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Everything posted by brothermunro

  1. I have done so 🫡
  2. Version 2, V3 and the Great Game have all been updated for Opt x4 which can be rolled back to via Steam if you go to the 'betas' menu. In addition I have made some changes to engines and horsepower calculations which should help with destroyer construction, and I have also made Gas Turbines cheaper. 1.7 support will take a while!
  3. Yes in version 3 (but not the great game version because I got rid of all the minors 😅). It happens when a minor nation launches a land invasion against another one and takes the province. It can be fixed by editing the save, which is very tedious. I'm hoping @NathanKell can disable minors launching invasions through TAF 😇
  4. I’ll be back to DIP development next week, I’ll get V2 and V3 updated for the 1.6 version you can get via the steam rollback to previous stable version feature. After that I’ll begin on getting V3 updated for 1.7
  5. Yeah the small ships needed too much horsepower, things are better in the version under testing. The AI can struggle still, but this seems to just limit it spamming DD’s early.
  6. Yes, as the instructions to downgrade to Opt x6 are relatively simple and don’t require the steam console 😅
  7. With 1.7 on the way I am hoping updates to 1.6 will stop. This will allow me and Rocket to actually work on the mod without chasing our own tails, and folks won't have to use the steam console to downgrade the version. V2 will be updated to next week at some point, as will the Great Game. Regular V3 though is still running into the minor invasions causing a soft lock, I think disabling that behaviour will help but that will take some time to do. With 1.7 I do not intend to make V2 availible for it. V3 & The Great Game will be ported to 1.7 at some point but this will be once 1.7 reaches a stable state, by which I mean it hasn't been updated in at least a couple of weeks.
  8. Yup, unless the game crashes or fails to load a campaign the 'failed to create design' error is quite normal. This will be solved somewhat with the engine improvements in b2, and fixed completely once we get the mixed/fast modes working.
  9. Fixed on internal testing version, will be coming with b2
  10. For those getting 'you do not have .NET' errors installing melon loader this should be fixed by downloading the latest version from Microsoft: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/
  11. I've updated v2 for the latest opt x6 patch. V3 does run on x6 with TAF 3.16.7 which is in the hot patch. However on the regular version the minor nations seem to cause unresolvable crashes when they start invading each other. The Great Game version does not have minors, and therefore does not have this issue.
  12. This is, as far as I can tell, a vanilla issue. It doesn’t happen in the great game version because I got rid of all the minor nations (which cause a lot of problems)
  13. That’s her ‘official’ tonnage, in UAD she’d be 722 tons and a TB - but I love a data point, I’ll try to build her… Indeed there is an issue, the engine is about 1000 hp (or 12.5%) too large (although even at minimum beam the U.S. TbD hull is thicker than the Bainbridge was). I’ll adjust
  14. Try reducing the beam, that helps a lot with fast designs. As a historical example the RN A-Class destroyer of 1913 used coal fired triple expansion engines and could only get to 26 knots and they were tiny 300 ton things. A Paulding class was closer in displacement to your ship (at 900 or so tons) and faster at 29.5 knots but used oil fired turbines. Fuel is also crazy heavy right across the board for everything at the moment, and seeing as how that also impacts mission generation I’ll probably look into improving that.
  15. You need to design these ships slower than you are used to in previous versions, and invest in better engine techs (steam basic will be terrible), as most of the weight is going on engines as I updated the engine calculations to give more realistic horsepower requirements. As compensation torpedo tubes are also more realistically weighted and therefore much much lighter. I’m open to balancing it of course! Can you send a screenshot of an attempted design?
  16. Yes (sadly), given that updates can cause havoc I strongly recommend that you create a version locked copy of the game when you start a new campaign.
  17. The version 3 beta is now out on the Nexus. There are two versions: DIP v3: A lot of the minor nations are now playable! Mostly historical (aside from the super Netherlands, an alternative file is included if you want Belgium to exist for some reason). DIP The Great Game: No minors at all (except Switzerland), adds two alt history nations, the Byzantine Empire and Scandinavia. Install guide: How to Install DIPv3 https://youtu.be/X0RSOnNpZ9Y
  18. Uh, mines aren’t that hard, just turn the components back on for non TB’s and un nerf them in params. Subs on the other hand I really took out
  19. There’s a massive rework of all things guns related coming in v3
  20. Compatibility update now out that should fix this issue
  21. Nexus buggered it. I've uploaded a hotfix see if that works
  22. Not a compatibility update?! 2.4 Added new easy difficulty. Changed peace/war events so that if the player or ai decides to try and buy off another country they get a much larger relations boost. This should reduce the never ending mega wars.
  23. Updated DIP for the x7 update which should fix the grey screen issue
  24. My understanding is yes, but that would require the devs updating the underlying Unity engine version the game runs on. (Even then Unity’s multithreading is… well not the best shall we say). That’s a much bigger job than it sounds, and can introduce a lot of issues.
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