, updating to 3.1.1.dll, everything in battle is a-ok. But, as I said earlier, home regions do not work as intended. I haven't edited any files inbetween the .dll shifts YetAnotherEdit: Can confirm the flag in the afterbattle report works 👍 LolsEdit: so... continuing the story; after a bit back and forth, i noticed the log said everything TaF loading fine, but, when entering the save it said could not load portsDump and provincesDump. So I thought, heck what is it to loose. Renamed ports and provinces to previous mentioned names, and slam, bam, thank you mam, it works. Norwegian and Ottoman home provinces working as intended Battles works as intended aswell, no "KeyNotFoundException" (wich was probably an issue going back and forth between TaF 3.0.0. and 3.1.1.)
also. I get this message lately in the log [15:47:08.222] [TweaksAndFixes] Could not find Armaments components list! Is it for something you added? Also, when I updated the TaF dll to 3.1.0, my home regions got reset and dont count as home in my savegame. Going back to 3.0.0 savegame works fine
Thanks a bunch! Also loving the fact we can use .csv files now in the mod folder. Get a nice message they are overwriting the resources file textassets.
Regards the flags.csv. roger. I had it like that initially with the gov flags, tinkered with it and then forgot about it. Yes the overlay i mean the highlight colour. Ive set it with hex but it doesnt compute. Same for ottomans. I can change highlight colour for allready exiting majors just fine. The color works fine
lol totally forgot the flags file aswell. was inbetween washing clothes, making dinner, and watching a youtube video sent you a pm with a link. couldnt remember a good place to share it. and cant be bothered making accounts (used last few months to remove lots of my unnused accounts wherever they were made counting the last 2 decades 😬 edit: rabble rabble. forgot the savefile. I'lll reupload editMcEditson: if you know how I can change the new nation overlay colour ,let me know. It is stuck using the ungov faded colour. The nation text in events, and ships and such works
Fantastic news
Would you mind checking something, if you are able without too much trouble. in the afterbattle report, my new nations flag is missing, and is using the ungov flags with a ? in it. Same flag that was used before you fixed them for us. I guess that situation uses another type of flag? or it needs to be connected to the rest in your code somehow? I'll post a screenshot in a few
It works. Would've worked earlier if I hadn't forgot to fill in the RelationMatrix (regards to my new nations) got a few familiar errors in the UE logs but could not figure out what it was. It worked fine if I only used Params, Ports and Provinces. So, added files one by one until the error came. Well, I added players-resources, and got the error, but since this adds the nations (if new are added) I knew this would throw an error without the other new nation related files. So added relationmatrix and yeh, there was the error. Opened it and I saw it right away. I'd added the nations, but not the relation numbers lol Anyhooooo. This works Thanks