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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. ( bold added ) Sounds like something that can happen in nation chat / clan chat / voice comms already without a mandatory code system to be made in game. I think it is commonly known as - multiplayer - playing with other people ( or other players ). - although - It is a very interesting proposition.
  2. Why not engage capital campers ? Want PvP or not ? Newcomers follow the lead, not the loudest voice
  3. Player made pvp content aka. You either want pvp or you don't: - attack the raiders harassing around the zones - Belize, KPR, Fort Royal, Mortimer, etc - who cares about the battle timer, just engage them. Have a battle. Have fun. It is not a ego contest. - surpass the "holy grail of crafted ships that cannot be lost". Gather your handful of buddies, equip the NPC shop ships and go out and engage enemies. - grow a heart of oak. engage enemies in battle. give them a good fight, a proper fight and keep gallant even in loss. No one will "bruise your ego". - it is a combat game. someone will win, someone will lose. As the loading screen tip has it - "What was the most you lost in a single coin toss ? " Seriously. It is not a matter of Clan power. It is a matter of wanting to fight or not. RvR aside there's a rampant assumption that "win button" is needed to have fun. Combat is fun and most combats i've been having, some won, some lost, are with NPC shop ships or with crafted ships with basic modules or whatever I can scrap from the stores ( my choice entirely as I do not really have time to farm the PvE drops ). So... you either want to pvp or not. Reasons are nothing but excuses. Grab your buddies, buy some shop 5th rates and engage the enemy.
  4. Well, not Sailaway level of study sim. So with just practice it becomes fairly streamlined for any player, this is the bottom rock credible level on control. The Auto "instructor" doesn't give any edge and that is good. Good changes.
  5. Captains, The discussion is server agnostic Is there obligation for PVP server to protect PVE only veterans? no mention of specific server so keep it focused and without going overboard with your language and personal feelings.
  6. Proposition is interesting. Will try to look for drills for the gun deck batteries to see if there's anything even similar to this as an order.
  7. Apart from the sloops, schooner and brigs, the Constitution is the ship. Definitely the model that fuses all learned through the centuries before.
  8. Despite her extraordinary qualities, as you say Slim, isn't the ease of access ( mere 200 pve marks ) one of the reasons she is the best "bang for the buck" 4th rates ?
  9. I do play on a window of 2 hours. Thank for checking my personal agenda. Don't do it again, please.
  10. Exactly. Flying a passenger liner from Paris to Dakar in a game can be fun, no ?
  11. Yep I remember it fox2run. Was 15 minutes enter battle but also - No teleports, only the 'back to capital' every 4 hours, no buildings for production and no outposts. Sail everywhere and fight and go from town to town trying to buy resources or fill the contracts. Yep.
  12. I get what you say. Guess that's one way to do it. Player choices I guess. Day in day out, 2 hour sessions are good enough to plan, execute and see progression. Reasonable progression at sail and wind speed
  13. 10.x was the patch corsair life is living off the land the best way one can, using NA as a venue to do it. some say it is "not pvp" I played the Global during that patch acting french corsair. Good fun. Well, let me say this - Sailing is what brings players, any players, all players, together. they sail into each other. Sailing is what makes OW battles happen. Chance encounters, combats between hunt squadrons, ganks and whatnot. Today a loss, tommorrow a win. Now, not wanting to have the previous cargo stolen is one thing, but totally and utterly removing it from pvp content is a bit too much to bear But, nothing lost. Just another phase.
  14. Player actions with depth... ... let's see... Player made choices leading to results. Results being neither positive/negative in any player point of view, but part of the age of sail west indies naval life and war experience ? You mean "to put all eggs in one basket" type of depth and then negatively point that there's no safety anywhere in a pvp world ?
  15. Guess you can say that, for a part of us players. The other part would welcome the naval experience, as we do with all the changes.
  16. The possibility and reality of a 32 gun frigate deliberating attacking a frigate twice the tonnage ( 670 versus 1100 ), almost twice the guns and with three brig consorts, combined broadside greater that the offender. That's how orders were carried out. Not only when the captain wanted but what had to be done. That's how (XP) station was gained, and how many rewards were given. Gladly the Navy fellow didn't have to build the ship himself, right ? But he had that one ship. One ship, one crew and a mission. And the wind. Which brings me to wondering if leeway could make it in.
  17. Funny that the 10.x corsair campaign was tested on Global, with reduced numbers. So yeah I can only imagine how it have been on my home EU server. Funny that when I see other games in a "similar" vein, things take weeks and months with lots of multiplayer cooperation and planning. Here we, the general public, want it right away. Something odd this way comes...
  18. 10.x ... my dear... I keep you in my heart. immense trade raiding happened far away from land. Acting truly corsair and making headlines. Operating in the trade routes, being chased through storms, truly cinematic sequences of attacking a convoy and snatching the trader under the guns of the escort...Tears did not fall, they did crash all around. Whether we want it or not, it was pvp content provided by choices. Many trade convoys did thwart the raiders. Spectacular defenses put up by those that really meant to defend their precious cargo. Now... nothing... 1/12th of what was... it still happens but... not even comparable. Now...Hugging ports all over again. Even the 180 seconds to join battle accommodate for port sitting, with 1 minute left to join. Well, nothing lost really. Just another phase Actually good. Made me return to the big ships and learn again. Refreshing.
  19. Nor is any ship All of them will come out damaged. On the other side of the spectrum, light winds. Where the big hulks will have to struggle a bit more and corvettes and brigs and lighter vessels feel at home. Question is... can the OW battle instances have variable wind ? Meaning every single instance may have different wind speeds ? And if it is possible...Would we like that or we would only like that when it suits ourselves ?
  20. The Prince was caught by a 74 ( amongst other ships ) exactly due to strong winds in which her lightness was more of a prejudice than an advantage, just for the sake of example.
  21. Shouldn't the speed %% be based on specific angle for that ship and not affect the entire curve ?
  22. Without variable wind to make rates best or worse the linear values are always that - a meta - no matter how they are changed. Even if the maximum recorded speed of a ship would represent the absolute top in game speed ( with wood, mods and knowledge and perks ) how long until we all use it ? Would it really make a difference ? I doubt the majority does variation. Some do. At squadron level the amount of ships variation is more visible though, when compared to single ships. As I see it we have two types of "insurance" in the PvP world - number of ships on friendly side and speed. It is really the odd part of the "age of sail simulation" where truly exceptional captains would engage 2 or 3 times the amount of firepower ( will make a series of 'newspaper' on this ) and we keep on throwing higher numbers or use speed to avoid combat. There's no cost to put a ship to sea. Thanks @admin for review of speed mods.
  23. Like someone said the other day, in PvP the road from Midshipmap to Admiral of the Fleet "should be challenging, a continuous fight against a world of enemies, should cost as much as an eye and an arm and get shot through the spine in the end while commanding the ultimate fleet in battle", figuratively speaking but you get the meaning.
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