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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Cabin boys should never be allowed near such delicate devices.
  2. Double Dutch ?! Dare Devils !?
  3. You bet ... but but... ... don't say no baby...never say no
  4. You don't play anymore from all you've been saying. Anything else to add but bitterness trolling ?
  5. Exactly. Conquest, inadvertently, now places a decision making layer on the clans. - which ports are important and for what exactly - naval bases for expansion ? - trade hubs for resources ? - ship building facilities close to conflict areas ? Maybe it is all wishful thinking. I know we players can subvert any interesting experience.
  6. Flag empty PBs = no timers round earth flips. Anything that promotes circumvention of proper battle is a no go. Clans, change your timers in the ports you actually want to keep. So so so so many ports remain fully open... We either want PvP or not.
  7. Hope all is well. o7
  8. Ah, thanks Krists, wasn't really sure
  9. No need to explain Captain Mikocen By the way, when anyone logs in, please inform if the Global set of Forged Papers has been added as redeemables. Many thanks
  10. "Probably" is nothing good Sir. Is just blank powder charges, excellent to train crews to reload faster, not to hit anything. ~S~
  11. Captains of the Black Flag are well and active Pagan Pete having hardware issues from what we were informed. They are the archetype pyrate community and the very first name brotherhood of the coast in NA. Plus... #storytime !
  12. One Global Server. Thank you. It is a great feeling to have the companions from all over the world sharing of the same open world. Snappy salute.
  13. Yes. Imagine Gunpowder from Guataca. Say I put 3 contracts up, using 3 different trade contacts, effectively three different players. I will stall it all. As a extreme, 100 ships sail in to buy it, but only 3 ships sail out. 97 ships not making way on trade routes. But all good, getting on unknown grounds, was just wishful thinking to put ships, whatever ships, sailing around, that are not NPCs and orbiting free ports.
  14. Fixed contracts is what stalls and turns continuous movement of produce and resources trade back and forth totally stale. Instead of full produce at maintenance, feed the towns along the entire 21 hours... A bit here, a bit there, updating the trader tool (A) every now and then...
  15. I wasn't talking about PvE. Talking about ship crafting with a multitude of options as I posted somewhere in suggestions. No drops, no modules, all options craftable as you craft the ship. There's a misunderstanding going on due to misinterpretation of what was written. Certainly.
  16. Yep. something we been saying Quineloe. Try not to read what we write with our mind, I think Z was genuine and not sarcastic. Actually some suggestions posted were exactly what he said - do away with drops - enhance the shipwright options.
  17. Fast and Blind chess mix would be interesting for boarding. Abstract simulation of the chaos in the smoke
  18. I am pretty sure that is not the truth. If certain nations wouldn't be so adamant on RL affiliations to a game nation those same nations would get great popularity as well. If you are referring to native English language countries, well, yes. Many do chose USA and GB due to RL reasons.... whatever that means in a game.
  19. Last seen escaping downwind, in great haste, from a shop Cherubim frigate leaving EliteDelta to a uncertain fate. ( was a great battle btw, o7 )
  20. I play air combat sim in US server, 130 ping, huge 1:1 scale instance with a whole lot of entities and players. No issues. I did play a full campaign in Global. Only two PBs played but a fair lot of OW encounters. No issues. It comes down to two things - own connection stability ( some ISPs are really bad for gaming ) and overall type of connection ( satellite folk from the outback might suffer the most ). So I am good and even promote the Caribbean server to be based on US - central point for EU, US and AUS/SEA, if all other concerns are dismissed ( at the tech level. 24/7 service is never )
  21. Total revamp to Navy Board abstract system. "Pay" to put the ship in the water. ( navies cut down expenses in peace time... Peace of Amiens for example ). Have infinite repairs but keep the cooldowns as we have them, increasingly higher per use and diminishing returns.
  22. Yes. Two colors. Personally dislike too many chat tabs.
  23. It is not uncommon in complex games for odd results to show in the most great implementations Could it be that it is a unintended artificial way of high sternway speed - let's say 5 knots - , maybe concerning the momentum gain ( you can go from full stop to 5 knots in 5 seconds just by properly putting the yards and drop all stays and jibs ) to overcome a credible RL simulated difficulty as presented by the game ?! After all we go out and test all this stuff under duress of cannon fire
  24. Not tacking. Actually on purpose and keeping the yards manually always on the eye. A 44 gun frigate can very fast reach 5 knots in a blink of an eye and actually escape a boarding action being prepared.
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