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Everything posted by brothermunro

  1. I mean the devs have updated again so it won’t be but when they do start on 1.7 they’ll ‘lock’ 1.6 and whatever version it is when that happens will be available through steam for people to revert to. I’ll try to make sure that DIP v2 is available and built around whatever that version is so people can play it easily.
  2. Quite possibly the last update for DIP v2, I'm hoping Opt x4 will be the 'last stable version' on steam when 1.7 arrives. Work on DIP v3 is progressing, I'm hoping to release it this month
  3. Hello! When the shell hits it has to roll to pen each layer successively. Main, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. This means that you can force 4 pen rolls and greatly increase the chance that a shell is stopped. You’re quite correct in how to work out the effectiveness of each layer - the game doesn’t simulate the shell being slowed down by each layer directly beyond the modifiers. You are also correct that the third layer is the most important, so why bother with the main? Well as I understand it if you stop a shell using a layer the game registers a partial pen which still does damage. A thick main belt will be able to actually block or bounce shells, leading to zero damage. And of course your inner layer thickness is dependent on how thick the main layer is.
  4. Overpens can be a little off, in vanilla I believe they are still twice the penetration but there’s quite a lot of other factors going on. I mean in vanilla you’re probably best off just armouring against the HE spam, ignore AP protection for extreme speed and more guns and embrace your inner Jackie Fisher.
  5. With your questions: Q: Historical accuracy of a 14”/3” main/extended belt. This depends on which ship you look at, but yes this would be a historically acceptable layout for an all or nothing ship. As an example a KGV had a 14.7”/1.5” scheme. However older ships had much thicker extended belts in a distributed armour scheme, the Bayern for instance had 13.8”/6.7”. Q: AP hits to extended. The idea here in real life would be to reduce the armour so that AP shells go right through and don’t explode, but still strong enough to block HE shells. Ships were designed so that the stuff in the unprotected bits of the ship were not mission critical (stores, berths etc) and the ship could stay afloat even if they flooded (not all ships stuck to that but it was a good idea). Q: how do you armour? I still use the method you describe but I play on a modded game where the penetration is way lower.
  6. I toned down crew costs *a lot* from vanilla, though it’s possible more recent updates have broken that. You are playing Spain though, they are a tough one economically and if you’ve been at war for a while it’ll be even worse.
  7. Compatibility update out. I know there have been a few reports of no ships on campaign start. If you are having this please let me know & double check you are running the campaign in slow mode (as mixed/fast is known to cause issues).
  8. Thank you for documenting a new param!
  9. As in you don’t see any hulls available for any ship type?
  10. I think it was lowered the invasion threshold to 25,000 tons
  11. A ‘cool off’ truce period would be most welcome, 5 years sounds about right
  12. As is a new version of DIPV2 which should solve any issues
  13. You’ll need the version of TAF that matches the current UAD version
  14. I’ve been digging around in these modes for my modding work so I might be able to answer, Nick is free to correct me as always! added what I call a ‘blob’ of designs. It’s one file but inside there’s about 20,000 design files covering 1890-1950 for all nations and ship types. These designs also seem able to bypass the usual checks the game does on shared designs like if a country has all the components researched, it just seems to care about the year and if the thing can physically be built. This then feeds into the new game modes: Slow is traditional UAD, every design is generated when needed. Mixed uses the ‘blob’ of shared designs when you start a campaign, but only then. After that the game generates designs on the fly as normal. Fast uses blob designs exclusively. I haven’t tried this but if you try a fast mode campaign you may find the ai using more advanced designs than they would otherwise be able to make. The caveat here is that the blob designs are still the same sort of designs the AI usually makes, they’re just already created. It’s absolutely possible to make those designs better (for instance by using an armour generator file with TAF) but only by improving the AI builder itself and then regenerating a new batch of 20,000 ships.
  15. The ai paying you off and avoiding war isn’t new, but the game now makes it much more obvious when this is happening (which is a good thing imo)
  16. Yet more compatibility! I also increased the shipyard and port caps in line with the vanilla changes, but I kept the province income cap the same to try and keep economies under control.
  17. I think this is the pre behaviour (it’s triggering the ‘someone has declared war on you’ event) it’s just that previously we wouldn’t know about the ai picking the ‘buy them off’ option (relations would just go up).
  18. Just so I’m clear privince_income_tension_modifier decreases tension the larger the value? If it is set to a very large value does that cause fleets to not cause any tension at all? If set to a very small value does that cause a lot of tension? Further negative_tension_threshold & tension_power_threshold do not affect tension at all, only raiding and such? (I’m Trying to figure out how the tension system operates)
  19. Resistance pops up as an issue every now and then. Still think the best option would be for the devs to cap the damage reduction it can give at a value lower than 100% - then they don’t have to do repeated fixes or fiddly busy work like adjusting the values in parts
  20. You’re probably coming up against a ship with a very high resistance which is reducing any incoming damage to near zero.
  21. More compatibility updates! I also used the old events file from to address the AI nations exploding due to GDP failure.
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