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Everything posted by MDHansen

  1. there is also a new TaF up on github. 3.16.1, that fixes the peace bug
  2. Works fine for me. Open the params file with a text editor, you might have a space before the first comma. This can happen when editing the file in a csv program. e.g peace_min_vp_difference ,15000,minimum VP difference from enemy to trigger Peace Negotiations Event,15000,,,,,,
  3. always has been like that. There is only so many names in the "shipnames" file for each class, and some classes share names across. Just doubleclick the ship in the "Fleet" list and rename as you like
  4. "The future is bright" proverb, unkown
  5. [22:06:27.064] [UnityExplorer] [Unity] [TrySendShipToPort] CL Vestfjord to port Willemstad, repPrior: Low, lowCrew: True This message would be very handy to have ingame after a battle. Either in the log window or as a message in the battle summary
  6. we all know the "DO NOT" dissapears when users reads/listens to a notification oh so many fond memories from EVE Online sitting on a gate with a 400 man fleet. FC keeps saying "dont jump", people starts asking do we jump, someone said jump, we're jumping! and suddenly half the fleet is in the next system getting slaughtered
  7. Doesn't it work like this allready? The initiator and defendant are the only ones that can end it, and you can't leave the alliance in a war(?). I actually haven't allied with any one in so long, I have forgotten how the (vanilla) mechanics are
  8. wowzers! the game and UI feels sooooo much smoother. The general "lag" entering/exiting menus are more or less gone. Even the designer is acceptable. Leaving a battle 10 years in to a campaign takes a literal second! (I am playing "slow", sure as hells doesnt feel slow). Turns are twice, if not 3 times, as quick than [18:50:01.302] [UnityExplorer] [Unity] [NextTurn]: Date: 09/01/1910 PassableAreas: 4ms RecalcCost: 0ms PlayerRoutine: 568ms Battles: 68ms Relationships: 60ms TaskForces: 8778ms Straggle: 33ms TaskForces: 12ms Battles: 635ms SubmarineBattles: 151ms TransportLoses: 49ms RefitShips: 1081ms ManageFleet: 600ms MoveVessels: 322ms Events: 1ms PlayerRoutine 2: 534ms PlayerRoutine 3: 40ms Save: 223ms Total: 13159ms
  9. This is great news! For us that have edited the "params" file(and others), will we need to revert values back to original where applicable?
  10. I explained in a hurry. What I meant was the provinces file isnt used without TaF, or an issue with TaF vs UAD version. Provinces isnt used by the game without Nathan fixing it through TaF. If you are running opt4 you should probably try TaF 3.11.0. I ran that flawlessly. Im unsure if there are discrepancies between opt4 and TaF 3.11.1 and 3.11.2
  11. there is issues with your provinces file. Look at Argentina, Chile and Brazil, (and your other new nations) they have 0 home population. Wich means you wont get crew and armies, and naval funds will skyrocket because of negative crew funds the next turn. (think a double negative here multiplied with a gazillion) @NathanKell can probably elaborate this more, and/or correct me
  12. Haven't been getting it since I wrote the message log. At that particular time, I had hit next turn, and it froze on "Update Research", just after updating a few of the AI nations actions. I'll report further if I get it again.
  13. Ive seen this bump aswell. As Norway i noticed a 2500ish increase every so often. At the time i didnt connect it yo shipbuilding. Ill do a thorough test on this. Looks like Nathan can help us out here😁
  14. Just got this message. UAD opt5 & TaF 3.11.2 [21:57:28.488] [TweaksAndFixes] During invoking native->managed trampoline Il2CppInterop.Runtime.Il2CppException: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. --- BEGIN IL2CPP STACK TRACE --- System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. --- END IL2CPP STACK TRACE --- at Il2CppInterop.Runtime.Il2CppException.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary(IntPtr returnedException) in /home/runner/work/Il2CppInterop/Il2CppInterop/Il2CppInterop.Runtime/Il2CppException.cs:line 36 at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject() at TweaksAndFixes.TAFShipDataAccessor.TAFData(Ship ship) at DMD<Il2Cpp.Ship::TechGunGrade>(Ship this, PartData gun, Boolean requireValid) at (il2cpp -> managed) TechGunGrade(IntPtr , IntPtr , Byte , Il2CppMethodInfo* )
  15. Just gonna say this here, as an update to previous also said by @o Barão. Per as of now, you can not use TaF on latest Opt5 UAD. Opt4 works fine. Also, using ML 0.6.5 will throw an error if using TaF/mods or not. Please reinstall ML 0.6.4 See here how to downgrade UAD to previous version
  16. yes. I will update my OP. thanks
  17. Gonna give it a whirl for sure! disabling TaF and my mod, pure vanilla ice - Added shipyard capacity indication in Ship Design and Map interface. 👍
  18. Ah yes. Forgot the beta on top. Optx5 was Wednesday and optx4 Tuesday. So Tuesday is the one you need. Remember to play the game from a copy of the .exe (on your desktop f.ex.) and that the game only updates when you run it.
  19. Check dates and times. But should be number 2 from the top
  20. ahh. yes, forgot to add that I play with opt4, cause of opt5 touches TaF in places it doesnt like
  21. I can confirm that ML0.6.5 does not like UAD and/or TaF. Neither TaF or UnityExplorer got loaded with ML0.6.5. I did remove the Mod folder, and it still threw the error. Edit: I play with UAD opt4, since TaF isnt working with opt5. Kind of important to add
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