Interesting points, just my from my own experience:
Ship Builder - I like the tightening up of the designer. You really do have to make a decision between the balance of firepower, protection, and speed. The earlier versions allowed you to make pretty crazy ships which had lots of everything. Adding difficult choices and trade offs I think makes the game more fun, especially long term.
Reload Speed - I’ll let those more qualified make historical comparisons but I genuinely don’t find reload times to be excessively long, they feel pretty appropriate to the era and I rarely feel the need to use autoloaders.
Fleet Formations - the formations are better than they used to be. The ‘anti avoidance’ system I wish I could just turn off. Ships sometimes get stuck or wander off doing the strangest thing. Any major changes to your fleet composition tend to resemble a cloud of angry bees more than a polished naval unit. I’d love to see a pre battle deployment option where you can set your ships up. As well the UI & behaviour of the unit cards is still pretty wonky, it’s easy to mess up divisions by accidentally merging them for instance.
Visuals - An after action report would be a godsend! I think the game looks pretty good though. Doubly so when you consider the size of the team. Graphical polish is something that can be done later as far as I’m concerned. Oh except the brown UI elements and typefaces that came in CP0.5 - not a fan.
AI Goofs - the AI loves to leave transports it is defending to their fate. Some of the AI designs are pretty out there as well (though that has a certain charm).
Dev Feedback - I think the devs wanted to make ship design more difficult - so your complaint (as you put it) made it more likely for them to put it in. The devs are pretty… quiet. Whilst I’d love to hear more from them if it’s a choice between that or them getting some more stuff done I’ll choose the stuff.