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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Sextant is a perk. Is awarded automatically to new players as a perk with perk points. Not the same, yes. Fleet for 1 ship is not a perk anymore.
  2. Another suggestion in view of the new gunnery system - all stern chasers back to normal dispersion
  3. Yep. Had to reset my perks to remove the Fleet perk that became redundant after patch.
  4. BTW, one detail With the possibility of shooting broadside in boarding, please make so that the boarding is interrupted when a ship is full of water, or else it will delay as much as possible and keep broadsiding, when in truth it is already sunk.
  5. Is good. Maybe decay energy a bit higher over distance, to accommodate for the faster pace of the game versus reality. That's all.
  6. Maybe the intention is that ... ? Just trying to figure out a way here. I mean, with Delivery tasks, Missions, etc I think it might not be that hard to bump into the ports that produce certain items and pass that discovery to their clan. Dormant clans are usually... arhem... not dormant, but .... branch offices of ...enemy nation clans. Not all... but some. Some are genuine though.
  7. You are correct. Let's test and find out then. Whatever the state of the clan owning the port, the ports will be found I guess.
  8. You acquired Perk for 2 ships in the fleet ( there's only 2 Fleet perks now, not 3 )? ( fleet for 1 ship is automatic, no perk ) At least on testbed was like that.
  9. explore ? that's how they discovered in the first place. ( you remember that map will be reset on release soon, right ? )
  10. They, the guys that captured the port and are harvesting it - or- not harvesting it. I think war is a good solution to the problem.
  11. Then it is even easier to conquer the port given the enemy is ... inactive ?
  12. Sextant is perk points. The points are automatically awarded to new fellows and automatically converted to Sextant. They can turn it off by resetting perks. Veterans can turn it on by spending perk points. Fleet 1 is free now and automatically given to everyone.
  13. @admin or anyone else is the Constitution Note, purchasable in the Admiralty, the Constitution or the United States ?
  14. War server, yes. More ranks are to be included, up to rank of Sea Lord, from the initial post. What does this means ? No idea.
  15. Tested it quite a bit. Had some great features. ( the prototype of the proper bathymetry system for example ) But... maybe.... the combat was too balanced equal to be appreciated by most... ? 😲
  16. Good morning @admin With the combination of all wipes, I have two questions - Can we expect a reset/purge of all clan names list on the final wipe ? - Will player account reset include the created character ? Start completely new character ( chose nation again, etc ) ?
  17. There's a lot of old testers that are simply waiting for the final wipe and release to come back, so their time from zero hour is guaranteed not wiped. Anyway, this was a hell of an announcement... 😲
  18. Peace server nowadays has a increased number of captains, maybe new accounts, maybe migrants from War server. No idea, but is okay to go there and see "meaty" headcount if compared to 2017 Thanks for the links, helps everyone.
  19. Some players are in NA to play with one particular ship model only. Not 2, not 10, but one. That one. ( not unlike air combat simmers that are a particular sim because of a single bird only )
  20. Would you be so kind and link it ? Thanks for your effort on this subject.
  21. Important Developers announcements are always in https://forum.game-labs.net/forum/35-developer-news-and-announcements/
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