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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Is steam client up to date ? Does the game launch ? Does it reach the server choice ? What is the error on screen ? Can you post a screenshot ? Many thanks.
  2. Mods DO exponentially enhance the gap taking all the the veteran knowledge to soaring heights. It is the difference between having to play with one hand or having to use the two of them.
  3. Yeah, more fluff is always nice. Approved. The in game voices dynamics is very well done in battle, something to thing about into the open world as well. Failing that find a cool group that likes RP and sometimes the voice comms get alive with shanties, naval adequate praying, salty appropriate cursing, etc
  4. There were issues during the weekend not exclusive of NA. Other games and gaming platforms were suffering from some odd latency while the simple ping and fps were on the perfect marks.
  5. I've noticed that one of the less known features to the newcomers is: - to release the mouse pointer, during battle instance, by use of the CTRL key ( holding it ) Due to that reason most of them do not know how to call reinforcements when they are attacked in the reinforcement areas. This became really apparent in Jamaica area. I suggest the button to be binded to a key, similar to the repairs buttons.
  6. There's a Play button. What about you click the Play button and you get everything ( ships, loot, ranks, ... ) like you would play the game just by clicking the Play button ? Sarcasm intended.
  7. What if it is something like Rule the Waves and not WoWs ? There's more games out there than meets the eye
  8. certain woods and crafting options alter the amount of repairs needed for each cycle. the baseline is as Hodo wrote, but differences may appear.
  9. It should be noted that the rule of thumb as pointed by Hodo can change according to the crafting/equipment choices of the ship. So it can increase but never under the baseline. So don't be surprised if you see a Snow at 4 hull and 5 rig.
  10. am I allowed a bit of spam ? I mean, imagine this newcomer player coming up to you.... ...all of you. ( lmao )
  11. We all are Sir. At least I like to think I do. I would think the political scene and head bout would move to the clubs, leaving the National board to more creative endeavours that would mimic age of sail periodics, gazettes, letters to the kings and princes and even tavern stories.
  12. I suppose we are talking about Port Battles playability for the average, common and casual players, given it is the main motif of the thread. With that in mind; Captain, can you please explain better what you mean ? Many thanks.
  13. Ah, gotcha. Thanks for clarification how the 4mil came to be. Makes sense now.
  14. +1 ( should not be 4mil but something dynamic comparable to the target BR )
  15. True. Would hurt much if the lineships would, due to such shortcomings, become more of a Navy asset and get their place in squadrons as opposite to being the game for big game hunters risking the said nation navy assets on their own ? Just an idea
  16. It is one time and keeps running until all the rum is gone or you reach the quota. Surgeon never stops chopping down in the hold. But I understand your concern. Present your idea
  17. No spam please. Keep it clean. Respect your peers.
  18. Not really impressed of how it works. Shouldn't work up to 100% value of crew. Should be limited to 60% of initial crew value. I see Rum, if it is to be used in Surgery as we have now, to work like - When turned on it runs all the time, and not for a limited time. - It keeps running and healing crew no matter what, up to the 60% limit. - Once the max crew possible for healing reached it stops. - Completely. No more activation possible.
  19. typical sea rover practices, as per period accounts, are used in NA by several players of all nations. they do find what they look for. raid the treasure convoys, escape the navies. but if the idea is to emulate navy operations then the patterns must be different, as the objectives are not the same. It becomes a game of threat and counter until battle is joined. gladly did account the time spent on cruise yesterday. From Almirante to Santa Cruz passing through the entire Mosquito Coast, island hop, was one hour and 20 minutes on a Cerberus ( not 3 hours like many like to cry out... lol ). 20 mins more and we did intercept two trade convoys inbound to Jamaica from the north east, both smugglers. Then we come across captain Vazco in his Indiaman convoys, sadly he was covered and close to port , shortly after we escry another crow, surely a empty trader brig given the speed he could ride the waves, so we let her go. There's no magic involved. Just planning the cruises according to the time to spare. All in all the cruise lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes. We sailed all the way around from Costa Rica, almost to Yucatan, then up to Cuba and then to Haiti and around the east side of it to Macao, raiding 2 convoys on the way ( insert times of battles here ) all in little more than 2 hours which was in accordance to the time I had to spare. If it was less time i'd cut the cruise short somewhere in the way. Oh, and now we don't have the Pray button anymore so I cannot RP having Service aboard to thank the good lord for all the fat traders he puts in my way.
  20. @vazco that's how it is in E:D you only see it in any given station or outpost. Funny part is "last 24 hours". Means any given amount could mean 5 minutes ago or 24 hours ago. The pilot/captain does not know for sure, he only know how much traffic passes through. In true fashion the long jumps take as much time as sailing in NA OW, so similarities exist especially when chasing a bounty
  21. That's the info you get in Elite spaceports... with a twist, for good measure. - How much traffic passed in the station in the last 24 hours (!). Means any given amount could've passed in the last minute or 24 hours ago. We don't know Been suggested as some sort of fluff addition to towns, like tavern talk, etc.
  22. Pay 1000 marks to control an AI ship in any random mission for the duration of that mission ?
  23. wow a 1v1 ? I was told it was impossible ! Oh nvm, you are not using a Surprise, that's why ( spoken with very heavy ironic with a rash sarcastic accent )
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