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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Suggestion for Hostility Missions ( and taking from the other thread of them always being open ), make them a smaller version of PBs. Meaning instead of 50 player slots, make them 20 player slots available -AND- loss of hostility IF mission is canceled to grab another one. This is how they look like at the moment not bad at all.
  2. Under review. Locked.
  3. Have all the options listed on the crafting sheet and not as separate cards. Meaning several dropdown lists, one per each component of the ship, structure, planking, rig, extra 1, extra 2, extra 3, crew contract, etc. Calculate final requirements of crafting according to options. Done. Everyone has a go at it. No more forcing pve because it is almost the only way to get those.
  4. Keep focus of the discussion posts about OP topics as lay out by Admin -or and quoting a fellow mod from another universe- "Please resume with full confidence that your opinion is the only right one." ( in relation to those same topics )
  5. Correct approach of mind indeed. Will agree with that, fight to the end... But, if in continuous non stop interdiction and maybe, who knows, to deny the opponent "ego" something to chant victory over ?!... It is as much powergaming as a lot of other actions undertaken by players... *sigh*... "as intended" is such a romanticized way to view things when seen from the outside... Mutually agreed friendly fire is not considered a breach of rules as stated many times before.
  6. I will agree with Skully here, fog of war is a package we did not try yet. We have all the info we need at any time. Maybe explore a new venture ? But regarding the opening post ( OP): - As a whole the proposals for discussion are a good base support for RvR escalation, from first steps in NA to getting into a clan and then participate in RvR. Is this what all players of NA seek for ? I don't doubt it, but there's a perception, shared by development team that roughly 10% participate actively in Port Battles, whatever it means, even empty PBs day after day. Add 10% more to act as screens IF really needed and a fifth of population might get involved. - What about the core ? The "daily life" ? The careers of choice ? Is too much sandbox too much ? As average, trade/transport resources, to craft, to sail, to fight. It is a steady rhythm but monotonous tempo which relies heavily on the individual player to break the routine, hence a lot of players do try to break this and build their own career paths in the sandbox, like authentic pyrates, inducted privateers, or captains of the chase. Their focus is the middle game, the unseen actions that mould the daily life, the successes and the failures. If the entire path from day 1 to day 1000 is focused on a career path leading to RvR, what is left for the 4/5th of players, PvE and PvP alike ? Storyline quests and events ? Dynamically generated missions ? - Further, what are the incentives of actually showing up to a Trafalgar port battle ? The battle just for the battle ? Or is the control of a port important to break a "resource" chain or logistics route ? Why not have NPC trade routes be established/broken according to ports controlled ? Or maybe it is something else that's needed. Linking dots to build something makes sense. Dots for just dots is, as proven several times along the way... void. One thing that creates a divide in the player points of view is, many are here just for the fight, the competitive combat. Others seek to actually emulate their presence in a west indies age of sail daily life simulation. Both want their actions to be of consequence, be it in a first rate at the line of battle, or in schooner running a blockade.
  7. Can someone make a 90 minutes video just standing there in the OW looking at outlaw battle swords ? Thanks.
  8. 1C/777 added mouse control to all the products ( and they did a magnificent job at it ). Also...mouse aim/instructor debacle under realistic...hur hur hur. Bad blood ? Absolutely not sir. It is a leisure activity. Supposed to be fun ? But we go OT.
  9. Green on Green when approved by the players involved is not against Friendly Fire rules. Green on Green without consent is.
  10. You mean like the HOTAS vs Mouse + Keyb debacle in sims ? Or the burnt bridge on a *mouse master race!* on a certain game with vehicles. Oh boy... level play field... by h/w control coding... *chuckles like mad*
  11. The Overpowered-Networks that manage the console world did support the cross play , no idea about details. Funny that some of those are only accessible through the monthly network payouts. Given for any player it is seamless, the more the merrier.
  12. Taking from other projects than have presence in all platforms... Technically no problem, it is seamless. Depends solely on Sony / Microsoft / Others network platforms "usage rights".
  13. Hardcore Realism = Fully laden silver Indiamans convoy would take 40 days from Veracruz to La Habana, taking from the numerous accounts. Hardcore Realism = 4 months cruise of a Spanish squadron around Lagoa de Terminos, Ruatan, and surrounding areasm without sighting a single enemy or pirate ship to fight.
  14. As this new character acts as a French privateer I did my own house rules line up Has nothing to do with what or what I can't do or understand. I do not powerplay when I am playing in earnest, I roleplay. The renomee has a reason to be there, in our storyline, same as the Cerb and the Pickle and the Privateer, oh and the captured Cherubims. Alas there was one ship that was totally out of place, the Aggamemnon... once
  15. Marks didn't make up for the intended "mark". I will support Thonys here.
  16. I remember that topic was a good one. Truth is, same with Shelby up there. He does act as a Navy captain searching for glory and fame, no matter the game nation choice, even if flying the black. The playstyle is entirely the "romantic" master and commander archetype. The guidelines we set define the character we play. Obviously a national rover is a privateer, alas Pirate, well, is a proper independent.
  17. That specific stuff is not monopolized by contracts. RvR, as we know, has nothing to do with it and is surprisingly easy to bypass. The rare woods were introduced to promote RvR. Did nothing of the like. Rare resources are introduced to promote RvR. Not working again.
  18. Yes, you are correct The house rules are part of the character guidelines. How does a Pirate pirate falls into a "naval supremacy" situation, as it is where the story starts, as opposed to the robber-at-sea credible approach !? We may assume his story to be under "private commission" ?
  19. Sugar was a history example as states forced buyers of ALL to feed the market. They couldn't just say, I bought it, it is mine ! Nope, they had a service and it was to fuel commerce in the territories by providing demand. Hence why I tipped the game Economic model to mimic that. We do not have that. We hoard everything. That never happened We just take away and give nothing back. That is the crisis So, for the upgrade, say you need a specialty saltpepper. Why have it ALL in one single place ? Hence random seed them across the west indies, like some traders had already made their cruises around and sold them here and there. Changing locations everyday. Would limit contract monopolies aimed only at hoarding.
  20. Seems perfect. Thanks.
  21. Some specialty resources should be seeded randomly. Very gamey but there's no other way to stop monopoly over contracts. Or the Economic model could be developed to mimic trade protection measures as they were in place. While there were monopolies sponsored by the "crown" there was also a mandatory measure so that the acquired produce HAD to reach the market. Example being sugar. It had to go to market, companies couldn't simply hoard it and wait for "crisis" speculation.
  22. Sun and shadow yellow and blue shading. Can someone take a screenshot in the same position and lighting @ ultra ?
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