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Everything posted by brothermunro

  1. In order: Yes you can change the torp damage multiplier in params Ship types lets you mess around with the class requirements Rather than removing the sub techs just delete the ‘unlock’ bits of them - that way no subs are available to build You can make the mine techs unlock in 1999 in technologies and/or set the max minefield size to be zero in params Guns - that’s a horrible file to edit though! Yup you can adjust shell types in technologies Yes, also in ship types. Some hulls have specific maximums in parts as well. Not as far as I know! Hope that helps!
  2. Once you’ve saved your design you’ll need to order ships from the ship design screen. This will spread the build cost out over the time to build the ships. So for example if you have a $500m design and it takes 30 months to build you’ll be paying $16.67m per month per ship ordered. This comes out of your monthly balance. Your naval funds will only go down if you have a negative balance or you get an event that uses them.
  3. The middle ‘gun’ looks like they added a tube and painted it to confuse the enemy into thinking they had fancy triple turret technology 😂 (it appears to not have a barrel!)
  4. New version 1.10.0 brings Opt x2 compatibility and: Lowered the threshold that the Ai will (supposedly) stop ordering ships to 90% of their total shipyard capacity (previously this was 125%). Lowered battle avoidance threshold. Lowered the AI risk factor to make them fight more aggressively. I'm aware identification now seems really slow, I don't know why as I haven't changed anything to do with that (I'm not even sure I can)
  5. When you build a ship you get the ‘choose port’ option on the fleet screen while it is under construction. If you click that it opens a list of all the ports you can build the ship in. If you right click any of them they’ll get a little star and always appear at the top of the list
  6. Compatibility update for the latest Opt x1 patch now out on the Nexus
  7. @Halsey Looking into the game's penetration model for too long will lead to madness. However as someone who has done exactly that there are a couple of things that could be happening here (neither of which are mod related): Deck skipping - this is when you get a close range hit but it hits the deck and does not ricochet - deck pen at close ranges is terrible so it gets blocked Pen overflow - this is when the pen is so much larger than the overpen threshold (which is x3 in DIP) it goes around again and becomes blocked.
  8. New update to 1.9.0 mostly for compatibility with but I also tweaked the formation system to make them less drunk, reduced the prices of the targeting control towers, and reversed the torpedo damage reduction on transports and destroyers (they now take extra damage).
  9. If you are referring to how the ships in a division are being a bit odd then that is not something I directly altered. However the mod does reduce acceleration and deceleration so formations being wonky is more apparent. I’m looking into a fix
  10. Small update, but you can now fit guns larger than 15" on the late game US battlecruiser hulls.
  11. If you haven’t seen @MDHansen ‘s techgroups improvement sub mod you should because it is excellent https://www.nexusmods.com/ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts/mods/10
  12. Two things, I increased attacker power in params (it doesn’t do much but it does lower the required tonnage a bit) and I also made the port strike damage 90% so if it’s a one port province strike it once, then invade and it should be doable.
  13. Mod works fine on the opt x2 patch, just redownload & reinstall
  14. No I haven't changed the AI behaviour, I think I did make some slight adjustments to how far away from the flagship scouts will go but that didn't cause them to yolo into the enemy before!
  15. Current version of the mod also works on Opt, you just need to redownload & reinstall
  16. Yes there’s params for acceleration & deceleration (and I think turning)
  17. That’s mostly down to the range found bonus which has dominated all things aiming related for some time 😅
  18. Updated for Economy changes aren't being carried over if they are in params.
  19. I will also say that tube powder in DIP works a bit differently to vanilla; it is a lower velocity, lower ranged propellant that is safer than cordite. The base accuracy boost and range malus work together to make tube power the superior choice for a brawler not a sniper.
  20. 1.5 made significant changes to how aiming works, it now scales on distance vs the range of your guns. From my own testing high end late game ships can get 10-20% per shell hit chances at 20-30km which on a full salvo of 8/9 guns means that the salvo hit chance is pretty high. Given historical battle ranges in WW2 were frequently less than 20km, with the longest hits around the 25km mark this seems ok to me. Possibly the only issue I have at the moment is that I feel that the penetration of the guns, especially the battleship guns, is a little too high. I cannot fix that without breaking saves and designs so looking at that is for the next major update.
  21. Mod seems to be working fine on just redownload and reinstall @McGib I'm looking into the issue you described at the moment! Edit: I'm not seeing this behaviour in my own French campaign which has been going since the beta. I'm going to put it up on my discord and the nexus page and see if I can get some others with this problem to help me narrow down what is causing it.
  22. Ah thank you, I meant more on a set of particular parts or even individual ones rather than all of them 😅 but that’s a very interesting param to know about
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