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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. The beach was awesome and the barbecue was perfect. Too hot now, indoors, but later one will be nice for a after dinner coffee in the plaza Oh, and there was some naval action at the beach with some dozens of sails making a course at large. Very nice and relaxing and imagining they were circling a battle site waiting for it to end.
  2. Yes, classic Can you please now share exactly what happened to the Cleopatra versus Ville-de-Milan and subsequent battle with the Leander. Thank you. Tip, Leander didn't join the first battle but knew it was going on. Classic example of victorious defeat. ( this situation is a gordian knot... )
  3. longitude degree distance separation is not the same at all latitudes ( which is the same being parallel lines) So we don't really have squares ( we do but we warp the maps ) I think Prater answer is the most perfect to what we have in game.
  4. War. War game. Attack neighbors. Frontier regions are 15 minutes sail away. Trade fuels war fuels trade.
  5. Yes nice show one of the oldest tricks in the book for schooner lovers. Players fall like that as well They will have more tricks up the sleeve than the AI ( or not ) but it may or not work and even put themselves into a worse position. ( sarcastic accent ) But hey, that's not a fair fight, not proper pvp ! It is a crap schooner and the opponent is not a Surprise.
  6. Many groups do use both at the same time during battles. A commander in voice commands and a liaison writing the stuff in battle chat. If we think about it this type of approach will also include players that are not on voice comms and therefore not hearing the voice commands. Human ingenuity can overcome any obstacle with the tools provided and I am sure there are plenty of clans and small flotillas that have no issue with having to use team chat. On a side note, and in regards of hearing impaired and total hearing deficit, a clan composed of players all in the same conditions did beat ALL dungeons in WoW some years ago. Rovers operate small and behind enemy lines under the auspices of the Empire of France in the global. Maybe not your first choice but we play with whatever conditions sometimes we just write given late hours and not wanting to wake up the kids, family, dogs and cats.
  7. You mean, as a theoretical example, a dutch nation not attacking neighboring brits ? and go on a overseas campaign versus US where the planning and logistics require more time investment ? Or danes and swedes and instead go versus brits, with long lines. The time needed to go pvp against "enemies" is simply of our own making. Sometimes we keep enemies far away. Was just a pointer to the PvP along frontier regions being fast access
  8. There's more pvp battles than before according to devs. For a PvP battle to happen, at all levels, it only needs 2 players.One might be willing and the other unwilling.In the end the machine that rules it all doesn't care. It is a win today, lose tommorrow, or try to win and maybe have to run away. And 100% supportive of the non magical / rng drop jack. Especially given most are under pve marks, something many players do not do in the pvp servers. Still hoping for a more in depth ship crafting system even if it extends the timeframe needed.
  9. Yes, that's also a good proposal if we don't want to bring the ship. Carriages and the cannons. Maybe canvas and cables also. After it is sinking... there ain't not time sah !
  10. War... Naval Action map... Keep your friends close. But you know what, keep your enemies closer. Maybe waging war to the nation right next to you is the way to better logistics instead of wanting to wage a war overseas ( O.o ) Also, PvP is also making sure to kill a ship before it is even born, killing the damn traders while they sail with the stuff back to the shipyards. If there's escorts even better, raiders and navy folk have fun.
  11. Best we had was the big circle IMO. Alas we still had teleports galore everywhere which didn't balance it too well.
  12. teleporting revenge fleets are [not] good for the game got that right
  13. Agree with all that revenge fleet and flying fallout constitutions and whatever assassins creed mumbo jumbo... it is really odd. I want as credible as possible. We cannot simulate real life. All corsairs and raiders that when around britain and ireland, french or yank for example, pick whichever name or ship you like the most, did also have to evade deployed RN patrols to the point of capture, being sunk or evading, there's more listed names being captured and prizes being recaptured than the ones that got away. They didn't exactly exit to outpost. This argument is a tug of war. Let's let it rest and test.
  14. In game report F11 system has a specific option named Exploit for a reason. Use it.
  15. Stop spamming that all over the place please. Everyone got the message. Some agree, some don't. Thanks
  16. Reads exactly like the warning Exanima[link] gives the very first time it is run. Then there's this "Exit" and "I Understand" options. The warning is never ever shown again.
  17. Sails are unfurled. Battle did start. Did you report in-game ? What is the issue exactly ?
  18. Prince de Neufchatel privateer was chased by seventeen enemies in one of her cruises. The day she was took was faced against heavy frigates and a 74. If Villeneuve had linked with the Martinique station fleet Nelson might have been in a tight spot... maybe. Alas it didn't and we have Trafalgar dreams of balance... There is no balance in the age of sail. Just chance encounter and planned battles hoping for the best and Pray that when you have to make a decision the wind is with you. Can we simulate the unkown process of war in the high seas during the age of sail, please ? Thanks.
  19. A Pickle at the right place at the right time can be worth a 1st rate not being built.
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