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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. A player that doesn't give a damn about crafting, has no crafting level, and knows a cool beans crafter that will deliver ? No idea...
  2. Doesn't compute. If people complain it takes too long to do whatever how come they have so much time to also play the alts ?... I do not buy the "no time GI no time" thing.
  3. Thanks for the heads up. for hull repairs that is a nice touch.
  4. this is the suggestion. the alt footnote is just a side effect, not the main purpose. Main purpose is to actually make the marks be worthy and not coins. You want them ? You get them. Or wait until someone gets them to get you the item you want. - no drops. make all available at the Admiralty/Pirate Den, even the specials for Refits. Adjust the values. Make them worthy. - Adjust Combat Marks values same as gold/xp rewards. A ship value is always the same. If BR difference is too high it doesn't matter. The base value is shared amongst the victorious captains with killer and assists being eligible. Killer gets the biggest slice. - Marks cannot be traded. They can be exchanged in the Admiralty/Pirate Den. - Items acquired from the Admiralty/Pirate Den can be traded freely
  5. Idea is not about ALTS. It is about giving worth to getting the Marks by making them individual rewards and not simply a currency. It improves the correct application of player achievement towards exchange in the Admiralty in earnest. - Do whatever you want with the modules/refits/bow figures but we will have to earn them - As I see it it does affect the "alt machinations" indirectly but is not focused on that, was simply a observation.
  6. We can trade marks right ? So to have 100 we simply need a few people to give us marks until we accumulate the 100. What if we cannot trade marks ? The individual must actually earn 100. Makes sense ?
  7. What is the true purpose of marks ? Do we really need them ? They can be exchanged for permits and plans to build ship and a whole bundle of refits and equipment and crew specializations. How does this differ from the old module system, in effect ? .... Acting as a effort measure to enable access to the Ships of the Line seems a acceptable measure, to a point although in reality is only delaying and not really providing a real gate to access by sheer effort of combat. Let's keep the marks as they are then, Combat Marks. Make them untradeable between players. Products acquired by use of Marks can be traded. This provides a real sense of having to earn the marks with a definite objective and not turn them marks into mere coin. My suggestions are the following: - no drops. make all available at the Admiralty/Pirate Den, even the specials for Refits. Adjust the values. Make them worthy. - Adjust Combat Marks values same as gold/xp rewards. A ship value is always the same. If BR difference is too high it doesn't matter. The base value is shared amongst the victorious captains with killer and assists being eligible. Killer gets the biggest slice. - Marks cannot be traded. They can be exchanged in the Admiralty/Pirate Den. - Items acquired from the Admiralty/Pirate Den can be traded freely ... ( obs. 100 marks. 5 alts farm 20 each. -or- 100 marks, whatever alts, at least 1 has to go to 100 as they can't bundle together )
  8. Sorry for stepping in but remember several things before you even say such a thing. One, it is a game. Unless any other player blatantly oversteps he is playing it. A player can assume any alignment, and taking on classic pen and paper, from lawful good to the most chaotic evil thing as long as he keeps within boundaries. This is totally valid to ALL of us. Was just a side thing, carry on.
  9. They could buy the final-products that are bought with pvp marks. No need for the marks themselves
  10. PvP Marks should never be tradeable in the first place, but hey we are beyond that. (( If a successful PvP-Marksmen would want he would give the Permits and Blueprints to a crafter, sure, but not the marks . ))
  11. I mean, even delivery missions could also add to the unlocks of trader models aye
  12. A trader brig was as fast as a raider renomee close hauled, both has equivalent knowledge slots. Yesterday. Global. Traders are not always slow, that is what we are saying
  13. warships suffer the same fate when loaded with cargo. Hodo is right, whereas the main modules and knowledge for the warships is usually for the combat instances ( whatever pvp means to you ) the traders always pick up the "large haul" ones.
  14. My interpretation is you need it per ship basis, no more tree requisites.
  15. Same with Traders if speed fitted, equipped with cannons and half cargo hold or so.
  16. 2 - 3 hours a day here. Same as my consorts. Same as many many other players. Maybe a thread could be started to discuss about how players plan their NA game time, what they do across a week, what kind of schedules they make, etc ? So we all share and learn together, would that help ?
  17. the step 5 is doubtful so 6 won't work against any enemy that keeps its cool and temper.
  18. I remember this happening long long ago to some folk... What happens if you ALT+TAB and back ?
  19. Actually there are enough historical usage of fusil boucanier. In one of them 7 men ( or was it 10 ) were shot while trying to take the helm. Let alone cables and irons being thrown from the yardarms to arrest the opponent rigging and push it out of trim. It is not bogus but we cannot simulate that in game. 7 men well drilled with the long barrels would be equivalent to 1 cannon, by french accounts. Gun ports would be closed or they would be shot. ( not everything revolves around napoleonic frigate duels ) but we digress, mechanic is not in game.
  20. HMS Africa, 25 danish gunboats. Looks fairly similar in a different scale. End result is fairly similar. This is fairly RL example. On another note regarding gameplay, US Wappen assaulted by 7 or 8 cutters, pre wipe. didn't take long for the battle to end. Still a couple lost officer lives with the cutter fleet in full retreat.
  21. have fun http://archive.org/stream/corsairsoffranc00norm#page/n7/mode/2up you may find more references in the History section of this forum. _____________ Well done to all that participated. Was a time race but all have proven that it is possible to emulate captures of line commerce large ships with a sloop same as many passages in history. Snappy salute.
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